Here is the translation of the legal text from Ukrainian to English:
Case No. 909/996/22 dated 04/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: The Company Demands the Entrepreneur Return a Trading Refrigerator Previously Provided to Him.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The court established that contractual relations existed between the parties regarding the transfer of the refrigerator under the act dated 06.08.2015.
2. The entrepreneur’s signature on the equipment transfer act was confirmed by expertise.
3. Evidence provided by the plaintiff is more probable than the respondent’s objections.
Court Decision: The resolution of the Commercial Court of Appeal on obliging the entrepreneur to return the refrigerator to the company remains unchanged.
Interestingly, the court thoroughly analyzed all evidence and concluded about the actual transfer of equipment, despite formal discrepancies in documents.
Case No. 910/2596/24 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Limited Liability Company “Viddi” challenges the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, considering it unlawful.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court carefully analyzed the case materials and concluded that previous judicial instances (Kyiv Commercial Court and Northern Commercial Court of Appeal) correctly assessed the case circumstances. The court considered the plaintiff’s arguments but found no grounds to cancel the Antimonopoly Committee’s decision. The panel of judges believes that the AMC decision was made within its powers and complies with current legislation.
Court Decision: The cassation complaint of LLC “Viddi” is to be left unsatisfied, previous court decisions remain unchanged.
Case No. 903/811/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Recovery of monetary funds amounting to 2,577,050.86 UAH and reimbursement of court expenses for professional legal assistance.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court reviewed the motion of LLC “Mustang Trans” regarding recovery of court expenses for professional legal assistance incurred in the cassation instance. The court considered the scope of legal work, case complexity, and the need to compensate legal assistance expenses. The panel of judges concluded to partially satisfy the motion, recognizing expenses of 20,000 UAH as justified.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court partially satisfied the motion and recovered 20,000 UAH of court expenses for professional legal assistance from LLC “Forsazhgazoil-Trade” in favor of LLC “Mustang Trans”.
Case No. 573/129/23 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Review of the defender’s cassation complaint against first and appellate instance court verdicts in a criminal case under Article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court thoroughly examined the case materials and concluded that previous court decisions are legal and substantiated. The court found no grounds to satisfy the defender’s cassation complaint, as case materials lack evidence of criminal procedural law violation or incorrect criminal law application. The panel of judges believes that court verdicts of previous instances correspond to the case’s factual circumstances and were issued in compliance with substantive and procedural law norms.
Court Decision: Leave the verdicts of the Bilopillia District Court and Sumy Court of Appeal unchanged, and the defender’s cassation complaint unsatisfied.
Case No. 991/1068/25 dated 14/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Corruption offenses related to abuse of official position and legalization of criminally obtained funds.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The accused PERSON_6 and1. PERSON_7 fully admitted their guilt in the incriminated crimes.
2. The parties entered into a plea agreement that meets the requirements of the legislation.
3. The accused provided incriminating testimony against other members of the criminal group.
4. The damage caused by the crime was fully compensated in another criminal proceeding.
5. The accused committed to pay 2 million hryvnias to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Court decision: Approve the plea agreement, find PERSON_6 and PERSON_7 guilty, sentence them to 5 years of imprisonment with probation and additional penalties in the form of a fine and disqualification from holding certain positions.
Case No. 448/1103/15-k dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Illegal organization of cutting down 30 oak trees in a forest area without appropriate permit documents.
Main arguments of the court:
1. PERSON_6 arbitrarily organized forest logging without applying to the forestry enterprise on legal grounds and without obtaining the necessary permit documents.
2. The court established that the accused acted contrary to the established procedure of forest use, having made a verbal agreement with persons about tree cutting without official permission.
3. As a result of illegal actions, significant damage of 62,906.36 hryvnias was caused to the state, which is a qualifying feature of arbitrariness.
Court decision: Leave the local court’s verdict unchanged, recognizing PERSON_6 guilty of arbitrariness and organizing illegal forest logging.
Case No. 917/239/24 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Invalidation of the commodity exchange’s decision to impose a fine of 500 hryvnias on LLC “Verba-VV” for non-fulfillment of obligations under the wood purchase and sale agreement.
Main arguments of the court:
1. The buyer (LLC “Verba-VV”) did not fully pay the invoices issued by the seller in December 2023, which is a violation of the contract terms.
2. The expiration of the contract does not terminate the parties’ obligations if they were not properly fulfilled.
3. The plaintiff’s claims about the impossibility of fulfilling obligations and systematic violations by the seller were not confirmed by proper evidence.
Court decision: Reject the cassation appeal and leave the court decisions of previous instances unchanged.
Case No. 910/14503/23 dated 10/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Invalidation of the decision of the general meeting of the Car Garage Cooperative “Pivnich” dated 17.02.2022.
Main arguments of the court:
1. The court thoroughly analyzed the procedural norms regarding the distribution of court expenses, particularly expenses for legal assistance.
2. It was established that the legal position of the respondent did not change throughout the court instances, and representation was carried out by the same law association.
3. The court concluded that the claimed legal assistance expenses (40,000 hryvnias) are inflated and not proportionate to the work actually performed in the cassation instance.
Court decision: Partial satisfaction of the respondent’s application – recovery from the plaintiffs of 9,000 hryvnias of court expenses instead of the claimed 40,000 hryvnias.
Case No. 925/1316/22 dated 04/02/2025
Here is the analysis of the court decision:
Subject of dispute: Recognition of ownership of an access railway track and removal of obstacles in land use.
Main arguments of the court:
1. The Supreme Court established that previous court decisions in case No. 925/222/23 have a prejudicial significance and confirm that LLC “Signum” acquired ownership of railway track No. 21 in 2005 under a notarized contract.
2. The appellate court unreasonably rejected the prejudicial circumstances of the previous case, without providing convincingHere is the translation of the provided Ukrainian legal text into English:
1. Subject of Dispute: Recognition of Ownership Rights to a Railway Track
The Supreme Court emphasized the principle of legal certainty and the inadmissibility of creating a “collision” of court decisions.
Court Decision: Satisfy the cassation appeal of LLC “Signum”, cancel the appellate court resolution, and uphold the first instance court decision on recognizing ownership rights to the railway track.
Case No. 921/374/24 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Recovery of Penalty Sanctions from LLC “SAYUZ” for Improper Execution of the State Contract for Goods Supply to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Appellate Court groundlessly decided to transfer the case to the Commercial Court of Kyiv, referring to the presence of state secrets. The Court established that the appellate commercial court mistakenly equated the concepts of “restricted access information” and “state secret”, without establishing legally defined grounds for granting information the status of state secret. Moreover, the plaintiff (Ministry of Defense) did not object to the case being considered in the first instance court.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court canceled the resolution of the Western Appellate Commercial Court and referred the case for reconsideration to the same appellate court.
Case No. 910/18964/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute – Challenging the Decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine by “Ukrspetspostachka” Company.
The Court was guided by the following key arguments: firstly, previous judicial instances (Commercial Court of Kyiv and Northern Appellate Commercial Court) made procedural violations in case consideration; secondly, there is a need for a more detailed study of the case circumstances; thirdly, decisions of lower courts require review in terms of completeness of establishing factual circumstances.
The Supreme Court decided to cancel previous court decisions and refer the case for new consideration to the Commercial Court of Kyiv.
Case No. 910/4439/24 dated 04/02/2025
Here is the analysis of the court decision:
1. Subject of Dispute: Invalidation of four public procurements of pipes conducted by JSC “Ukrgazvydobuvannya” after cancellation of the previous procurement.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– Each procurement procedure is separate and does not affect other procedures
– The plaintiff voluntarily participated in all four procurements, not objecting to the conditions previously
– Invalidation of the tenders will not restore the plaintiff’s rights in the previous procurement
– The respondent conducted new procurements with slightly modified technical characteristics of pipes
3. Court Decision: Leave the court decisions of previous instances unchanged, refusing VOREX LLC’s claim.
The Court professionally and consistently argued the groundlessness of the plaintiff’s claims.
Case No. 947/9759/22 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Determining an Additional Term for Accepting Inheritance after Mother’s Death.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The plaintiff missed the legally established six-month term for submitting an application for inheritance acceptance by one and a half years.
2. The Appellate Court considered that the plaintiff filed a claim against an improper defendant (Odesa City Council), without involving the deceased’s son – PERSON_2, who is also a first-order heir.
3. Moreover, the court drew attention that the plaintiff had known about the existence of the will since April 2021, as she mentioned this in another court process.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court left the cassation appeal unsatisfied, supporting the appellate court’s decision to refuse determination of an additional term for accepting inheritance.
Main Court Arguments: First, PERSON_7 is a conscript, fit for military service, who deliberately refused to fulfill the constitutional duty to protect the state. Second, the court established that the person intentionally evaded conscription, which is confirmed by their own testimony. Third, the appellate court deemed it necessary to impose an actual punishment in the form of imprisonment, as suspension of sentence does not correspond to the gravity of the act committed under martial law.
