Here is the translation:
1. Subject of Dispute: Recognition of Monetary Claims of Creditors in the Bankruptcy Case of the State Enterprise “Research Farm ‘Peremoga'”.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– The court confirmed the monetary claims of LLC “Zakhid-Agro-Tekhnika” and LLC “LIV-Tekhnik”, as they are confirmed by court decisions.
– The court noted that indisputable creditor claims can be reviewed only in exceptional cases.
– Regarding the claims of LLC “Trading Enterprise ‘Agrohim-Partner'”, the court pointed to the need for additional investigation of primary documents.
3. Court Decision: Partially satisfy the cassation appeal – leave unchanged the decision regarding the claims of LLC “Zakhid-Agro-Tekhnika” and LLC “LIV-Tekhnik”, cancel the decision regarding the claims of LLC “Trading Enterprise ‘Agrohim-Partner'” and send the case for a new review.