1. The Government expanded the procedure for transferring state-owned property, adding special provisions regarding defense industry complex property. The procedure for transferring defense enterprises’ property has been simplified without coordination with the State Property Fund.
2. The procedure for managing assets confiscated under sanctions legislation has been changed. ARMA now has 10 days to sell “Military Bonds” and 3 days to transfer confiscated funds to the budget.
3. A plan of measures for implementing the Cybersecurity Strategy for 2025 has been approved, which provides for creating cyber troops, strengthening critical infrastructure protection, and developing international cooperation with NATO and the EU.
4. The National Bank approved a new Instruction for evaluating systemically important payment systems based on 18 international principles, including requirements for legal framework, risk management, and settlement security.
5. The Ministry of Health introduced an electronic rating distribution system for internship and updated the rules for its passage. The system automates the distribution of medical university graduates and allows internship in private institutions at state expense.
Review of each of legal acts published today:
On the Accounting Price of Banking Metals
This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing accounting prices for banking metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium).
The document structure is simple – a table indicating metal codes (numeric and literal), measurement unit (troy ounce), and established accounting price in hryvnias for each metal as of 11.03.2025.
Key provisions:
– Gold is valued at 119,985.80 UAH per ounce
– Silver – 1,343.43 UAH per ounce
– Platinum – 40,177.62 UAH per ounce
– Palladium – 39,691.67 UAH per ounce
It is important to note that these prices are accounting prices, and the NBU explicitly states that it does not undertake obligations to buy or sell metals at the specified prices. These quotations are used for accounting, customs, and other calculations.
On the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia to Foreign Currencies
This is an official notification by the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing exchange rates of foreign currencies against the hryvnia as of 11.03.2025.
The document structure is a table with official exchange rates for 35 foreign currencies. For each currency, its numeric and literal code, number of units, full name, and rate against the hryvnia are indicated.
Key provisions:
– The base currency is the US dollar with a rate of 41.2870 UAH
– Euro is set at 44.7716 UAH
– The highest rate is for the British pound sterling – 53.4006 UAH
– Rates are established for accounting and NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine
– An important caveat: the NBU does not undertake obligations to buy or sell currencies at the specified rates
This daily notification is the basis for reflecting currency transactions in accounting and is used for official calculations by state bodies.
On Amendments to the Regulation on the Procedure for Transferring State-Owned Property Objects
Essence of changes:
The resolution expands the procedure for transferring state-owned property objects, adding special provisions regarding defense industry complex property. The document details the procedure for transferring property of state defense industry enterprises and production capacities created under defense contracts to the management of an authorized entity for managing state-owned objects in the defense-industrial complex.
Structure and main changes:
1. Expanded scope of the Regulation to defense-industrial complex objects
2. Added new categories of property that can be transferred (defense-purpose production capacities, property of state defense industry enterprises)
3. Defined powers of the authorized management entity and the Ministry of Strategic Industries
4. Simplified procedure for transferring defense enterprise property (without coordination with the State Property Fund)
Key application provisions:
– Possibility of transferring any property of state unitary and state-owned enterprises in the defense-industrial complex
– Special procedure for transferring production capacities created under defense contracts
– Expansion of powers of the authorized management entity in the defense-industrial complexHere is the translation of the first document:
On Amendments to the Procedure for Managing Assets Subject to a Court Decision on Applying Sanctions Provided for in Paragraph 1-1 of Part One of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions”
Essence of the Act:
The Resolution introduces amendments to the procedure for managing assets confiscated under sanctions legislation. The main focus is on managing government bonds and monetary funds. The document details the mechanisms for transferring/selling confiscated government bonds and the procedure for transferring funds to the state budget.
Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Changes concern two points of the basic Procedure (paragraphs 14 and 15)
2. The new version of paragraph 14 establishes two options for handling confiscated government bonds:
– Transfer to the State Property Fund account for further redemption
– Sale through a professional capital market participant
3. Supplement to paragraph 15 regulates the procedure for transferring confiscated funds to the budget
Key Provisions for Application:
– Funds from the sale of confiscated assets are directed to the fund for eliminating the consequences of armed aggression
– ARMA has 10 working days to sell “Military Bonds” after the relevant Cabinet of Ministers decision
– Upon receipt of a court decision on cash confiscation, ARMA has 3 working days to transfer them to the budget
– All operations with government bonds are carried out through professional market participants, 100% of whose shares are owned by the stateThe document defines the distribution of the remaining special fund budget funds amounting to 52.94 million UAH, which were received as subventions from local budgets to support defense capability. The funds are directed to the Ministry of Defense to ensure the activities of the Armed Forces, personnel training, and medical support for military personnel.
Document structure:
The order consists of two points: the first defines the amount and direction of fund use, the second establishes tasks for the Ministry of Finance and State Treasury regarding the technical implementation of fund redistribution.
Key provisions:
– Total redistribution amount is 52.94 million UAH, of which 12.6 million UAH are current expenditures, 40.34 million UAH are development expenditures
– Funds are directed to budget program 2101020 to ensure the activities of the Armed Forces
– The Ministry of Finance must make corresponding changes to the budget schedule
– The State Treasury is responsible for the actual transfer of funds
On the Transfer of Specific Individually Defined Property to the Ownership of Territorial Communities of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Ternopil, and Kherson Regions
The essence of the order is to transfer special fire-fighting equipment and equipment to the ownership of specific territorial communities in four regions of Ukraine – Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Ternopil, and Kherson. The property is transferred to ensure fire safety at the local level.
The document structure is simple – consisting of a main directive point and an appendix with a detailed list of property. The appendix specifies specific vehicles with their technical characteristics (year of manufacture, chassis/body number) and clearly defines which territorial community each unit of equipment is transferred to.
Key important provisions:
– Mainly special fire-fighting equipment (fire trucks of various models) is transferred
– Boryspil City Territorial Community receives the most equipment (5 units of equipment and fire-technical equipment)
– Equipment from various years of manufacture – from 1977 to 2012
– Represented by both domestic (ZIL, KAMAZ) and imported (SCANIA, IVECO-MAGIRUS, TATA) vehicles
– Each unit of equipment is clearly identified by chassis/body number
Issues of the Supervisory Board of the State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine “Defense Procurement Agency”
Essence of the act: The order concerns the appointment of two persons – Havryliuk I.Yu. and Haider S.M. – as members of the supervisory board of the State Enterprise “Defense Procurement Agency” subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. These persons are appointed as state representatives on the supervisory board.
Act structure: The document has a simple format of a Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine order, consisting of one point in the operative part. This is a typical form for approving candidates to supervisory boards of state enterprises.
Key provisions:
– Approval concerns specifically state representatives on the supervisory board
– Appointment is made to a strategically important enterprise in the field of defense procurement
– The decision was made at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of appointments and level of controlEnterprise Activity
This order is part of the process of forming a corporate governance system in state-owned defense enterprises through the mechanism of supervisory boards.
On Approval of the Letter of Expectations for the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer” for 2025
This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves the owner’s letter of expectations for the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer” for 2025. The document is a typical administrative act regarding the management of a state-owned enterprise.
The document structure is simple – consisting of one point, which approves the letter of expectations attached to the original order. This is a standard form for such types of acts.
Key points:
– The document concerns the state enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer”, which is an important participant in the electricity market
– The letter of expectations is a document that defines key performance indicators and expected results of the enterprise’s work for the year
– Approval of the letter of expectations is a mandatory procedure for state-owned enterprises in accordance with legislation on state property management
It should be noted that the letter of expectations itself is not a public document, as it is attached only to the original order.
On Amending the Composition of the Identification Committee on Science Matters
This is a technical order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which amends the personal composition of the Identification Committee on Science Matters.
The essence of the changes is to correct the patronymic of one of the committee members – Yesylevskyi Semen. Instead of “Olehovych”, “Oleksandrovych” is indicated. Other data regarding this person (position, place of work) remain unchanged.
This is a purely technical correction to ensure the accuracy of personal data of a committee member. The order does not change the functions, powers, or work procedure of the committee itself.
The main point is the correction of an error in the document regarding the patronymic of a committee member who is a scientific researcher at a Czech scientific institution. The document contains no other changes.
On Inclusion of the Industrial Park “SOLVA-TECH” in the Register of Industrial Parks
This is an order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on including the new industrial park “SOLVA-TECH” in the official Register of Industrial Parks of Ukraine. The park is being created in Svalyava, Zakarpattia Oblast, for 30 years, with LLC “Solva-Eco” acting as its initiator.
The document structure is simple – two points, where the first contains the direct decision to include it in the Register, and the second defines the key parameters of the park: initiator, operational period, and location.
The most important practical aspects are:
– Official recognition of “SOLVA-TECH” as an industrial park, which gives the right to legislative benefits and preferences
– Long-term operation (30 years), creating stable conditions for investors
– Location in Zakarpattia Oblast, which has strategic significance due to proximity to EU borders
This is a typical order on inclusion of an industrial park in the Register of Industrial Parks.