Draft Laws Adopted in the First Reading:
1. The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 9655 as a basis concerning the improvement of the mechanism for protecting criminal proceedings participants by amending Article 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
2. Draft law No. 11339 was adopted in the first reading regarding the strengthening of criminal liability for improper influence on sports competition results through amendments to Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
3. Draft law No. 11203 was approved as a basis to eliminate terminological inconsistencies in Article 206 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding liability for obstruction of lawful economic activity.
4. Draft law No. 9383 was adopted in the first reading concerning the improvement of intellectual property rights protection under martial law.
5. Draft law No. 6049 was approved as a basis regarding the possibility of seconding judges between courts to ensure continuous operation of appellate courts.
Important Cabinet of Ministers Resolutions:
1. New pension indexation rules were approved starting from March 1, 2025 – with an increase coefficient of 1.115 and established minimum guaranteed payments for different age categories of pensioners.
2. The list of activities for Diya City residents was expanded, adding new areas including battery production, technical testing, and research.
3. A detailed procedure for working with anatomical materials for tissue transplantation was approved, establishing European standards in this field.
4. New price restrictions on medicines were set through maximum trade markups – up to 25% for prices up to 1000 UAH and 10% for prices over 1000 UAH, and marketing services were prohibited.
5. The term for deferment from military service was extended until March 31, 2025, for military reservists with reservation.
Review of each of legal acts published today:
About the Accounting Price of Banking Metals
This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing accounting prices for banking metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium).
The document structure is simple – a table with official accounting prices for four types of banking metals as of a specific date (28.02.2025), which indicates:
– digital and literal codes of metals
– prices per troy ounce in hryvnias
– reservation about the absence of NBU obligations to conduct operations at these prices
Key provisions for practical use:
1. Prices are set for gold (119,802.76 UAH), silver (1,323.13 UAH), platinum (40,327.11 UAH), and palladium (38,555.71 UAH) per troy ounce
2. These prices are reference and used for accounting, customs, and other purposes
3. The NBU does not undertake obligations to conduct metal buy/sell operations at the specified prices
About the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia to Foreign Currencies
This is an official notification by the National Bank of Ukraine on establishing exchange rates of foreign currencies relative to the hryvnia as of 28.02.2025.
The document structure is a table with official rates for 33 foreign currencies. For each currency, its digital and literal code, number of units, full name, and rate relative to the hryvnia are indicated.
Key provisions:
1. The base currency is the US dollar with a rate of 41.5140 UAH
2. Euro is set at 43.4942 UAH
3. The highest rate among the presented currencies is SDR (Special Drawing Rights) – 54.5251 UAH
4. The document contains a note that the indicated rates are used for accounting, NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases defined by law, with the NBU not undertaking obligations to buy or sell currencies at these rates
About Recognizing Svyryba I.S. as Elected People’s Deputy of Ukraine in Extraordinary Elections of People’s Deputies of Ukraine on July 21, 2019, in the Nationwide Multi-Mandate Electoral District
This Central Election Commission resolution concerns filling a vacant People’s Deputy of Ukraine seat after early termination of powers of a deputy from the “Servant of the People” party. Instead of Iryna Kormyshkina (Allakhverdieva), who submitted a resignation statement, Inna Svyryba is recognized as a People’s Deputy – the next in order candidate on the party list.
Resolution structure includes:
– preamble describing the grounds for decision-making
– legal justification based on the Election Code and the Law “On Elections of People’s Deputies of Ukraine”
– operative part with the decision to recognize Svyryba I.S. as a People’s Deputy and the procedure for publishing the resolution
Key provisions:
1. Replacement occurs automatically by the next candidate on the party list
2. The decision must be made by the Central Election Commission no later than 6 days after receiving the decision on terminating the previous deputy’s powers
3. The resolution is subject to mandatory publication in official publications “Holos Ukrainy” and “Uriadovyi Kurier”, as well as on the Central Election Commission websiteEnsuring Safety Measures for Persons Participating in Criminal Proceedings
This is a resolution on adopting the draft law as a basis, which introduces amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding improving the mechanism for protecting criminal proceedings participants. Draft Law No. 9655 has been adopted in the first reading and sent for further refinement.
The resolution consists of two points:
1. Adoption of the draft law as a basis
2. Instruction to the relevant committee to refine the draft for the second reading
Key Provisions:
– The draft law concerns amendments to Article 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and other laws
– Initiated by People’s Deputy Mamka H.M.
– The Committee on Law Enforcement Activities must refine the draft, taking into account amendments and proposals
– After refinement, the draft law will be submitted for consideration in the second reading
This is a technical document that is part of the legislative procedure and reflects the passage of the draft law through the first reading in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
About the Implementation of Powers by the Head of the Semenivska Village Military Administration of the Melitopol District of Zaporizhzhia Region, Provided for in Part Two of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”
Essence of the Resolution:
The document defines the expanded powers of the head of the Semenivska Village Military Administration of the Melitopol District during the period of martial law and 30 days after its termination. The head of the administration receives the powers of the village council, its executive committee, and the village head.
