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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 05/02/2025

Changes in Defense and Security:

• In the Procedure for Developing Defense Products, the term “defense production” has been replaced with “defense goods”, and the concept of weapon components has been expanded to include computer programs.

• The procedure for transferring military property between authorities has been simplified – now only a written consent from the head of the receiving authority is required, and the requirement to inform a wide range of bodies has been canceled.

Changes Regarding Territorial Communities:

• A two-year experimental project to support frontier communities (up to 100 km from the contact line) through partnerships with other Ukrainian communities has been introduced. 13 forms of support, ranging from humanitarian to psychological, are envisaged.

• The procedure for state registration of territorial community statutes, which had been in effect since 1998, has been abolished.

Changes in Energy and Communications:

• The formula for calculating gas prices has been modified, linking it to the Slovak hub SK VTP, and a maximum markup of 20% for the “last resort” supplier has been established.

• Requirements for companies engaged in radio interference detection have been set – accreditation under DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17025:2019, higher education for personnel, and specialized equipment are necessary.

Changes in the Social Sphere:

• The budget for the Unemployment Fund for 2025 has been approved with revenues of 22.06 billion UAH and expenditures of 17.03 billion UAH, of which 6.75 billion are allocated for micro-grants for businesses.

• The procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship has been simplified for spouses of Armed Forces servicemembers, including spouses of those killed or discharged due to injuries.

Other Important Changes:

Review of each of legal acts published today:

On the Accounting Price of Banking Metals

This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine establishing accounting prices for banking metals as of 04.02.2025. The document sets accounting prices for four types of banking metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, expressed in hryvnias per troy ounce. Specifically, the price of gold is set at 117,432.57 UAH, silver at 1,308.99 UAH, platinum at 40,741.85 UAH, and palladium at 43,037.00 UAH.

It is important to note that the established prices are accounting prices and do not imply any obligations of the NBU to buy or sell banking metals at these prices. These prices are used for accounting, customs, and other calculations.

On the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia to Foreign Currencies

This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine establishing the official exchange rate of hryvnia to 35 foreign currencies as of 04.02.2025. The document contains a table with currency rates, where for each currency its digital and literal code, number of units, full name, and official rate relative to hryvnia are indicated. Among the main currencies: US dollar – 41.7908 UAH, euro – 42.8627 UAH, pound sterling – 51.5719 UAH.

Key provisions:
– Rates are used for accounting purposes
– Applied for NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine
– NBU does not undertake obligations to buy or sell currencies at the specified rates
– Rates are established for the most important currencies for the Ukrainian economy, including currencies of main trading partners

On Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution of March 3, 2021 No. 234

The resolution introduces terminological changes to the Procedure for Developing, Mastering, and Releasing New Types of Defense Products. The main change is replacing the term “defense products” with “defense goods” throughout the document. Structurally, changes are made to both the title and points of Resolution No. 234 from 2021 and its approved Procedure. In addition to terminological changes, the definition of “component part of weapons, military and special equipment” has been updated to now include computer programs. One paragraph of point 2 of the Procedure has been excluded, and a reference to term definitions according to relevant laws has been added.

Key provisions:
– Unification of terminology with defense procurement legislation
– Expanding the concept of weapons components by including software
– Linking terminology to laws “On Copyright and Related Rights” and “On Defense Procurement”

On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Individual Approval for Relations and/or Connections and/or Communications with a Foreign Religious Organization Whose Activities in Ukraine are Prohibited

The resolution establishes the procedure for obtaining permission to communicate with foreign religious organizations whose activities are prohibited in Ukraine. The document defines the mechanism for submitting an application, the list of required documents, and the procedure for their review by the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience (DSEFS). Structurally, the Procedure consists of 16 points and an appendix with an application form. The main sections cover: document submission procedure, list of required information, review terms, grounds for refusal, requirements for approval content, and reporting.

Key provisions:
– Approval is provided by DSEFS free of charge within 30 calendar days
– Application is submitted separately for each authorized representative of the organization
– Documents are assigned the “for official use” classification
– DSEFS has the right to interact with the SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other bodies for verificationTranslation:

Information Verification

  • After communication is completed, a detailed report must be submitted within 10 days
  • On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 26, 2014 No. 376

    The resolution introduces amendments to the procedure for transferring military property between state authorities. The main essence of the changes concerns the procedure for coordinating such transfer and simplifying document management. Structurally, the document contains two key changes to the operative part of the basic resolution No. 376 from 2014. The first change clarifies the form of approval for military property transfer – now a written consent (consent letter) from the head of the receiving authority is required. The second change cancels the requirement to inform a number of state bodies within 24 hours about the property transfer.

    The most important practical aspect is that the procedure for transferring military property has now become simpler by canceling the need to notify a wide range of state bodies, while simultaneously strengthening the requirements for documentary confirmation of the receiving authority’s consent to accept the property.

    On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 26, 2015 No. 18 and June 17, 2015 No. 409

    The resolution introduces technical changes to two CMU resolutions regarding the work of commissions on technogenic-ecological safety and emergency situations – state and regional/local. Structurally, the document consists of two blocks of changes. The first relates to the State Commission on Technogenic-Ecological Safety and Emergency Situations – the procedure for its secretariat’s work is clarified, and the commission’s composition is expanded by including the Minister for Strategic Industries. The second block concerns the standard provision on regional and local commissions – clarifications are made regarding terminology and document signing procedures. Key changes:
    – It is determined that the State Commission’s secretariat consists of representatives from the CMU Secretariat and the State Emergency Service
    – It is established that the CMU Secretariat monitors the implementation of the State Commission’s decisions
    – The procedure for signing documents at all commission levels is clarified
    – The Minister for Strategic Industries is added to the State Commission’s composition

    On Declaring Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as Invalid

    The resolution cancels a number of normative acts related to state registration of territorial community statutes, starting from the basic resolution of 1998 and including all subsequent amendments to it. Structurally, the document consists of two parts: the operative part itself and an appendix in the form of a list of 5 resolutions that become invalid. The following are canceled: the main resolution No. 1150 from 1998 on registration of territorial community statutes and 4 resolutions that introduced amendments to it in 2004, 2011, 2016, and 2019.

    The key point is the complete cancellation of the state registration procedure for territorial community statutes that has been in effect since 1998. This may indicate the introduction of a new procedure for registering territorial community statutes through another normative act.

    On Amending Paragraph 5 of the Procedure and Conditions for Providing Subvention from the State Budget to Local Budgets for Implementing a Public Investment Project on Arranging Safe Conditions in Institutions Providing General Secondary Education (Fire Protection), Including Military (Naval, Military-Sports) Lyceums, Lyceums with Enhanced Military-Physical Training

    The resolution introduces a technical amendment to the procedure for providing subvention from the state budget to local budgets for fire protection of secondary education institutions, including military lyceums. Structurally, the document contains only one changeTranslation of the text:

    Regarding the replacement of the word ‘remote’ with ‘full-time’ in the second paragraph of paragraph 5 of the basic Procedure dated December 30, 2024. The key point is that this change concerns the form of conducting certain measures within the framework of implementing a fire protection investment project – instead of a remote form, a full-time form is being established. This is the only substantive change introduced by this resolution.

    The translation focuses on the specific change mentioned in the text, replacing ‘remote’ with ‘full-time’ in the context of implementing a fire protection investment project.

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