Court Decision: Uphold the previous instance verdicts, sentencing PERSON_7 to 3 years of imprisonment under Article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Case No. 461/1706/20 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Cassation appeal by defense counsel against the first instance court verdict and appellate court ruling in a criminal case of murder (Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Main Court Arguments: The Supreme Court thoroughly examined the case materials and concluded that the verdict and ruling of previous instances are legal and substantiated. The court found no grounds to satisfy the defense counsel’s cassation appeal, as evidence of the defendant’s guilt was collected and examined properly. The procedural rights of the accused were not violated during the proceedings.
Court Decision: Uphold the verdict of the Halytskyi District Court and the ruling of the Lviv Appellate Court, and dismiss the defense counsel’s cassation appeal.
Case No. 870/15/24 dated 06/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Recovery of court expenses for professional legal assistance in a case of canceling an arbitration court decision.
Main Court Arguments: The Supreme Court recognized the legal assistance expenses of 17,000 UAH as justified because: 1) LLC “Poletechnika” timely declared the intention to receive expense compensation in its objection; 2) provided evidence confirms the reality and necessity of incurred expenses; 3) the expense amount is proportionate to the volume of legal services provided (document preparation, participation in hearings).
Court Decision: The Supreme Court dismissed the appellate appeal of LLC “Ukraine” and supported the appellate commercial court’s decision to recover 17,000 UAH in court expenses.
Case No. 908/627/23 dated 11/02/2025
1. Subject of Dispute: Bank’s claim for 49,998.31 UAH in interest for credit use from the borrower after presenting a demand for early credit repayment.
2. Main Court Arguments:
– After credit term expiration or early repayment demand, the bank’s right to accrue contract interest ceases
– Liability transforms into interest under Article 625 of the Civil Code
– Interest for “credit use” beyond the credit term is unlawful
– The bank is entitled to compensation in the form of interest according to Article 625 of the Civil Code
3. Court Decision: Reject the bank’s claim for 49,998.31 UAH in interest for credit use after the early repayment demand.
Case No. 766/9915/23 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Cassation appeal against the Kherson Appellate Court verdict regarding a criminal offense under Part 4 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code (collaborative activities).
Main Court Arguments: The Supreme Court thoroughly examined the case materials and the defense counsel’s cassation appeal. The court concluded that the appellate verdict is legal and substantiated.Substantiated, as the evidence of the defendant’s guilt is indisputable and fully investigated in previous judicial instances. The panel of judges found no grounds for cancellation or modification of the verdict.
Court decision: Leave the verdict of the Kherson Appellate Court unchanged, and the defense counsel’s cassation appeal – without satisfaction.
Case No. 308/10158/22 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Cassation appeal by defense counsel against the verdict of the Lviv Appellate Court regarding criminal proceedings on charges against PERSON_7 for committing a criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Main arguments of the court: The Supreme Court thoroughly examined the case materials and concluded that the appellate verdict is lawful and substantiated. The court found no grounds for satisfying the defense counsel’s cassation appeal, as previous judicial instances correctly established the circumstances of the case and provided an appropriate legal assessment of the defendant’s actions. The panel of judges believes that the evidence in the case was collected and examined in compliance with all procedural norms.
Court decision: The Supreme Court left the verdict of the Lviv Appellate Court unchanged, and the defense counsel’s cassation appeal – without satisfaction.
Case No. 461/1706/20 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Criminal case of intentional murder, where the defense counsel challenges the qualification of the defendant’s actions as intentional murder, insisting on the presence of a state of strong emotional excitement.
Main arguments of the court:
1. Evidence in the case convincingly demonstrates the defendant’s intent to murder, as evidenced by the number, localization, and nature of strikes to vital organs.
2. Examinations did not confirm the defendant’s state of physiological affect, and his version of self-defense was not confirmed in the case materials.
3. The defendant’s behavior after the crime (concealing traces, destroying physical evidence) indicates awareness and controllability of his actions.
Court decision: Leave the district court’s verdict unchanged, the punishment of 11 years of imprisonment is lawful and substantiated.
Case No. 308/10158/22 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Organization of illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine during martial law.
Main arguments of the court: First, the court emphasized the increased social danger of the crime committed during martial law, when Ukraine needs protection of its sovereignty. Second, the appellate court did not consider it possible to release the person from serving punishment with probation, as the defendant did not admit guilt and did not repent. Third, the court took into account the severity of the crime and the need for real punishment to prevent similar offenses.
Court decision: Leave the appellate court’s verdict unchanged, sentencing PERSON_7 to imprisonment for 5 years without probation.
Case No. 585/4127/18 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Criminal proceedings on charges of theft (Part 2 of Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Main arguments of the court: The Supreme Court established that at the time of case consideration, the law establishing criminal liability for this act had lost its force. This means that the person can no longer be brought to criminal responsibility for the incriminated act. The court concluded that continuing criminal prosecution would violate the principles of criminal law.
