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On Establishing Criteria for Identifying Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations of Significant Importance for the National Economic Sector in the Payment Market Activity

This resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine establishes criteria for identifying important enterprises in the payment market of Ukraine. The document defines which companies can be considered critically important for the functioning of the country’s payment system, especially in the context of servicing systemically important banks and payment infrastructure.

The structure of the document is simple and includes 5 points:
– The first point establishes 4 main importance criteria
– The second point determines the sufficiency of compliance with at least one criterion
– Points 3-5 contain administrative provisions for the implementation of the resolution

Key provisions for practical application:
1. Operators of systemically important payment systems are considered important
2. The list includes important technological operators of payment services
3. Companies servicing more than 50% of ATMs/terminals of systemically important banks are included
4. Developers of software for interbank operations of systemically important banks are taken into account

The resolution is directly related to the functioning of the state’s financial system in a special period and ensuring the needs of the Armed Forces.

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