Analysis of the Draft Law:
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1. Position of the document’s author regarding the draft law: The document’s author, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, supports the draft law, as it is submitting it for consideration. The draft law is aimed at regulating the provision of leave for athletes participating in competitions, in accordance with current labor legislation.
2. Main provisions of the document: The draft law provides for amendments to Article 43 of the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports”. The changes consist of the fact that the duration, procedure, conditions of granting and payment of leave for preparation and participation in sports competitions will be determined by labor and/or collective agreement, rather than by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as was previously the case. This aims to align with the Labor Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Leave”. The draft law does not provide for additional expenses from the state budget, as the implementation of its provisions will be financed within the existing budgetary funds. The draft law also clarifies that leaves for athletes of national teams are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, while for others – by labor agreements. This is important for legislators, experts, businesses, and citizens, as it affects the rights of athlete-workers and the financial obligations of employers.