The draft agreement with the European Investment Bank on providing Ukraine with advisory support through the JASPERS program has been approved. First Vice Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of Ukraine.
The list of persons subject to mobilization deferment has been expanded – now it includes employees who ensure the construction of resilient electronic communication networks and mobile networks with xPON technology. Deferment applies only to employees included in brigades by order of the manager.
The procedure for using 256.4 million hryvnias of educational subvention residues for modernizing school canteens in 2025 has been approved. Funds will be received by 63 educational institutions subject to 40% project readiness and co-financing from local budgets.
The mechanism of state support for defense-industrial complex enterprises has been changed – instead of only interest reimbursement for loans, a broader financial support program has been introduced.
The procedure for concluding contracts for customs authorities employees for up to 3 years has been approved. Remote work, KPI setting, and employee rotation mechanism are provided.
The strategy for developing civil protection shelters until 2034 with a budget of 789.3 billion hryvnias has been approved. Plans include increasing the number of shelters by 13,300 structures and creating an international Coalition to attract 642.5 billion hryvnias.
The Electronic Register of Sports Organizations has been introduced for centralized accounting of all Ukrainian sports organizations. Registration is mandatory for state and municipal organizations and voluntary for private ones.
New additional reward amounts for Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense servicemen have been established: 100,000 hryvnias for participation in combat operations, 30,000 hryvnias for tasks in border areas, 15,000-30,000 hryvnias for instructional staff.