Structure and Key Provisions:
1. The resolution consists of two points that define:
– The scope of powers of the military administration head
– The procedure for subordination of local bodies
– The possibility of approving a temporary structure of executive bodies
2. The document is adopted based on the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”
Key Provisions for Application:
– The head of the military administration receives all powers of local self-government bodies
– Has the right to change the structure of executive bodies, declare downtime, or transfer employees
– All communal enterprises, institutions, and council apparatus are directly subordinate to the head of the military administration
– The term of powers is the period of martial law plus 30 days after its termination
About the Implementation of Powers by the Head of the Novovasylivska Settlement Military Administration of the Melitopol District of Zaporizhzhia Region, Provided for in Part Two of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”
Essence of the Resolution:
The document regulates the expansion of powers of the head of the Novovasylivska Settlement Military Administration during the period of martial law and 30 days after its termination. The head of the administration receives the powers of the settlement council, its executive committee, and the settlement head.
Structure and Key Provisions:
1. The resolution consists of two points that define:
– The scope of additional powers of the military administration head
– The procedure for subordination of local bodies
– The possibility of approving a temporary structure of executive bodies
2. The document is adopted based on the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”
Key Provisions for Application:
– The head of the military administration receives all powers of local self-governmentGovernance
– He is granted the right to change the structure of executive bodies, declare downtime, or transfer employees
– All communal enterprises, institutions, and bodies of the village council are subordinated to the head of the military administration
– The term of powers is for the period of martial law plus 30 days after its termination
[Translation of the first document about sports competition legislation]
On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Strengthening Responsibility for Unlawful Influence on Official Sports Competition Results
This is a resolution on adopting as a basis a draft law that strengthens criminal liability for unlawful influence on sports competition results. The draft law amends Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The document structure is simple – it is a technical resolution consisting of two points:
1. Adopting draft law No. 11339 as a basis
2. Instructing the relevant committee to finalize the draft for second reading
Key provisions:
– The draft law was initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
– The Committee on Law Enforcement Activities must finalize the draft taking into account amendments
– After refinement, the draft law will be submitted for consideration in the second reading
– Changes relate to strengthening responsibility for manipulating sports competitions
[Translation of the second document about criminal code terminology]
On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Article 206 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to Eliminate Terminological Inconsistencies
Essence of the document: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted as a basis draft law No. 11203 on amending Article 206 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to eliminate terminological inconsistencies. The draft law was submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Document structure: The resolution consists of two points – adopting the draft law as a basis and instructing the relevant committee to finalize it for the second reading.
Key provisions:
– The draft law concerns clarifying terminology in Article 206 of the Criminal Code, which establishes responsibility for counteracting lawful economic activity
– The Committee on Law Enforcement Activities must finalize the draft taking into account amendments from legislative initiative subjects
– After refinement, the draft law will be submitted for Verkhovna Rada consideration in the second reading
This is a technical draft law aimed at improving the legal technique of criminal legislation by harmonizing terminology within one article of the Criminal Code.
[Translation of the third document about territorial planning]
On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Extension of Territorial Planning Document Validity Periods
(contains amendments to the Land Code)
Law Essence:
The draft law is aimed at regulating urban planning documentation and territorial planning issues during and after martial law. It extends the validity periods of territorial planning documents and simplifies some procedures for their development and approval.
Structure and Key Provisions:
1. Amendments are made to 5 Ukrainian laws, including the Land Code, laws “On Land Management”, “On Regulation of Urban Planning Activities”, “On State Land Cadastre”.
2. A 3-year term is established after the cesTranslation of the provided Ukrainian legal text into English:
Amendments during martial law to bring documentation in line with legislative requirements.
3. Urban planning documentation approved before the law came into force remains valid.
Key practical provisions:
– Amendments to urban planning documentation are allowed without considering certain requirements regarding its composition and content during martial law and 3 years after its termination
– Functional purpose of the territory can be determined by a detailed territorial plan
– The procedure for developing detailed territorial plans outside settlements is simplified
– A procedure is established for determining the belonging of a land plot to a functional zone before entering the relevant information into the State Land Cadastre
[Regarding the Resolution on Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution]
The essence of the resolution is to amend the procedure for financing and implementing transport infrastructure restoration projects, specifically capital repairs of bridges in Kyiv Oblast. The document clarifies advance payment mechanisms, establishes new terms for their use, and details financing conditions using credit funds from the United Kingdom.
Structurally, changes are introduced to two parts of the base resolution:
1. The main text of the resolution – regarding advance payment conditions and funding sources
2. Procedure for using funds – regarding details of bridge repair financing, reporting, and fund return
Key provisions:
– Maximum advance amount of 25% of total contract value is established
– Advance payment usage period extended to December 30, 2025
– Financing share of up to 97% of contract value for bridge capital repairs is determined
– Reporting procedure for used funds with specific reporting dates is clarified
– Mechanism for returning budget funds through budget program 3111030 is provided
[Regarding Pension and Insurance Payment Indexation]
The resolution’s essence is establishing new pension and social payment indexation rules from March 1, 2025. The document defines a pension increase coefficient of 1.115 and sets minimum guaranteed pension payment amounts for various pensioner categories. Additional payments for the most vulnerable pensioner categories are also introduced.
The resolution structure includes:
– General provisions on pension indexation
– Recalculation specifics for different pensioner categories (military, Chornobyl victims, civil servants, etc.)
– Establishment of minimum guaranteed pension amounts
– Financing and implementation change procedure
– Amendments to other Cabinet of Ministers resolutions on pension provision
Key practical application provisions:
1. Pension increase coefficient – 1.115
2. Minimum guaranteed payment for persons 80+ years – 3,758 UAH
3. For persons 70-80 years – 3,613 UAH
4. For persons under 70 years – 3,323 UAH
5. Maximum pension increase cannot exceed 1,500 UAH
6. If increase is less than 100 UAH – a supplement to 100 UAH is established
[Regarding Amendments to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolutions]