Essence of Changes:
The resolution amends the procedure for granting combatant status to persons who collaborated with law enforcement agencies on a confidential basis in combat zones and occupied territories. The main changes relate to expanding the circle of persons who can obtain such status and clarifying the procedure for its granting.
Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Criteria for obtaining status have been changed – now the fact of task execution is sufficient, not only their “successful execution”
2. A new category of persons has been added – those who were in captivity (except cases of voluntary surrender)
3. Changes have been made regarding the composition of commissions that consider the issue of status granting
4. The list of persons who can be involved in the status granting procedure has been expanded
Key Application Points:
– Combatant status can be granted to persons who performed resistance movement tasks, even if these tasks were not successfully completed
– Prisoners of war (except those who surrendered voluntarily) now have the right to obtain status
– Not only commanders, but also military personnel can be involved in the status granting procedure
– A report from the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces unit commander is now one of the grounds for granting status