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Review of draft laws as of 30/10/2024

10 bills have been registered: 12054/P Draft Resolution on returning the draft law of Ukraine on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" regarding the determination of general principles for the implementation and administration of electronic information-analytical systems and services, electronic registers Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 11544-5 Draft Resolution on amending the agenda…

Review of Draft Laws for 21/10/2024 – 28/10/2024

[:uk]25 bills registered: 12093/P Draft Resolution on the adoption of the draft Law of Ukraine on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses regarding the improvement of mechanisms for holding individuals accountable for violations of military registration rules and legislation on defense, mobilization training, and mobilization Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 11443/P2 Draft…
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