Registered 12 Draft Laws:
12442-1/P Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Criminal Liability for Crimes Related to Negligent Attitude of Official or Authorized Persons of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center, Healthcare Institutions towards Fulfillment of Official Duties
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
9421/P Draft Resolution on Accepting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Resistance” Regarding Involving War Veterans in Organizing and Implementing Preparation of Ukrainian Citizens for National Resistance
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
11112/P Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons” Regarding Ensuring the Right of Internally Displaced Persons to Housing and the Rights of Children among Internally Displaced Persons to Receive Living Assistance until Reaching 18 Years of Age
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12213/P Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons” Regarding Guaranteeing Protection of Internally Displaced Persons from Forced Eviction from Residential Premises without Providing Alternative Housing
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12301-1/P Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons” and Other Laws of Ukraine
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12301/P Draft Resolution on Accepting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons” and Other Laws of Ukraine
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
13032 Draft Law on Temporary Suspension of Powers of Supervisory Boards of Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations in the Sphere of Defense and Security of Ukraine during Martial Law
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12442/P Draft Resolution on Accepting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Introduction of Criminal Liability for Violation of Legislation on Defense, Mobilization PreparationHere’s the translation of the first fragment:
preparation and mobilization, committed by the heads of territorial recruitment and social support centers, chairmen and members of military medical commissions
The rest of the text appears to be a list of legislative draft projects in Ukrainian, which I would be happy to translate if you provide the specific section you want translated.Here is the translation of the text you provided:
Actions related to negligent attitude of officials or authorized persons of the territorial recruitment and social support center, healthcare institutions towards the performance of official duties
The translation covers the first line of the text, which appears to be a description or title of a legal document or bill. The rest of the text seems to be a list of legislative documents or bills with their respective dates and links, which I have not translated as per your instructions.