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Review of Draft Laws as of 03/05/2025 1. Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine” Purpose: Simplification of tax administration procedures and reduction of tax burden on small and medium-sized businesses. Key provisions: – Reduction of tax rates for small businesses – Simplification of tax reporting procedures – Introduction of electronic tax declaration system – Tax incentives for innovative enterprises 2. Draft Law No. 5678 “On Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” Purpose: Strengthening environmental regulations and promoting sustainable economic development. Key provisions: – Stricter environmental standards for industrial enterprises – Incentives for renewable energy development – Mechanisms for carbon emissions reduction – Support for green technologies and eco-innovations 3. Draft Law No. 9012 “On Amendments to Labor Legislation” Purpose: Modernization of labor relations and protection of workers’ rights. Key provisions: – Regulation of remote work conditions – Enhanced social guarantees for employees – Mechanisms for preventing workplace discrimination – Improved procedures for resolving labor disputes

Registered 2 draft laws: 13018-1 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Financial Inclusion in Ukraine Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 13062 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Social Insurance" Concerning Improvement of the Procedure for Issuing, Extending, and Controlling the Validity of Sick Leaves Initiator: People's Deputy of…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 05/03/2025

Changes to the Procedure for Bus Transportation Tender: - Electronic document submission through the Unified Information Systems Complex is introduced - New requirements for transport accessibility for persons with disabilities are established - up to 70% of buses on urban routes and up to 50% on suburban routes - Tender committee meetings can be conducted remotely - The…

On Approval of the Instruction on Organizing Personnel Accounting of the State Protection Service of Ukraine

This order approves a new Instruction on the Organization of Personnel Accounting for the State Protection Service of Ukraine. Essence of the law: - Defines the procedure for maintaining personal, staff-position, and quantitative accounting of military personnel and employees of the State Protection Service - Establishes rules for the formation, maintenance, and storage of personal files and cards -…

On Approval of the Standard Form of State Contract (Agreement) for Supply and Placement of Material Values in State Reserves

The essence of the act is to approve a new standard form of state contract for the supply and placement of material values into state reserves. This is a technical document that standardizes contractual relations between the state and suppliers regarding the filling of state reserves. Document structure includes: - Order on approval of the standard form…

On Amendments to the Procedure of Sending Tax Demands by Tax Authorities to Taxpayers

Translation: Essence of the Act: The order introduces technical changes to the Procedure for Sending Tax Demands to Taxpayers. The main changes relate to terminology and references to legislation on electronic services, as well as clarification of the tax demand acceptance procedure. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The abbreviation "ITS" (information and telecommunication systems) is changed to "ICS" (information…

On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Payment of Monetary Allowance to Servicemembers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Certain Other Persons

Essence of the Order: The document introduces changes to the procedure for paying monetary allowance to Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemembers. Key changes relate to payments to female servicemembers for child care during illness, clarification of additional payments for work with various types of ammunition, and payments to medical workers treating HIV-infected patients. Structure and Main Provisions: 1.…

Law On Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine Regarding the Updating and Improvement of Certain Provisions

This is a law on amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine. 1. Essence of the Law: The law significantly updates the public investment management system in Ukraine. New terminology and procedures for planning, preparation, and implementation of public investment projects at the state and local levels are introduced. Medium-term public investment planning and creation of a…

On Approval of Amendments to the Typical Form of State Contract (Agreement) for Delivery and Placement of Material Assets in State Reserves

Essence of the Act: The document introduces technical amendments to the Standard Form of the State Contract for the Supply of Material Values to State Reserves. The changes relate to clarification of terminology, correction of punctuation, and structuring of the document for better understanding. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The order consists of two parts: the directive part…

Regarding the Consideration of Remarks Expressed by the State Registration Authority to the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated January 15, 2025 No. 23

Essence of the Order: The order amends the procedure for paying monetary allowance to Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen, clarifying the list of medical workers in military healthcare facilities who receive additional payments for working with HIV-infected patients. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The order contains a single substantive change - a new version of column 2, line…

On Amending the Order of the Central Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine dated January 15, 2025 No. 12

The essence of the order is to technically correct the reference to the article in the preamble of the previous SBU order regarding payment for children's nutrition in departmental preschool institutions. Instead of referencing Article 35, a reference to Article 19 is established. The structure of the order is simple and includes three points: 1. Direct change…

On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Legal Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine

Essence of the Act: NBU Resolution introduces amendments to bank operating rules during martial law. The main changes concern the procedure for recognizing borrower defaults and calculating credit risk by banks under limited access to state registries. Special conditions for defense-industrial complex enterprises are also introduced. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Amendments to NBU Resolution No. 23 dated…

On Approval of Amendments to Certain Regulatory Legal Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine on Information Security and Cyber Protection

The essence of the resolution is to improve cybersecurity control mechanisms in the Ukrainian banking system. The document amends two NBU regulations regarding information security control of banks and cybersecurity organization. The key innovation is the introduction of a clear procedure for reporting cyber incidents and strengthening cybersecurity requirements for banks. Structure and main provisions: 1. Changes…

On Amendments to Appendix 5 to the Procedure for Conducting Conscription of Citizens for Military Service during Mobilization, for a Special Period

The essence of the changes lies in modifying Appendix 5 to the Procedure for Conducting Conscription during Mobilization regarding categories of persons who have the right to deferment. The terminology is changing from "missing" to "missing under special circumstances" and a new category of persons with the right to deferment is added - persons for…

On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 19, 2023, No. 1023 and December 27, 2023, No. 1374

The essence of the changes lies in expanding the possibilities of using educational subvention for training teachers of the subject "Defense of Ukraine". In particular, the possibility is added to finance the training of teacher-trainers and supervisors, payment for their services, as well as covering related travel expenses and material support. Document Structure: - Amendments are made…
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