The essence of the changes lies in expanding the possibilities of using educational subvention for training teachers of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”. In particular, the possibility is added to finance the training of teacher-trainers and supervisors, payment for their services, as well as covering related travel expenses and material support.
Document Structure:
– Amendments are made to two CMU resolutions (No. 1023 dated 19.09.2023 and No. 1374 dated 27.12.2023)
– The main changes concern the Procedure for Providing Educational Subvention
– New points are added regarding expenditures for training trainers and supervisors
– The list of permitted expenses is clarified
Key Provisions:
1. The list of subvention use directions has been expanded, including:
– Training of teacher-trainers and supervisors
– Payment for their professional development services
– Compensation of travel expenses
– Procurement of educational materials and equipment
2. Postgraduate education institutions have been granted the right to engage external specialists and organizations for teacher professional development on a contractual basis.
Note: The changes relate to teaching the subject “Defense of Ukraine”, which is of particular importance in the conditions of martial law.