Court decision: The prosecutor’s cassation appeal was partially satisfied, verdicts of previous instances were canceled, criminal proceedings were closed due to the loss of force of the law on criminal liability.
Case No. 922/1076/22 dated 04/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Declaring illegal the decision of the Kharkiv City Council on the alienation of communal property, declaring the purchase and sale agreement invalid, and claiming non-residential premises into communal ownership.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The prosecutor had legal grounds to appeal to the court, as the Kharkiv City Council, as a local self-government body, itself violates the interests of the territorial community when alienating communal property.
2. It was established that the disputed property was removed from the possession of the territorial community against its will, as a result of illegal actions by local self-government bodies during privatization.
3. The court took into account that the individual entrepreneur Makeieva O.A. did not make any improvements to the leased property, which makes its purchase under a preferential procedure impossible.
Court Decision: The case was sent for a new review to the appellate commercial court for additional investigation of the case circumstances, particularly regarding the statute of limitations.
Case No. 910/661/24 dated 04/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: The company “Incomtech-Project” attempted to declare invalid a contract with AP “Antonov” due to alleged violations of public procurement legislation.
Main Arguments of the Court: First, AP “Antonov” is not a customer within the meaning of the Law “On Public Procurement” as it does not meet the established criteria. Second, there is no evidence in the case materials that the enterprise performs state orders with budget funds on a non-commercial basis. Third, the court clearly adhered to the principle that it cannot change the content of the law through subjective interpretation.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court upheld the previous court decisions and denied satisfaction of the cassation appeal of the company “Incomtech-Project”.
Case No. 912/2104/23 dated 14/01/2025
Subject of Dispute: Recognition of an additional agreement on renewal of a land lease agreement between the football club “Zirka” and the Kropyvnytskyi City Council.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. Despite the plaintiff’s claims of good faith, they had a debt of 73,736.65 UAH for rent from 01.06.2020 to 15.02.2022.
2. The mere fact of a court decision on debt collection indicates the tenant’s improper performance of obligations.
3. The principle of good faith involves not only formal but also conscientious fulfillment of contractual obligations.
Court Decision: Deny the claim to recognize the additional agreement as concluded and renew the land lease agreement.
Case No. 916/3679/23 dated 04/02/2025
Here is an analysis of the court decision:
Subject of Dispute: Termination of a land lease agreement and its return to the territorial community of the city of Odesa due to improper use and non-payment of rent.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. Previous instance courts concluded that there are no grounds for terminating the lease agreement, as the defendant paid the rent arrears and did not violate the intended purpose of the land plot.
2. The courts considered that changing the type of land use within the same land category is not a change in its intended purpose.
3. The Appellate Court noted that”Systematic non-payment of rent” was interrupted by each appeal filed by the plaintiff.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court canceled the decisions of previous instances and sent the case for a new review, as the courts did not provide proper legal assessment of all evidence and did not take into account the legal conclusions of previous Supreme Court decisions.
Case No. 444/2503/17 dated 12/02/2025
Here is a brief analysis of the court decision:
1. Subject of Dispute: Challenging the actions of a private executor regarding the seizure of a serviceman’s salary.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– Legislation establishes clear restrictions on salary seizure (no more than 20% per one document and 50% for multiple documents)
– Seizure of the entire salary is unlawful and violates the person’s constitutional right to work
– The bank and executor are obliged to verify the status of funds in the account before seizure
– A person receiving salary has the right to demand removal of illegal seizure
3. Court Decision: Partially satisfy the complaint, obligate the private executor to remove the seizure from the applicant’s account.
Important: The court clearly adheres to the practice of protecting the debtor’s rights to receive salary.
Case No. 750/3031/20 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Apartment owner challenges purchase and sale agreements and attempts to recover the apartment, claiming the agreements were concluded without her will.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. Forensic handwriting examination proved that the signature on the purchase and sale agreement dated November 29, 2019 does not belong to the apartment owner.
2. The agreement is not concluded, as the owner did not sign it and did not express her will to conclude it.
3. The court deviates from previous practice and indicates that an unconcluded transaction cannot be declared invalid but must be refuted during the resolution of the main dispute.
Court Decision: Partial satisfaction of the claim – denied recognition of the agreement as invalid, but satisfied the requirement to recover the apartment ownership.
Case No. 921/504/20 dated 14/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Declaring invalid the decision of the Ternopil City Council and the land lease agreement for a plot located in the coastal protection zone.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The land plot is located within the coastal protection zone, which imposes special restrictions on its use.
