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Case No. 917/28/24 dated 26/02/2025

Subject of Dispute: Invalidation of Supplementary Agreements to the Electricity Supply Contract and Reimbursement of Unjustly Paid Funds.

Main Arguments of the Court:

1. The Supreme Court drew attention to the fact that the appellate court prematurely rejected the claim without clarifying the specific state interests being protected in the case.

2. The Court emphasized that the procedural status of the parties depends on the availability of authorities’ powers to protect the state’s legitimate interests in the disputed legal relations.

3. The Appellate Court did not investigate whether the Executive Committee of the Skorokhodiv Village Council is actually a violator of state interests, which could exclude its status as a plaintiff.

Court Decision: Revoke the appellate court’s ruling and remand the case for a new hearing to comprehensively and fully investigate the circumstances.

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