(Customs Legislation)
1. Essence of the Resolution:
The document introduces amendments to the rules of goods processing outside the customs territory of Ukraine, creating an exception for the National Bank regarding operations with precious metals. The NBU is exempted from the obligation to return precious metal processing products and their waste to Ukraine.
2. Structure and Changes:
– The resolution consists of two points
– The main change: supplementing the basic resolution No. 879 from 2013 with a new paragraph 1-1
– The previous version required mandatory return of all processing products to the customs territory of Ukraine
3. Key Provisions:
– The NBU receives the right to carry out precious metal processing abroad without the obligation to return processing products to Ukraine
– The exception also extends to precious metal waste
– Activities are carried out in accordance with laws on state regulation of precious metal operations and on the NBU
– The resolution takes effect from the day of publication