2. Transfer of the land plot for lease occurred without considering the restrictions established by law for lands in the coastal protection zone.
3. Evidence provided by the Cooperative (witness statements and expert opinion) are new evidence, not newly discovered circumstances, which cannot be grounds for reviewing the court decision.
Court Decision: Reject the cassation appeal of the Service Cooperative “Wind” and leave the resolution of the Western Appellate Commercial Court unchanged.
Case No. 554/6326/22 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Cassation appeal of the verdict in a criminal case on illegal handling of weapons (Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court identified procedural violations in previous court decisions that require additional review in the appellate court. Presumably, the defenders presented convincing arguments regarding incorrect interpretation or application of criminal law in previous instances. The court considers it necessary to return the case for additional review to ensure completeness and objectivity of judicial proceedings.
Court Decision: Partially satisfy the cassation appeal, cancel the resolution of the Poltava Appellate Court, and assign a new review in the appellate court.I apologize, but the text appears to be incomplete. Could you please provide the full text for translation? I am ready to translate the entire legal document or court decision analysis into English with precision and attention to legal terminology.Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Verdict of the First Instance Court Regarding Sentencing for a Person Who Committed a Robbery Theft of Funds at a Market during Martial Law.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court drew attention that the appellate court insufficiently motivated the application of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on exemption from serving punishment with probation. The court considers that the appellate court did not provide specific grounds for such a decision, other than those already taken into account when mitigating punishment under Article 69 of the Criminal Code. The Supreme Court emphasized the importance of detailed substantiation by the court of each decision, especially when it comes to exemption from serving punishment.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court partially satisfied the prosecutor’s cassation appeal, revoked the decision of the Kyiv Appellate Court, and assigned a new review in the appellate instance court.
Subject of Dispute: Declaring the State Registration of Ownership Right to a Parking Space Illegal and Releasing the Land Plot.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The parking space is actually located not in the building, but on a land plot without clear boundaries, which belongs to the Odesa City Council.
2. PERSON_2 arbitrarily occupied the land plot for a parking lot without permission from the city council, and then illegally registered ownership of the parking space.
3. State registration of rights is not a basis for acquiring ownership, but only certifies an already acquired right, therefore the court checked the legality of the grounds for acquiring the right.
Court Decision: Partially satisfy the prosecutor’s claim – declare the registration of ownership of the parking space illegal and oblige PERSON_1 to release the land plot.
Subject of Dispute: Claim about Copyright Infringement and Recovery of Compensation for Using a Graphic Form of an Icon without the Author’s Permission.
Main Arguments of the Court:
– The plaintiff did not provide proper evidence of her authorship of a specific graphic work
– The copyright registration certificate for a collection is not an indisputable proof of authorship of a separate element
– The expert opinion ordered by the plaintiff herself cannot be considered indisputable evidence
– The burden of proving copyright infringement lies with the plaintiff
Court Decision: Reject the claim and recover court costs in favor of the defendant.
The court emphasized that the plaintiff did not prove the fact of copyright infringement, therefore cannot claim compensation.
Subject of Dispute – Megabank’s Recovery of 200,000 Hryvnias from the Private Enterprise “Koloma”.
The court carefully analyzed the case materials and concluded that previous judicial instances correctly assessed the evidence and followed procedural norms. The panel of judges established that there are no grounds for canceling previous court decisions, as they are based on proper and admissible evidence. The bank’s argumentation in the cassation appeal did not contain convincing legal grounds for reviewing the case.
The Supreme Court left Megabank’s cassation appeal unsatisfied, confirming the decisions of previous judicial instances.
Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Inaction of a State Executor in a Case on Establishing the Procedure for a Father’s Visitation with a Child.
Main Arguments of the Court:
– The state executor did not take all necessary actions for forced execution of the court decision on establishingEstablishing the Procedure for Father’s Visitation with the Child.
– The materials of the executive proceedings lack information about proper verification of court decision execution.
– The state executor’s acts were not entered into the Automated System of Executive Proceedings, which violates the legislation.
3. Court Decision: The Supreme Court satisfied the cassation appeal, canceled the appellate court’s resolution, and upheld the district court’s ruling on recognizing the state executor’s inaction as unlawful.
Case No. 521/16579/18 from 12/02/2025
Here is an analysis of the court decision:
1. Subject of Dispute: Invalidation of decisions of the general meeting of the OSBB “Romashka 2007” and resolving issues regarding the use of the adjacent territory.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– The court established that not all challenged decisions violate the plaintiff’s rights
– Partial violations of the meeting procedure are not grounds for invalidating all decisions
– It is necessary to maintain a balance of interests of all co-owners of the multi-apartment building
– Some decisions (on including persons in the audit commission, on independent adjustment of contributions) were declared invalid as contradicting legislation
3. Court Decision: Partially satisfy the claim, cancel a number of OSBB decisions, and refer the case for a new review in the appellate court.
