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Review of the EU legislation for 11/02/2025

Here’s a concise review of the legal acts:

  • Anti-dumping duties on Chinese biodiesel ranging from 10% to 35.6%, excluding sustainable aviation fuels. The duties apply to fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and paraffinic gasoils.
  • Ban on importing bovine offal from Japan due to lumpy skin disease outbreaks, while maintaining permission for other bovine meat imports.
  • Registration requirements for Chinese fused alumina imports for nine months, with estimated dumping margins between 97% and 215%. This covers specific CN codes 2818 10 11, 2818 10 19, ex 2818 10 91, and 2818 10 99.
  • Reclassification of LED strips from ‘other lighting fittings’ to ‘light-emitting diode modules’ in the EU’s Combined Nomenclature, moving from CN code 9405 40 99 to 8539 51 00.
  • Authorization for ‘Ecolab CMIT-MIT BPF’ biocidal products for use in cooling systems, paper industry, and food preservation, valid from March 2025 to February 2035.
  • New fishing regulations for Northwest Atlantic including 155mm or 130mm mesh sizes for cod fishing and updated observer report templates.
  • Extension of fisheries conservation measures in Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, and West of Scotland until December 2025, focusing on reducing cod and whiting by-catch.
  • Administrative changes to ‘INSECTICIDES FOR HOME USE’ biocidal product family, adding four new trade names, changing two existing names, and removing two names.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/261 of 10 February 2025 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of biodiesel originating in the People’s Republic of China

This regulation imposes definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of biodiesel originating from China. The duties range from 10% to 35.6% depending on the exporting company and will apply to fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and paraffinic gasoils obtained from synthesis/hydro-treatment, excluding sustainable aviation fuels.The regulation’s structure includes sections on: procedure details, product scope definition, dumping margin calculations, injury analysis, causation assessment, and determination of duty levels. The main changes compared to the provisional regulation include revised calculations of undistorted costs for certain production factors and updated dumping margins.Key provisions include:- Definitive duties ranging from 10% to 35.6% depending on the exporter- Exclusion of sustainable aviation fuels from the scope- Requirement for valid commercial invoices to apply individual duty rates- Provisions for new exporters to request individual duty rates- Monitoring mechanisms for potential circumvention- Definitive collection of provisional duties previously imposed

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/259 of 10 February 2025 amending Annex XIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 as regards the entry for Japan in the lists of third countries or territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of fresh meat of ungulates

This Commission Implementing Regulation amends the rules for importing fresh meat from Japan to the European Union due to confirmed outbreaks of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Japanese bovine animals. The regulation specifically prohibits the entry of bovine offal from Japan into the EU while maintaining the permission for other bovine meat imports.The regulation modifies Annex XIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 by adding a specific condition ‘No offal’ to the entry for Japan. This change is based on international standards, particularly the World Organisation for Animal Health’s Terrestrial Animal Health Code, which does not consider offal as a safe commodity in cases of LSD infection.The main provisions include:

  • Suspension of bovine offal imports from Japan to the EU
  • Continuation of other bovine meat imports from Japan under existing conditions
  • Maintenance of Japan’s general authorization for bovine animals and ruminant meat separated mechanically
  • Implementation of the regulation on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/260 of 10 February 2025 making imports of fused alumina originating in the People’s Republic of China subject to registration

This Commission Implementing Regulation introduces registration requirements for imports of fused alumina (artificial corundum) from China following an anti-dumping complaint. The regulation aims to enable potential retroactive collection of anti-dumping duties if the investigation confirms dumping practices. The measure is temporary and will expire after nine months.The regulation consists of two main articles. Article 1 establishes the registration requirement for specific types of fused alumina, identified by CN and TARIC codes, while explicitly excluding certain varieties like sintered corundum with specific chemical compositions. Article 2 addresses the entry into force of the regulation.Key provisions include:
– Registration applies to fused alumina classified under CN codes 2818 10 11, 2818 10 19, ex 2818 10 91, and 2818 10 99
– Estimated dumping margins between 97% and 215% and injury elimination level between 100% and 200%
– Registration period is set for nine months
– Specific exclusions for certain types of artificial corundum (TARIC code 2818 10 91 30) and mechanical mixtures
– The exact amount of potential future liability is not determined at this stage

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/289 of 6 February 2025 repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) No 708/2013 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature

This Commission Implementing Regulation repeals the previous classification of LED strips in the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union. The act changes the classification of LED strip lights from ‘other lighting fittings’ to ‘light-emitting diode (LED) modules’ to align with international standards. This change follows a decision by the World Customs Organisation’s Harmonized System Committee.The regulation consists of two main articles: Article 1 repeals the previous Implementing Regulation (EU) No 708/2013, and Article 2 establishes the entry into force provision. The act is supported by eight recitals explaining the reasoning behind the change, particularly focusing on the technical characteristics of LED strips and their proper classification.The key provisions of this act center on the reclassification of LED strip products. Previously, these products were classified under CN code 9405 40 99 as ‘other lighting fittings.’ Following the WCO’s classification opinion 8539.51/1, these products are now to be classified under CN Code 8539 51 00 as ‘light-emitting diode (LED) modules.’ This change applies to flexible indoor LED tape lights that consist of LEDs aligned on a printed circuit board, commonly used for task and accent lighting in various applications.

