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On Amendments to Annexes No. 4 and No. 12 to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 5, 2020 No. 166/2020

Essence of the Decree: The document introduces amendments to the lists of senior officer positions and corresponding military ranks in two agencies - the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine. In particular, a new Intelligence Directorate is being established in the State Border Guard Service and the list of leadership…

On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2022, No. 314

Essence of the Resolution: The document introduces changes to the procedure for conducting economic activities during martial law, in particular, clarifying the procedure for submitting declarations instead of permit documents. A new term for the validity of declarations after the end of martial law is established - until the end of the calendar year, but not…

On the Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures and Provision of State Budget Loans Envisaged for the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development for 2025, and Amendments to the Procedure and Conditions of Providing Subvention from the State Budget to Local Budgets for Restoration of Critical Infrastructure Facilities within the Framework of the Joint Project with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development “Urban Infrastructure Development Project – 2”

Resolution on Redistribution of Budget Funds for Critical Infrastructure Restoration Essence of the Resolution: The document redistributes budget funds within a project with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for restoring critical infrastructure in cities. Financing is reduced by 87.9 million hryvnias for one program and increased by the same amount for another. Funds are directed…

On Approval of the Proposal by the National Agency for Identification, Search and Management of Assets Obtained from Corruption and Other Crimes Regarding the Sale of Internal State Loan Bonds “Military Bonds”

Essence of the Order: The Government approved the sale of military bonds that were seized as state revenue by the decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court. This concerns 1.75 million bonds previously belonging to LLC "ROYAL PAY EUROPE". The proceeds from the sale will be directed to the fund for eliminating the consequences of armed aggression…

On Amendments to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 4, 2008 No. 516/2008

The essence of the decree is to amend the list of military positions that require approval from the President of Ukraine. The decree updates the names of some positions and adds a new position to the list. Structurally, the decree contains two points, where the first introduces three changes to the previous decree: 1. Changes the position…

On the Dismissal of A. Bargylevych from the Position of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This is a personnel decree of the President of Ukraine, which does not require detailed analysis, as it contains only one administrative provision on the dismissal of a specific official. 1. Essence of the decree: The President of Ukraine, by his decree, dismisses Anatolii Barhylevych from the position of Chief of the General Staff of the…

On the Appointment of A. Hnatov as the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Essence of the Decree: The President of Ukraine appointed Andrii Viktorovych Hnatov to the position of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Decree Structure: This is a typical decree on the appointment of an official, consisting of a single point in the operative part. The decree was issued within the constitutional powers of…

On Awarding State Awards of Ukraine

This decree of the President of Ukraine concerns the recognition of military personnel with state awards of Ukraine for personal courage in protecting the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The decree provides for awarding military personnel with various state awards: 1. Distinguished Service Cross - 1 person 2. Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 1st Class - 2…

On Awarding State Awards of Ukraine

This decree of the President of Ukraine concerns the recognition of military personnel with state awards for protecting the state's information space and exemplary performance of military duty. Structurally, the decree is divided into four parts corresponding to the types of awards: the Order of Danylo Halytskyi, the Medal "For Military Service to Ukraine", the Medal…

On Amendments to the Agenda of the Thirteenth Session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation

Resolution amends the agenda of the 13th session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, including three alternative draft laws on criminal liability for violations in the field of mobilization. The document structure is simple - consisting of two points and an annex. The first point indicates the inclusion of new draft laws, the second defines the…

On Directing for Second Repeated Reading the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Protection of Information and Cyber Protection of State Information Resources, Critical Information Infrastructure Objects

This is a procedural resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by which draft law No. 11290 regarding information protection and cybersecurity is directed to a repeated second reading. The structure of the resolution is simple - it consists of one point, which instructs the relevant Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence to finalize the…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding the Introduction of Criminal Liability for Violations of Legislation on Defense, Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization, Committed by Heads of Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers, Chairpersons and Members of Military Medical Commissions

The essence of the document: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted in the first reading a draft law that provides for amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine to establish criminal liability for officials of military recruitment offices and military medical commissions for violations of defense and mobilization legislation. This is the first stage of…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Criminal Liability for Infection with Infectious Diseases or Infection with Their Pathogens

Resolution on Adopting the Draft Law as a Basis, Aimed at Improving Criminal Liability for Infectious Diseases Infection This is a resolution on adopting a draft law that aims to improve criminal liability for infectious disease infection. The draft law provides for amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding responsibility for infection and spread of…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Articles 7 and 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Organization of Labor Relations under Martial Law”

Resolution on Adopting the Draft Law Amending the Law "On Organization of Labor Relations under Martial Law" Regarding Articles 7 and 13 The document structure is simple - this is a technical resolution consisting of two points: 1. Adoption of Draft Law No. 12255-1 as a basis 2. Instruction to the relevant Verkhovna Rada Committee to finalize the…

On the Establishment of a Temporary Investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to Investigate Possible Violations of Legislation by Foreign Economic Activity Entities Related to Non-Repatriation of Foreign Currency Proceeds to Ukraine

Resolution Essence: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a Temporary Investigative Commission to investigate violations in the field of foreign economic activity, particularly regarding non-repatriation of foreign currency earnings to Ukraine. The commission consists of 14 people's deputies and will operate for one year. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Three key tasks of the commission are defined: - Investigation…

Regarding the Referral of a Deputy Inquiry by the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Chornyi D.S. to the President of Ukraine

RESOLUTION OF THE VERKHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE On Directing a Deputy Inquiry to the President of Ukraine Regarding Awarding the Title of Hero of Ukraine (Posthumously) The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves: 1. To direct a deputy inquiry to the President of Ukraine regarding awarding the title of Hero of Ukraine (posthumously) to Junior Sergeant Danylenko I.R., who…

Regarding the Submission of a Deputy Inquiry by a Group of People’s Deputies of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine

PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On Directing a Deputy Inquiry to the President of Ukraine Regarding the Conferral of the Hero of Ukraine Title The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, guided by Articles 85, 89 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Articles 14, 15, 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of People's Deputies of…

Regarding the Submission of a Deputy Inquiry by the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Skorokhod A.K. to the President of Ukraine

RESOLUTION on Directing a Deputy Inquiry Regarding Posthumous Awarding of the Hero of Ukraine Title The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves: 1. To direct a deputy inquiry to the President of Ukraine regarding the posthumous awarding of the title Hero of Ukraine to Sergeant Yaroslav Serhiyovych Shynkarenko, who served as a reconnaissance platoon commander in the 72nd Separate…

Regarding the Submission of a Deputy Inquiry by a Group of People’s Deputies of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine

RESOLUTION OF THE VERKHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE On Directing a Deputy Inquiry to the President of Ukraine Regarding Awarding the Title of Hero of Ukraine (Posthumously) The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves: 1. To direct a deputy inquiry to the President of Ukraine regarding awarding the title of Hero of Ukraine (posthumously) to Senior Soldier Horokholinskyi A.V. from…

Regarding the Submission of a Deputy Inquiry by the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Aliksiichuk O.V. to the President of Ukraine

RESOLUTION on Directing a Deputy Inquiry Regarding Posthumous Awarding of the Hero of Ukraine Title The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves: 1. To direct the deputy inquiry of People's Deputy of Ukraine Aliksiiychuk O.V. regarding the posthumous awarding of the Hero of Ukraine title to soldier Kapitulia Andrii Tymofiyovych from the 33rd Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed…
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