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On Amendments to the Agenda of the Twelfth Session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation

Resolution amends the agenda of the twelfth session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the ninth convocation, including 5 new draft laws. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points and an annex containing a list of draft laws. The annex includes registration numbers, legislative initiative subjects, draft law titles, and heads of main committees. Among…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in Connection with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated February 14, 2024 No. 1-r(II)/2024 Regarding Guaranteeing the Protection of Individual Rights and Freedoms by a Decision of the European Court of Human Rights

Resolution concerns the adoption of a draft law as a basis, which introduces amendments to legislative acts of Ukraine to bring them in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points: the first is…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Article 111 of the Criminal Executive Code of Ukraine in Connection with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated December 20, 2023 No. 11-r(II)/2023

Resolution Concerning the Adoption of a Draft Law on Amendments to Article 111 of the Criminal Enforcement Code of Ukraine, Developed in Connection with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated 20.12.2023. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points: the first is about adopting Draft Law No. 12127 as a basis, and the second…

Draft Law on Adopting Amendments to the “Final and Transitional Provisions” Section of the Civil Code of Ukraine Regarding Specifics of Lending and Financial Leasing during Martial Law

Resolution concerns the adoption of a draft law on amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine regarding the specifics of lending and financial leasing during martial law (registration No. 12148). Structurally, the resolution consists of two points: the first is about adopting the draft law as a basis, the second is to instruct the relevant…

On Amendments to the Instruction on the Application of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting of Assets, Capital, Liabilities, and Business Operations of Enterprises and Organizations

Order Amending the Instruction on the Application of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting, Expanding and Clarifying the Accounting Rules for Certain Transactions. The Main Changes Relate to the Accounting of Client Funds in Inactive Accounts and Clarification of Provisions Regarding Assets Held for Sale or Distribution. Structurally, the order introduces amendments to three accounts: - Account…

On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations of Significant Importance for the National Economy Sector in Healthcare

The order establishes criteria for identifying enterprises, institutions, and organizations that are crucial for the healthcare sector during a special period. This is directly related to the reservation of military personnel during the mobilization period. The document consists of a preamble and 15 criteria, compliance with at least one of which provides grounds for considering…

On Amendments to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 23, 2024, No. 362

Order Amending the Previous Act of the Cabinet of Ministers Regarding Allocation of Funds from the State Budget Reserve Fund for Measures to Strengthen the State's Defense Capability. The document reduces the amount of allocated funds from 8,066,681,523 hryvnias to 7,970,613,833 hryvnias, which is a reduction of 96,067,690 hryvnias. Changes are also made to the order's…

On the Distribution of State Budget Funds Received from Local Budgets as Subvention for Supporting the State’s Defense Capability in 2024

The order regulates the allocation of funds amounting to 4.64 million hryvnias, which were received from local budgets to the state budget in the form of a subvention to support the state's defense capability in 2024. Structurally, the document consists of two points: the first defines the allocation of funds to the Ministry of Defense for…

On Amendments to the Composition of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Organization of Conscription of Military-Liable Citizens for Military Service during Mobilization

Order introduces technical changes to the composition of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Organization of Conscription of Military Reservists for Military Service during Mobilization. The document changes the job titles of two working group members: - Deputy Minister of Community and Territorial Development (the word 'infrastructure' has been removed from the ministry's name) - Head of…

On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 26, 2016, No. 779 and November 11, 2022, No. 1275

Resolution introduces amendments to two Cabinet of Ministers' acts regulating defense procurement and state defense capability enhancement programs. The document is structurally composed of two amendment blocks. The first block concerns terminological clarifications - replacing terms 'state defense order' with 'defense procurement' and 'production' with 'goods'. The second block supplements the list of grounds for…

On Amendments to the Regulation on the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and Declaring Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Matters Invalid

Resolution amends the Regulation on the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in connection with the implementation of EU Directive 2019/1023 and the introduction of preventive restructuring procedures. The powers of the Ministry of Justice in the field of preventing debtors' insolvency are being expanded. Structurally, the resolution consists of two main parts: amendments to the…

On Changes in the Composition of the Supreme Commander’s Headquarters

Decree amends the personal composition of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander - a special strategic management body of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Structurally, the decree consists of two points: the first introduces changes to the previous decree regarding the composition of the Headquarters, the second determines the procedure for entry into force. This…

On Amendments to the Procedure for Using Funds Allocated in the State Budget for Medical Assistance and Social Rehabilitation of Military Personnel at the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital

Resolution introduces amendments to the procedure for financing medical care and social rehabilitation of servicemen at the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital. Structurally, the document contains two points of changes: the first allows the use of budget funds for payment of utility services and energy resources, the second establishes the possibility of 100% advance payment when purchasing…

Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on the Organization of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities in the System of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Order Amending the Regulation on the Organization of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities in the System of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The main changes relate to terminology and clarification of official powers. Structurally, the document consists of two main parts: 1) replacement in the Regulation text of the words "First Deputy Minister of Defense of…

On Amendments and Invalidation of Certain Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the State Enterprise “National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom””

Resolution introduces amendments to numerous regulatory legal acts in connection with the change of the organizational and legal form of NAEK 'Energoatom' from a state enterprise to a joint-stock company. All changes are technical in nature and consist of replacing the words 'state enterprise' with 'joint-stock company'. Structurally, the resolution consists of two parts: the…

Amendment to the Annex of the Procedure for State Control of International Transfers of Military-Purpose Goods

Resolution amends the Procedure for Conducting State Control over International Transfers of Military-Purpose Goods, specifically updating the list of military-purpose goods subject to state control during international transfers. The document is structurally composed of two parts: the resolution on introducing amendments and an annex containing the updated list of military-purpose goods. The changes involve presenting…

On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 28, 2018, No. 214 and April 18, 2018, No. 280

Resolution Amends Two Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolutions Regarding Housing Provision for Combat Veterans and Internally Displaced Persons The main essence of the changes is establishing a one-month period for applying for monetary compensation after being placed on the housing waiting list. The resolution structurally consists of two amendment blocks: the first relates to Resolution…

On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 3, 2023, No. 1050

Resolution Amending the Experimental Project for Providing Social Services to Military Personnel and Their Family Members in Armed Forces Units The resolution introduces changes to the experimental project for providing social services to military personnel and their family members in Armed Forces units. The main change is the extension of the project implementation period until October…

On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the Use of an Extract from the Unified State Register of War Veterans for Obtaining Benefits by Certain Categories of Persons

Resolution regulates the procedure for providing benefits to family members of war veterans who were captured or went missing. The document establishes a mechanism for transferring the right to receive benefits from a war veteran to their family members in such cases. Structurally, the resolution amends three regulatory acts: - CMU Resolution…
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