Case No. 910/14481/23 from 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Invalidation of fuel supply contract clauses regarding VAT inclusion and recovery of unjustly paid funds.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. According to Resolution No. 178 and subparagraph “g” of subparagraph 195.1.2 of paragraph 195.1 of Article 195 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, operations for supplying goods to ensure transport of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are subject to VAT at a zero rate.
2. Inclusion of VAT at 7% and 20% (instead of 0%) in contract prices contradicts current legislation, as VAT cannot be set by contract parties.
3. Funds paid as VAT are unjustly acquired and subject to return based on Article 1212 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
Court Decision: Uphold the appellate court’s resolution on invalidating contract clauses and recovering 262,212,654.73 UAH of unjustly paid funds, 14,864,133.51 UAH of inflation losses, and 5,471,411.34 UAH of three percent per annum from the defendant.
Case No. 534/1577/18 from 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Appealing the appellate court’s verdict convicting PERSON_7 for drug trafficking.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The appellate court violated the principle of direct evidence examination by referring to evidence not directly examined by it.
2. The appellate court groundlessly recognized the powers of investigator PERSON_9, as the extract from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations cannot replace a procedural decision on investigator appointment.
3. The appellate court did not verify or evaluate the defense’s arguments regarding possible crime provocation and evidence inadmissibility.
Court Decision: Cancel the appellate court’s verdict and assign a new review in the appellate court with a preventive measure of detention.
Note: The court deviated from previous practice regarding assessment of investigator powers and evidence examination in appellate proceedings.
Case No. 921/379/23 from 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Appealing the ruling of the Commercial Court of Ternopil Region on closing proceedings in a case of an individual’s insolvency due to incomplete disclosure of corporate rights information.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The court thoroughly analyzed the procedure for restoring the term for appellate appeal and concluded that1. The appellate court did not provide proper grounds for recognizing the reasons for missing the deadline as valid.
2. The appellate court committed procedural violations, in particular, by calculating the terms of appeal differently – from the date of receiving the ruling in the electronic cabinet and from the date of receiving it by mail.
3. The court indicated that unjustified renewal of the appeal term is a violation of Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
Court decision: Rescind the resolution and ruling of the appellate commercial court and refer the case to the appellate court from the stage of opening appellate proceedings.
Case No. 910/5029/22 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Recovery of expenses for professional legal assistance incurred in the Commercial Cassation Court during the consideration of the cassation appeal.
Main arguments of the court: The Supreme Court thoroughly analyzed the provided evidence and concluded that the claimed legal expenses are justified and proportionate. The court took into account the scope of services provided, the complexity of the case, the lawyer’s time spent, and that the preparation of a response to the cassation appeal indeed required 3 hours of work. Moreover, the court emphasized that the amount of expenses corresponds to the criteria of reasonableness, proportionality, and fairness.
Court decision: Recover from Individual Entrepreneur Sych Volodymyr Volodymyrovych in favor of LLC “TRC Lavyna” 10,000 UAH of expenses for professional legal assistance.
Case No. 918/822/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Reimbursement of court expenses in the bankruptcy case of LLC “Tradeks”.
Main arguments of the court:
1. The court thoroughly analyzed the submitted documents regarding legal assistance expenses of Agricultural LLC “Dubenska Agrarna Kompaniya” and PERSON_1.
2. It was established that the claimed expenses of 100,000 UAH are unjustified and do not meet the criteria of reality and reasonableness.
3. The panel of judges considers it appropriate to reduce legal assistance expenses to 25,000 UAH for each applicant.
Court decision: Partial satisfaction of applications – recovery from PERSON_2 in favor of Agricultural LLC “Dubenska Agrarna Kompaniya” and PERSON_1 of 25,000 UAH of court expenses and minor postal expenses.
Case No. 870/15/24 dated 06/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Cancellation of the arbitration court decision, which recovered 592,849.86 UAH of debt from LLC “Ukraine” in favor of LLC “Poletechnika”.
Main arguments of the court:
1. The arbitration agreement is valid, as the parties voluntarily agreed to the arbitration clause in the contract, which was signed by an authorized person of LLC “Poletechnika”.
2. The appointment of the chairman of the arbitration court as an arbitrator does not violate the legislation and regulations of the arbitration court.
3. The fact of a previous marriage between the chairman of the arbitration court and the deputy chairman who considered recusal applications cannot be grounds for doubting the impartiality of the judges, as they have not been married for 14 years.
Court decision: Reject the appellate appeal of LLC “Ukraine” and leave the arbitration court decision unchanged.
Case No. 585/3727/19 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of dispute: Cassation appeal of the verdict regarding a person who committed two episodes of illegal seizure of vehicles.
Main arguments of the court: The court thoroughly analyzed the circumstances of the case and concluded that the imposed punishment of 6 years of imprisonment is fair. The court took into account the severity of the crime, the personality of the convicted person, in particular, that he was previously convicted and committed a new crime during the probation period. The court did not find grounds for applying Article 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on exemption from serving the sentence with probation, since the correctionalPunishment of the convicted person is possible only under conditions of isolation from society.
Court Decision: Leave the sentence unchanged, the defense counsel’s cassation complaint – without satisfaction.
Case No. 638/18321/19 dated 11/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Recognition of termination of mortgage under a credit agreement concluded in 2007 between the bank and the borrower.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The primary obligation under the credit agreement was terminated due to full execution of the court decision on debt collection, which was adopted in 2013 and fully performed by the borrower in 2019.
2. The bank independently determined the debt in hryvnia and accepted its performance in the national currency, which indicates the termination of the obligation.
3. The private executor’s resolution dated November 17, 2020 confirms the full execution of the court decision and termination of the primary obligation.
Court Decision: Leave unchanged the decisions of previous instances on recognizing the mortgage terminated and reject the bank’s cassation complaint.
Case No. 760/21007/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Claim to oblige to stop abuse of right and initiate out-of-court collection on the mortgage subject.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The mortgagee has the right to independently determine the procedure for satisfying its requirements in case of non-performance of the primary obligation by the debtor.
2. The contract terms provide the mortgagee’s right to enforce collection on the mortgage subject in various ways.
3. The plaintiff did not provide proper evidence that the respondent is abusing their rights or artificially delaying the collection procedure.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court left unchanged the previous court decisions and refused to satisfy the cassation complaint.
Case No. 640/37410/21 dated 13/02/2025
Here is the analysis of the court decision:
1. Subject of Dispute: Termination of LLC “ACE” right to perform construction works for capital repair of a non-residential building.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– The State Architectural and Construction Inspection (SACI) may apply to the court to terminate the right to construction works in case of obvious inaccuracy of data in the notification about the start of works.
– Previous instance courts did not verify all circumstances of the case, in particular discrepancies in technical documentation and building area.
– The issue of possible unauthorized construction and compliance of the object’s technical characteristics was not properly investigated.
3. Court Decision: Cancel previous court decisions and send the case for new consideration to the court of first instance for detailed examination of all circumstances.
Key feature of the decision – detailed explanations regarding the procedure of SACI actions when identifying potential violations in construction documentation.
Case No. 420/13080/22 dated 14/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Challenging the legitimacy of a tax notification-decision by which LLC “Communications and Engineering Networks” increased the amount of VAT monetary obligation by 1,170,515 hryvnias.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The court revealed significant procedural violations in the actions of previous instance courts, which did not conduct a full and comprehensive investigation of the submitted documents.
2. The courts did not clarify which primary documents were provided to the tax authority and did not assess their sufficiency to confirm economic transactions.
3. The circumstances regarding the receipt and completeness of documents provided during the tax audit were not investigated.
Court Decision: Cancel the decisions of previous instance courts and send the case for new consideration to the court of first instance for full and comprehensive investigation of the case circumstances.
Case No. 160/11240/24 dated 1Here is the translation of the legal text from Ukrainian to English:
Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Tax Authority’s Decision to Refuse Registration of Tax Invoices.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The court thoroughly analyzed the procedural actions of the Main Tax Authority regarding the filing of an appellate complaint and established that the respondent did not provide convincing evidence of the impossibility of timely payment of court fees.
2. Lack of budget financing is not a valid reason for missing the procedural term for appellate appeal.
3. The right to re-submit an appellate complaint is not absolute, and the complainant must prove the objective impossibility of timely performance of procedural actions.
Court Decision: To leave the cassation complaint of the Main Tax Authority unsatisfied, and the appellate court ruling unchanged.
Case No. 990SСGС/17/24 dated 30/01/2025
Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Decision of the High Council of Justice to Bring a Judge to Disciplinary Responsibility for Issuing Rulings Allowing Searches of Vehicles during Pre-trial Investigation.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. Investigating Judge PERSON_1 acted within the powers defined by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine when issuing rulings allowing searches.
2. The investigating judge’s rulings comply with the requirements of Article 235 of the Criminal Procedure Code and contain necessary motives within the limits that do not disclose the pre-trial investigation’s confidentiality.
