Essence of the Law:
The law expands the capabilities of educational institutions to provide rehabilitation services not only to persons with special educational needs, but also to servicemen, war veterans, and persons with special merits before the Motherland. Special attention is paid to special schools, which can now provide rehabilitation assistance to persons with visual and hearing impairments.
Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Amendments have been made to the Law “On Education” – Article 77 has been supplemented with a provision on the possibility of providing rehabilitation services.
2. The Law “On Complete General Secondary Education” has been amended – the definition of a special school has been clarified and the possibility of providing rehabilitation services by special educational institutions has been added.
3. A 3-month term has been established for the Cabinet of Ministers to develop the necessary by-laws.
Key Provisions for Use:
– Educational institutions receive the right to provide rehabilitation services to a wide range of persons, including servicemen and veterans
– Special schools can provide rehabilitation assistance to persons with visual and hearing impairments
– Rehabilitation services are provided in accordance with procedures defined by law
– The law creates a legal basis for expanding the network of rehabilitation services through educational institutions