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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 16/03/2025

Key Changes in Legislation: 1. Border Crossing Rules Modified - Expanded List of Persons Eligible to Leave Ukraine, Particularly for Relatives of Fallen Defenders. Clarified List of Documents and Procedure for Confirming Exit Rights. 2. New Mechanism of State Support for Military Vehicle Manufacturers Introduced - Requirement of Production Localization in Ukraine of at Least 50% Established…

On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Provision of Rehabilitation Services (Rehabilitation Assistance) by Educational Institutions

Essence of the Law: The law expands the capabilities of educational institutions to provide rehabilitation services not only to persons with special educational needs, but also to servicemen, war veterans, and persons with special merits before the Motherland. Special attention is paid to special schools, which can now provide rehabilitation assistance to persons with visual and…

Law on Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine Regarding the Stimulation of Charitable Activities during Martial Law

Essence of the Law: The Law introduces amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to stimulate charitable activities during martial law. The main innovations concern taxation of charitable assistance and donations, as well as establishing new limits for tax exemption. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The procedure for tax exemption of charitable donations received by individuals conducting public…

On State Support for Domestic Manufacturers of Cargo Vehicles and Automotive Base Chassis for Weapons and Equipment

Resolution Essence: The document establishes a mechanism for state support of Ukrainian manufacturers of trucks and chassis for military equipment. The key requirement is that production localization in Ukraine must be at least 50%. The resolution is aimed at developing the domestic defense-industrial complex and providing the army with Ukrainian-made equipment. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Conditions for…

On Amendments to the Regulation on the Unified State Web Portal for Collecting Donations to Support Ukraine “United24”

Essence of Changes: The resolution amends the Regulation on the United24 portal, clarifying the mechanism for collecting charitable contributions for military units, particularly within the "Drone Line" project. The main focus of the changes is to streamline the process of fundraising for the procurement of unmanned systems and tactical-level radio-electronic warfare means. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Specific…

Some Issues of Scaling Up the Production of Weapons and Military Equipment

Essence of the Act: The resolution regulates the process of transferring design documentation for scaling up the production of weapons and military equipment under martial law. The document defines the mechanism for transferring documentation to domestic manufacturers to increase the production volumes of weapons, equipment, and ammunition. This allows for engaging additional production capacities when existing…

On Amendments to the Rules of Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine

Essence of Changes: The Resolution amends the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Ukrainian Citizens during Martial Law. The main focus is clarifying the list of persons entitled to exit Ukraine and the documents confirming such right. Special attention is paid to relatives of fallen defenders of Ukraine. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Detailed right to cross…

On Amendments to the Regulation on the Recruitment Center for Foreigners and Stateless Persons

Essence of Changes: The resolution amends the provisions of the Center for Recruiting Foreigners and Stateless Persons, changing its subordination and optimizing the procedure for recruiting foreigners for military service. The Center transitions to direct subordination to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine instead of the Armed Forces. The procedure for initial candidate screening is simplified…

On Amending Item 2-6 of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine

Essence of the Resolution: Amendments have been made to the Rules for Crossing the State Border of Ukraine, concerning exceptions for certain categories of citizens regarding travel restrictions. In particular, it is established that restrictions do not apply to persons defined in Article 23 of the Law "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization" and paragraph 2-14 of…
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