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On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Section XII “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Judicial System and Status of Judges” Regarding the Secondment of Judges to Ensure the Administration of Justice and Eliminate the Threat of Suspension of Appellate Courts’ Work

Resolution on Adopting the Draft Law Regarding the Possibility of Seconding Judges Between Courts to Ensure Continuous Operation of Appellate Courts

The draft law is aimed at amending the final provisions of the Law “On Judicial System and Status of Judges”.

The structure of the resolution is simple and consists of two points:
1. Adopting draft law No. 6049 as a basis
2. Instructing the relevant committee to finalize the draft law for the second reading, taking into account proposals and amendments

Key provisions:
– The draft law was initiated by People’s Deputy Maslov D.V. and other deputies
– The Committee on Legal Policy shall take into account the proposals of legislative initiative subjects and its own conclusions dated 14.09.2022
– The purpose is to provide the possibility of seconding judges to support the work of appellate courts where there is a threat of work suspension

Since the changes relate to the judicial system of Ukraine and the status of judges, these are important changes for the functioning of the judicial system.

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