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Review of the EU legislation for 06/02/2025

Here’s a concise review of the legal acts:

1. Poultry Import Restrictions

The EU has modified import rules for poultry and poultry products from Canada, UK, and US due to bird flu outbreaks. The changes suspend imports from newly affected zones while reauthorizing imports from areas where the disease has been contained.

2. Greek Bluefin Tuna Fishing

Greek vessels are now allowed to resume fishing for bluefin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean east of 45°W and Mediterranean, following a previous closure. The authorization applies retroactively from December 9, 2024.

3. African Swine Fever Controls

Updates to restricted zones in Poland due to new ASF outbreaks in wild boars. Several areas in the Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Świętokrzyskie regions were reclassified from zone I to zone II.

4. Musical Instruments Customs Rules

Customs simplifications now extend to musical instrument accessories when carried together with instruments. The changes apply to temporary admission, export, re-export, and release for free circulation procedures.

5. Biocidal Products Authorization

EEA EFTA States issued authorizations for various biocidal products including hydrogen peroxide-based, lime-based, and chlorine-based products during first half of 2024.

6. Medicinal Products Authorization

Comprehensive list of changes in marketing authorizations for medicines in EEA EFTA States, including new authorizations, renewals, extensions, and withdrawals during first half of 2024.

7. Dangerous Substances Authorization

Authorization decisions for hazardous chemicals in EEA EFTA States, covering substances like chromium trioxide, sodium dichromate, and trichloroethylene.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/267 of 4 February 2025 amending Annexes V and XIV to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 as regards the entries for Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States in the lists of third countries, territories or zones thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of consignments of poultry and germinal products of poultry, and of fresh meat of poultry and game birds

This Commission Implementing Regulation amends Annexes V and XIV to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 regarding the authorization of entry into the EU of poultry, poultry products and fresh meat from certain regions of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.The regulation makes changes in response to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in these countries – specifically one outbreak in Ontario (Canada), five outbreaks in England (UK), and 17 outbreaks across multiple US states that were confirmed in January 2025.The key changes include:

  • Suspension of imports from newly affected zones where HPAI outbreaks occurred
  • Reauthorization of imports from previously restricted zones where the disease situation has been resolved
  • Updates to the geographical descriptions and dates for restricted zones in all three countries

The regulation provides detailed technical amendments to the lists of authorized zones and their corresponding dates of restriction or authorization for importing poultry and poultry products into the EU. It includes specific coordinates and descriptions for each affected zone in Canada, the UK and the US where import restrictions are being added or lifted.

Commission Regulation (EU) 2025/262 of 2 February 2025 reopening the fishery for bluefin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean by vessels flying the flag of Greece, by repealing Regulation (EU) 2024/3250

This Regulation reopens the fishery for bluefin tuna in specific areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean for Greek vessels. It reverses a previous closure that was implemented in November 2024 due to quota exhaustion, as Greece has obtained additional fishing opportunities through quota exchanges with other Member States.The act consists of two main articles and an annex. Article 1 establishes the reopening of the fishery and repeals the previous closure regulation. Article 2 sets the entry into force and retroactive application from December 9, 2024. The Annex provides specific details about the reopening, including the stock code, species, and geographical zones affected.Key provisions include:
– The reopening applies specifically to vessels flying the flag of Greece
– The affected areas are the Atlantic Ocean east of 45° W and the Mediterranean
– The reopening is retroactively effective from December 9, 2024
– The regulation covers bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) fishing
– Special conditions are included under stock code BFT/AE45WM

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/268 of 4 February 2025 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/594 laying down special disease control measures for African swine fever

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/594 regarding special disease control measures for African swine fever (ASF). The regulation updates the restricted zones I, II and III in various EU member states where special disease control measures for ASF need to be applied. The main changes are related to new outbreaks of ASF in wild porcine animals in Poland, specifically in the Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Świętokrzyskie regions. The regulation contains detailed lists of municipalities and areas in different member states that are classified as restricted zones I, II or III based on their ASF risk level. The main changes involve reclassifying certain areas in Poland from restricted zone I to zone II due to new ASF cases.

Key provisions:

  • Updates restricted zones in Poland based on new ASF outbreaks
  • Provides detailed geographical demarcation of restricted zones in multiple EU countries
  • Establishes three levels of restrictions (zones I, II, III) based on disease risk
  • Takes effect immediately due to urgency of ASF situation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/218 of 29 November 2024 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 concerning simplifications for declaring accessories of musical instruments

This Regulation amends the EU customs rules to extend simplifications for musical instruments to their accessories when carried together by travelers. The changes ensure that both musical instruments and their accompanying accessories receive the same customs treatment for temporary admission, export, re-export, and release for free circulation. The regulation also updates certain CN codes related to bananas.The regulation modifies five articles of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446. The amendments specifically target Articles 136, 138, 140, 155, and 226, adding references to ‘accessory instruments, apparatus or equipment’ wherever portable musical instruments are mentioned in the context of customs procedures.Key provisions include:
– Accessories must be carried and used together with portable musical instruments to qualify for simplifications
– The simplifications apply to both EU and non-EU residents
– Total relief from import duty is granted for both instruments and their accessories when used as professional equipment
– The same treatment applies for temporary admission, re-export, and return of goods
– Accessories must fall under Chapter 92, Note 1, point (b) of the combined nomenclature to qualify

Judgment of the General Court (Second Chamber, Extended Composition) of 5 February 2025.Republic of Poland v European Commission.Law governing the institutions – Partial failure to comply with an order of the Court of Justice imposing interim measures in the context of an action for failure to fulfil obligations – Periodic penalty payment – Recovery of amounts receivable by offsetting – Article 101(1) and Article 102 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 – Jurisdiction of the General Court.Case T-830/22.

