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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 11/02/2025

On Social Scholarships: The Government has updated the procedure for paying social scholarships to students and cadets. The categories of recipients have been expanded, particularly for internally displaced persons and residents of front-line territories. A complete transition to electronic document management for scholarship processing is planned by 2027. An electronic form of maintaining personal files and…

On Amending the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 3, 2017 No. 126/2017

Decree amends the list of positions that may be filled by military personnel in state bodies, specifically regarding the position of Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Structurally, the decree consists of two points: the first defines a new version of the provision on the position of Deputy Minister of Defense, the second establishes the…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 03/02/2025 – 10/02/2025

Based on the provided text, here are the key legislative changes for the previous period: 1. In the Defense Sector: - Simplified the procedure for transferring military property between authorities - now only written consent from the head of the receiving authority is required - Approved methodology for assessing damages to defense-industrial complex enterprises from Russian aggression - Term…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 10/02/2025

Case No. 937/4169/20 dated 06/02/2025 The court, when rendering its decision, was guided by the fact that: 1) the conclusion of the post-mortem forensic psychiatric examination indicated only that the disease 'significantly influenced' but did not exclude the ability to understand one's actions; 2) medical documents testified to the clear consciousness of the patient; 3) the…

Review of Draft Laws as of 10/02/2025 1. Draft Law on Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the improvement of taxation of digital assets The draft law proposes to introduce a clear legal mechanism for taxation of cryptocurrency transactions, define the status of digital assets, and establish transparent rules for their declaration and taxation. Key provisions include: – Classification of digital assets as a separate type of property – Determination of tax rates for income from cryptocurrency trading – Establishment of reporting procedures for digital asset transactions – Mechanisms for preventing tax evasion in the digital asset sphere 2. Draft Law on Cybersecurity and Protection of Critical Infrastructure The proposed legislation aims to strengthen national cybersecurity by: – Defining critical infrastructure objects – Establishing mandatory cybersecurity standards for state and private entities – Creating a unified system of cyber incident response – Introducing liability for violation of cybersecurity requirements – Enhancing state mechanisms for protecting information systems 3. Draft Law on Amendments to Labor Legislation regarding Remote Work The draft law proposes comprehensive regulation of remote work, including: – Legal definition of remote work format – Rights and obligations of employers and employees – Compensation and working conditions for remote workers – Mechanisms for performance evaluation – Social guarantees for remote employees

No updates of law bills.

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 09/02/2025

Case No. 927/1128/23 dated 29/01/2025 The court found that since civil protection facilities could not be privatized under the law, their transfer to private ownership was illegal. At the same time, the court decided that the appropriate method of protecting state rights in such cases is a negatory claim (requirement to remove obstacles to property use),…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 09/02/2025

Key Changes in Legislation: Regarding the Construction Sector: Procedures have been simplified through digitalization - automated document analysis has been introduced, a declaration monitoring system has been implemented, and the procedure for document confirmation and address assignment to construction objects through the Administrative Service Center has been simplified. In the Energy Sector: Comprehensive changes have been…

On Honorary Badges of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 4 new honorary badges of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine have been established: "For Courage", "For Bravery", "For Valor", and "For Resilience and Steadfastness". These distinctions are intended to award military personnel and employees of the NGU for combat merits and demonstrated courage. The…

Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in the Spheres of Energy and Heat Supply Regarding the Improvement of Certain Provisions Related to Economic Activity and the Martial Law in Ukraine

Law introduces comprehensive changes to legislation in the energy and heat supply sectors. The main innovations concern regulation of electricity, natural gas, and heat supply markets. Structurally, the law amends 18 legislative acts, including laws on electricity market, natural gas market, alternative energy sources, heat supply, etc. Key provisions of the law: • Improvement of connection…

On Amendments to the Procedure for Supporting the Activities of War Veterans and Demobilized Persons Specialists

Resolution Amends the Procedure for Ensuring the Activities of Specialists in Supporting War Veterans and Demobilized Persons. The main changes relate to clarifying the status of support specialists and simplifying document management. Structurally, the document contains 4 points of amendments to the basic Procedure. The key change is a new definition of the support specialist's…

Resolution on Approval of the List of Goods Whose Gratuitous Transfer Operations Are Temporarily Exempt from Excise Tax and Value Added Tax

Resolution Approving the List of Vehicles Temporarily Exempt from Excise Tax and VAT for Free Transfer The resolution approves a list of vehicles whose free transfer operations are temporarily exempt from excise tax and VAT. The document contains a detailed list of vehicles specifying their make, model, year of manufacture, VIN code, engine capacity, and vehicle…

On Approval of Termination of the State Enterprise “Shostka Plant “Zirka” by Transformation into a Limited Liability Company

Order concerns the reorganization of the state enterprise of the defense-industrial complex 'Shostka Plant "Zirka"' by transforming it from a state enterprise into a limited liability company. The structure of the document is simple - it is a single-point order by which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves the proposal of JSC 'Ukrainian Defense…
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