3. The High Council of Justice essentially attempted to assess the legality of a judicial decision, which is beyond its powers in disciplinary proceedings.
Court Decision: To cancel the High Council of Justice’s decision to bring the judge to disciplinary responsibility and recognize the judge’s actions as lawful.
Case No. 990/361/24 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Lawsuit by a Group I Disabled Person, Chernobyl Accident Liquidation Participant, against the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for recognizing actions and inaction as unlawful, and compelling actions regarding social payments.
Main Arguments of the Court: Firstly, the plaintiff did not specify the content of the claims and did not explain which specific actions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine violate his rights. Secondly, protection of social rights is usually carried out by addressing specialized bodies, not the legislative body. Thirdly, the plaintiff did not provide clear circumstances and evidence of rights violation by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Court Decision: To leave the appellate complaint unsatisfied, and the ruling of the Cassation Administrative Court unchanged.
Case No. 400/5882/23 dated 14/02/2025
1. Subject of Dispute: Challenging a tax notification-decision on accruing penalties for violating settlement terms in foreign economic activity amounting to 4,085,975.74 UAH.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
The Supreme Court formulated a fundamentally important conclusion that the moratorium on conducting documentary inspections provided by the Tax Code does not apply to inspections regarding compliance with currency legislation. The court clearly distinguished between the regulatory spheres of the Tax Code and the Law “On Currency and Currency Transactions”, indicating that in case of contradictions, the special law on currency operations takes priority.
The court established that previous judicial instances incorrectly canceled the tax notification-decision, as they did not substantively investigate the existence of currency legislation violations.
3. Court Decision: To cancel previous judicial decisions and send the case for a new review to fully investigate the case circumstances.
Case No. 300/3554/22 dated 14/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Challenging tax notification-decisions and penaltySanctions Imposed by the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court established that the appellate court prematurely returned the tax authority’s appeal, as the latter had actually eliminated the deficiencies within the court-set deadline – on August 26, 2024, sent a copy of the complaint to the plaintiff by registered mail and submitted relevant evidence to the court. The court emphasized that the appellant’s actions did not contain signs of abuse of procedural rights, and returning the complaint violates the right to judicial protection and appeal.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court satisfied the cassation complaint, canceled the appellate court’s ruling, and sent the case for continued consideration to the appellate court.
Case No. 9901/142/21 dated 12/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Presidential Decree on Applying Sanctions to Private Enterprise “Poltavabuildcenter”.
Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions” allows applying restrictive measures to any entities whose activities create potential threats to Ukraine’s national interests.
2. The Security Service of Ukraine provided evidence of grounds for applying sanctions, which are beyond judicial control.
3. The President of Ukraine acted within his constitutional powers, adhering to the principle of proportionality and pursuing the legitimate aim of protecting state interests.
Court Decision: Reject the claim of Private Enterprise “Poltavabuildcenter” to cancel the decree on sanctions.
Case No. 440/11092/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: Challenging a tax notification-decision on accruing penalties for violating settlement terms in foreign economic activity.
Main Arguments of the Court: First, the court established that the day of sending claims to the International Commercial Arbitration Court by courier mail is the day of stopping penalty accrual. Second, the company confirmed document transfer to the postal service with inventory descriptions, and the court’s receipt was certified by arbitration court decisions. Third, the court found that the controlling authority improperly accrued penalties since the procedures for stopping their accrual were followed.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court upheld the previous instances’ decisions and rejected the tax authority’s cassation complaint, canceling the penalty accrual of 9,058,632.28 hryvnias.
Case No. 520/16200/23 dated 13/02/2025
Subject of Dispute: A prosecutor filed a lawsuit to compel the housing and communal enterprise “Donetske” to bring anti-radiation shelter No. 76002 into proper technical condition.
Main Arguments of the Court: The Supreme Court established that the State Emergency Service does not have an independent right to file such claims, as current legislation does not empower it to file lawsuits about bringing protective structures to readiness. The court emphasized the subsidiary role of the prosecutor in protecting state interests and pointed out that the prosecutor cannot replace an authority capable of independently protecting state interests.
Court Decision: The Supreme Court left the prosecutor’s cassation complaint unsatisfied and supported the appellate court’s decision to leave the claim without consideration.
Case No. 640/9041/19 dated 12/02/2025
Here is the analysis of the court decision:
1. Subject of Dispute: Challenging tax notification-decisions on additional corporate income tax and VAT charges for transactions with the contractor LLC “Elantra Company”.
2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– Business transactions between the plaintiff and the contractor are real
– Fur