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On Approval of the Strategy for the Development of Civil Protection Shelters Fund until 2034 and Approval of the Operational Plan of Measures for its Implementation

Essence of the Law:
This is a comprehensive strategy for the development of civil protection shelters in Ukraine until 2034. The document defines a plan for creating a network of shelters to protect civilian population from modern means of destruction. The strategy provides for increasing the number of protective structures to shelter the entire population of Ukraine over the next 10 years.

Structure and Main Provisions:
1. The strategy consists of an analytical part, 6 strategic goals, and an operational plan for 2025-2027
2. Implementation will occur in 3 stages: 2025-2027, 2028-2030, and 2031-2034
3. Total budget is 789.3 billion UAH, of which 81.2 billion is from the state budget
4. Creation of an international Coalition to attract 642.5 billion UAH (14.69 billion euros) is envisaged

Key Provisions for Implementation:
1. Construction of protective structures becomes mandatory when erecting multi-apartment buildings, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and critical infrastructure facilities
2. By 2034, it is planned to increase the number of shelters by 13,300 structures
3. Responsibility of officials for non-compliance with requirements for creating and maintaining protective structures is introduced
4. A monitoring and control system for the condition of shelters is being created
5. Mandatory training of the population on the use of protective structures is being introduced

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