Essence of the Act:
An Interagency Working Group is being created to coordinate actions regarding the use and seizure of frozen Russian Federation assets for the benefit of Ukraine. The Group is a temporary advisory body under the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister. It includes heads of key ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Bank of Ukraine, and State Financial Monitoring Service.
Structure of the Act:
The Resolution consists of the main text and two annexes:
1. Composition of the Interagency Group
2. Regulations on the Interagency Group, which define its status, tasks, rights, and working procedure
Key Provisions:
– The Group analyzes the situation and develops plans for using frozen Russian Federation assets
– Has the right to obtain information from state agencies and involve experts
– Decisions are made by majority vote at meetings
– Group proposals are implemented through Cabinet of Ministers decisions
– Online meetings are possible
– Materials may be marked “For Official Use Only”