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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 08/03/2025

Legislative Changes Digest:

A draft agreement with the European Investment Bank on providing Ukraine with advisory support through the JASPERS program has been approved. First Vice Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of Ukraine.

The list of persons subject to mobilization deferment has been expanded – now it includes employees who ensure the construction of resilient electronic communication networks and mobile networks with xPON technology. Deferment applies only to employees included in brigades by the manager’s order.

The procedure for using 256.4 million hryvnias of educational subvention residues for modernizing school canteens in 2025 has been approved. Funds will be received by 63 educational institutions subject to 40% project readiness and co-financing from local budgets.

The mechanism of state support for defense-industrial complex enterprises has been changed – a broader financial support program has been introduced instead of only interest reimbursement for loans.

The procedure for concluding contracts for customs authorities’ employees for up to 3 years has been approved. Remote work, KPI setting, and employee rotation mechanism are provided for.

The strategy for developing civil protection shelters until 2034 with a budget of 789.3 billion hryvnias has been approved. Plans include increasing the number of shelters by 13,300 structures and creating an international Coalition to attract 642.5 billion hryvnias.

An Electronic Registry of Sports Organizations has been introduced for centralized accounting of all Ukrainian sports organizations. Registration is mandatory for state and municipal organizations and voluntary for private ones.

New additional reward amounts for Main Intelligence Directorate military personnel have been established: 100,000 hryvnias for participation in combat operations, 30,000 hryvnias for tasks in border areas, 15,000-30,000 hryvnias for instructional staff.

Review of each of legal acts published today:


This is a daily information notice of the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing accounting prices for banking metals.

The document structure is simple – a table with official accounting prices for four banking metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), which are determined per troy ounce in hryvnias.

Key provisions:
– Prices are set as of 07.03.2025
– Gold (XAU) – 119,780.20 UAH per ounce
– Silver (XAG) – 1,334.83 UAH per ounce
– Platinum (XPT) – 39,924.95 UAH per ounce
– Palladium (XPD) – 39,020.63 UAH per ounce

It is important to understand that these prices are reference prices, and the NBU directly states that it does not undertake to buy or sell metals at the specified prices. These quotations are used for accounting, customs, and statistical purposes.


This is an official notice of the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing exchange rates of foreign currencies in relation to the hryvnia as of March 7, 2025. The document defines official rates for 34 currencies from various countries.

The document structure is presented in the form of a table with six columns containing: digital currency code, letter currency code, number of currency units, full currency name, and official exchange rate. The document also includes a note on the use of rates.

Key provisions:
– The US dollar rate is set at 41.2742 UAH
– The euro rate is 44.5596 UAH
– The pound sterling rate is 53.1818 UAH
– The established rates are used for accounting, NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases specified by law
– The NBU does not undertake to buy or sell currencies at the specified rates


This Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine order concerns approval of the draft agreement with the European Investment Bank on receiving advisory support under the JASPERS program for Ukraine.

The document structure is simple – consisting of two points: approval of the draft agreement and authorization of the First Vice Prime Minister to sign it.

Key points:
– The agreement provides for providing advisory and consulting support to Ukraine from the EIB through the JASPERS instrument
– The document is part of the broader Ukraine Facility program
– The signatory from the Ukrainian side is defined as Yuliia Svrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy
– The agreement is assigned the number AA-012158

JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in EuropeanJASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions) is a partnership between the European Commission and the EIB, which provides independent advice for preparing high-quality investment projects. It is an important technical assistance tool for Ukraine in the context of European integration and reconstruction.

On Amending the Procedure for Reserving Conscripts during Mobilization and Wartime

Essence of Changes:
The resolution expands the list of persons subject to reservation from mobilization, including workers who ensure the construction of power-resistant electronic communication networks and mobile communication networks. This applies to specialists working with xPON technology and who are part of the relevant brigades.

Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Supplementing paragraph 5 of the Procedure with a new category of workers subject to reservation
2. Technical changes in paragraph numbering
3. Adding a new basis for canceling reservation – in case of excluding an employee from the relevant brigade or excluding an enterprise from the list of critically important

Key Application Points:
– Reservation applies only to workers included in brigades by the manager’s order
– Enterprises must be identified by the Ministry of Digital Transformation as critically important for economic functioning
– The list of such workers and the reservation procedure is determined by the Ministry of Digital Transformation
– A mechanism for canceling reservation when an employee is excluded from the brigade is provided

On Approving the Procedure and Conditions for Providing Remaining Educational Subvention from the State Budget to Local Budgets (Special Fund) in 2025 for Purchasing Equipment, Creating and Modernizing (Reconstruction and Capital Repair) Canteens of General Secondary Education Institutions

This document regulates the use of educational subvention remainders for modernizing school canteens in 2025.

Essence of the Act:
– Defines the mechanism for providing subvention to local budgets to complete projects started in 2024 for modernizing school canteens
– Establishes conditions for receiving funds: project readiness of at least 40% and application submission through a unified digital system
– Provides for co-financing from local budgets

1. General provisions on subvention provision
2. Financing conditions and mechanism
3. Design and construction requirements
4. Reporting and control
5. Annexes with fund distribution among specific educational institutions

Key Provisions:
– The Ministry of Education and Science is the main fund administrator
– Mandatory co-financing from local budgets
– Clear requirements for project technical characteristics (energy efficiency, safety, accessibility)
– Monthly reporting on fund usage
– Total subvention amount – 256.4 million UAH for modernizing canteens in 63 educational institutionsRelated to the Budget Code of Ukraine.

On Amendments to Procedures Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024 No. 1288

The essence of the changes is to update the mechanism for providing state financial support to critically important enterprises of the defense-industrial complex. The resolution changes the budget program name from “Interest Reimbursement” to “Provision of State Financial Support to Enterprises in the Defense-Industrial Complex”.

Structurally, the document amends two procedures approved by the previous resolution No. 1288 dated 05.11.2024:
1. Procedure for Providing State Financial Support to Defense-Industrial Complex Enterprises
2. Procedure for Using State Budget Funds for Such Support

Key changes:
– Second paragraph of paragraph 2 of the first Procedure has been deleted
– Budget program name through which financing is carried out has been changed
– Second paragraph of paragraph 3 of the second Procedure has been deleted
– Wording regarding support has been expanded, moving away from purely interest reimbursement to general financial support for defense-industrial complex enterprises

On Amending Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 16, 1992 No. 336

This resolution makes a technical amendment to nutrition standards for a certain category of prisoners. Specifically, it removes one item from the note regarding nutrition for convicts held in cell-type premises of maximum security correctional colonies.

The document structure is simple – a brief resolution containing only one change to the existing normative act from 1992, which regulates nutrition standards in penitentiary institutions and temporary detention facilities.

Main provisions:
1. Fifth paragraph of paragraph 4 of the notes to standard No. 4 regarding nutrition of convicts in maximum security colony cells is deleted
2. The change concerns the basic resolution No. 336 from 1992, which was already amended in 2004 and 2024
3. The document concerns only the technical aspect of nutrition standards regulation and does not change the general principles of prisoner nutrition

On Approval of the Procedure for Concluding a Contract for Service in Customs Authorities and the Standard Form of Contract for Service in Customs Authorities

Essence of the act:
The resolution approves the procedure for concluding contracts for customs authorities employees and their standard form. The document defines the procedure for formalizing labor relations with customs officers for a period of up to 3 years, establishes the rights and obligations of the parties, service conditions, and grounds for contract termination.

Structure and main provisions:
1. The resolution consists of two main parts – the Procedure for Concluding the Contract and the Standard Contract Form.

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