Here is the translation:
1. Subject of Dispute: Recognition of the order on land plot lease as illegal and recovery of a land plot located within the landscape reserve “Pryorilskyi”.
2. Main Court Arguments:
– The disputed land plot belongs to the nature reserve fund lands and is located within the landscape reserve of national significance “Pryorilskyi”
– The Main Directorate of the State Geocadaster did not have the right to dispose of this land plot
– The change of land plot’s intended purpose occurred without coordination with authorized bodies
– Using the land plot for haymaking and cattle grazing contradicts the nature reserve fund regime
3. Court Decision: Return the land plot to the state, cancel the order on plot lease, while refusing to declare the lease agreement invalid.
Important: The court deviated from previous practice regarding the method of protecting state rights on nature reserve fund lands, proposing to use a negative action instead of a vindication claim.