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Case No. 606/1390/23 dated 23/01/2025

Subject of the dispute – appealing a court verdict regarding the conviction of a person for theft of 750 hryvnias during martial law. The court in making its decision was guided by the following: 1) a new law came into force that raised the threshold value of property for qualifying theft as a criminal offense; 2) the amount stolen (750 hryvnias) became lower than the established limit of 2 non-taxable minimum citizens’ incomes; 3) according to the legal position of the Joint Chamber of the Criminal Cassation Court of the Supreme Court, the new law has retroactive effect and decriminalizes such actions.

The Supreme Court revoked the verdict of the first instance court and the appellate court ruling and closed the criminal proceedings, as the person’s actions are no longer considered a criminal offense.

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