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/263 of 10 February 2025 granting a Union authorisation for the biocidal product family Ecolab CMIT-MIT BPF in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation granting Union authorization for the biocidal product family ‘Ecolab CMIT-MIT BPF’ containing C(M)IT/MIT (3:1) as the active substance.The act authorizes three meta SPCs (product subcategories) with different concentrations of the active substance for use in:

  • Preservatives for liquid-cooling and processing systems
  • Slimicides for pulp and paper industry
  • Food and feed area preservatives

The main provisions include:

  • Authorization period: March 3, 2025 – February 28, 2035
  • Detailed conditions of use, application methods and rates for each meta SPC
  • Risk mitigation measures like personal protective equipment requirements
  • Storage conditions and shelf life of 24 months
  • Requirements for safe handling, disposal and emergency measures

The regulation contains comprehensive technical annexes with product characteristics summaries, hazard statements, and specific instructions for each authorized use pattern.

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/282 of 21 November 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2019/833 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/124 as regards new mesh sizes in cod fishery and the observer report template

This Regulation introduces amendments to the existing EU rules regarding fishing in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) regulatory area. The key changes concern new mesh sizes for cod fishing and modifications to the observer report template used for monitoring fishing activities. The act is technical in nature and focuses on specific fishing requirements.The Regulation consists of three articles and an annex. Article 1 introduces new mesh size requirements for cod fishing in specific divisions (155 mm or 130 mm when using sorting grid). Article 2 refers to amendments to the observer report template detailed in the Annex. Article 3 contains standard entry into force provisions. The Annex provides detailed modifications to fish size measurements and updates to the standardized observer report template.The most significant provisions include:

  • New specific mesh sizes for cod fishing in Divisions 3L and 3M
  • Updated minimum fish sizes for Atlantic Cod, Greenland halibut, American plaice, and Yellowtail flounder
  • Revised observer report template with detailed requirements for reporting various observations including potential non-compliance, satellite tracking device functioning, transshipments, and waste disposal

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/283 of 28 November 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards technical measures for certain demersal and pelagic fisheries in the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the West of Scotland

This Commission Delegated Regulation amends the technical measures for fisheries conservation in specific maritime areas – the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea, and the West of Scotland. It extends previously established remedial measures until December 31, 2025, focusing on reducing by-catch of cod and whiting and improving selectivity measures for gadoid catches.The regulation consists of two main articles and an annex. Article 1 introduces amendments to Annex VI of the base Regulation (EU) 2019/1241, while Article 2 sets the entry into force date. The Annex specifically modifies two points in Parts B and C of Annex VI, extending the application period of certain technical measures until December 31, 2025.Key provisions include:
– Extension of remedial measures for stocks with biomass below Blim levels
– Continuation of measures to optimize exploitation patterns and increase gear selectivity
– Prolongation of technical measures based on the North Western Waters Member States Regional Group recommendation
– Measures to reduce unwanted catches while maintaining fishing activities
– Provisions ensuring compatibility with the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/265 of 7 February 2025 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/704 as regards administrative changes to the Union authorisation of the biocidal product family INSECTICIDES FOR HOME USE

This Commission Implementing Regulation amends the previous authorization for the biocidal product family ‘INSECTICIDES FOR HOME USE’. The regulation introduces administrative changes to the product authorization, specifically related to trade names.The regulation makes changes to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/704 by adding 4 new trade names, changing 2 existing trade names, and removing 2 trade names for the insecticide product family. The changes were requested by Agrobiothers Laboratoire and approved by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).The main provisions include:- Replacement of Annex II containing the updated summary of product characteristics- Maintenance of all other substantive information unchanged- Introduction of minor editorial and layout changes due to new format requirements- The product contains permethrin and S-methoprene as active substances- The product is authorized for indoor use against fleas and ticks on furniture and textiles- Detailed instructions for use, safety measures and first aid procedures are providedKey technical specifications remain the same:- Product type: PT18 (Insecticides)- Formulation: Aerosol dispenser- Active substance concentrations: 0.177% permethrin and 0.00225% S-methoprene- Authorization valid until May 31, 2030- Product intended for general public (non-professional) use

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