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Case No. 903/622/24 dated 25/02/2025

Here is the translation:

1. Subject of Dispute: Recovery by Horodok City Council from PE “Universam” of rental fee arrears for a land plot in the amount of 1,958,024.90 UAH.

2. Main Court Arguments:
– Previous instance courts believed that the plaintiff incorrectly calculated the rental fee, unjustifiably applying annual inflation coefficients on a cumulative basis.
– The Supreme Court established that courts incorrectly applied substantive law norms, particularly regarding the procedure for rent indexation.
– The Court deviated from previous rental fee calculation practice, indicating the need to consider the cumulative procedure for calculating inflationary losses.

3. Court Decision: Cancel previous court decisions and refer the case for new consideration to the local commercial court for repeated analysis of the rental fee calculation.

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