This judgment concerns a dispute between Poland and the European Commission regarding penalty payments imposed by the Court of Justice of the EU. Here are the key points: 1. The case relates to Poland’s failure to comply with interim measures ordered by the Court of Justice regarding Poland’s judicial reforms. The Court had ordered Poland to suspend certain provisions affecting judicial independence and imposed a daily penalty payment of €1 million for non-compliance. 2. The judgment addresses Poland’s challenge to the Commission’s decisions to recover penalty payments by offsetting them against EU funds due to Poland. Poland argued that after adopting new legislation in June 2022, it was no longer required to pay the penalties. 3. The key provisions examined include:

  • The Commission’s authority to recover penalty payments through offsetting under the EU Financial Regulation
  • The Court’s jurisdiction to review such Commission decisions
  • The continuing validity of penalty payments even after partial compliance with Court orders

The Court rejected Poland’s arguments and upheld the Commission’s recovery decisions, confirming that partial compliance did not eliminate the obligation to pay the full penalty amount until complete compliance was achieved. The judgment clarifies important aspects of the EU’s enforcement mechanisms regarding rule of law issues.

Dangerous substances – List of authorisation decisions taken by the EEA EFTA States in accordance with Article 44(5) of Regulation (EU) 528/2012 in the first half of 2024

This is a list of authorisation decisions for dangerous substances taken by the EEA EFTA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) during the first half of 2024. The document is based on Article 44(5) of Regulation (EU) 528/2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products.The document consists of a single annex containing a detailed table of authorisation decisions. The table lists biocidal products, their corresponding Union authorisation decision numbers, the country that issued the authorization, and the date of decision.The list includes authorizations for several biocidal products, including:

  • Hydrogen peroxide-based products (Evonik’s Product Family)
  • Various lime-based products (EuLA hydra-lime, EuLA oxi-lime, Nordkalk products)
  • Chlorine-based products (PPC Chlorine liquid, GHC Chlor)
  • Other specialized products like AEROCLEAN and Thonhauser PAA

Key aspects of the document include:

  • All authorizations were issued between January 1 and June 30, 2024
  • Each product received separate authorizations from different EEA EFTA countries
  • The decisions are based on previously issued EU authorization numbers
  • Most products received authorizations from all three EEA EFTA states, with some exceptions

Medicinal products – List of marketing authorisations granted by the EEA EFTA States for the first half of 2024

This document is a comprehensive list of marketing authorizations for medicinal products in the European Economic Area (EEA) EFTA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) for the first half of 2024.The document consists of five annexes listing different categories of marketing authorizations: new authorizations (Annex I), renewed authorizations (Annex II), extended authorizations (Annex III), withdrawn authorizations (Annex IV), and suspended authorizations (Annex V).The main provisions include:

  • Detailed listings of medicinal products with their EU registration numbers, product names, countries of authorization, and authorization dates
  • Over 60 new marketing authorizations were granted during this period
  • About 80 marketing authorizations were renewed
  • Over 20 marketing authorizations were extended with new variations
  • Approximately 25 marketing authorizations were withdrawn
  • No marketing authorizations were suspended during this period

Each entry contains standardized information including the EU product number, product name, country of authorization, and the specific date when the authorization was granted, renewed, extended, or withdrawn. The document serves as an official record of all changes in marketing authorizations for medicinal products in these countries during the specified timeframe.

Dangerous substances – List of authorisation decisions taken by the EEA EFTA States in accordance with Article 64(8) of Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (REACH) in the first half of 2024

This document represents a comprehensive list of authorisation decisions for dangerous substances taken by the EEA EFTA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) during the first half of 2024, in accordance with Article 64(8) of REACH Regulation. The decisions concern the authorization of various hazardous chemicals for specific uses in these countries.The document is structured as a single table listing all authorization decisions, organized by substance name, Commission decision reference number, country, and date of decision. Each substance may have multiple entries as the same Commission decision is often implemented separately by each EEA EFTA country.The main substances covered by these authorizations include:

  • Chromium trioxide and related compounds
  • Sodium dichromate
  • Trichloroethylene (TCE)
  • 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, ethoxylated (4-tert-OPnEO)
  • 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC)
  • MOCA
  • Bis(2-methoxyethyl)ether

Most authorization decisions were made between January and June 2024, with Iceland typically deciding on February 13, 2024, Liechtenstein making decisions between January and June 2024, and Norway making decisions throughout the same period. The document shows a coordinated approach to dangerous substance authorization among the EEA EFTA states, with most substances being authorized in all three countries with slightly different decision dates.

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