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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 29/01/2025

Support for Veterans and Orphans

364.4 million UAH in subventions have been allocated to local budgets to ensure the work of specialists accompanying war veterans, with one specialist per 100 veterans. A redistribution of 920.82 thousand UAH in subvention has been made from Dnipropetrovsk to Luhansk region for providing housing to orphans.

State Property Transfer

Non-residential premises with an area of 526.6 sq.m have been transferred from the Pension Fund to the State Service for Children. A civil protection shelter No. 21410 with an area of 204.3 sq.m has also been transferred to the ownership of the Andrushiv City Territorial Community.

International Cooperation

A draft intergovernmental Agreement between Ukraine and Poland on cooperation in combating crime has been approved. An Organizing Committee has been established to prepare a Conference on Ukraine’s Mine Action in Japan.

Financial Support from International Partners

Ukraine will receive two grants from the World Bank: one for 15 billion dollars and another for 484.7 million dollars to support state expenditures, including salaries for public sector employees and social payments. The United States plans to provide 825 million dollars to enhance the resilience of Ukraine’s energy system.

New Regulatory Acts

Review of each of legal acts published today:

Here is the translation of the first document:

On the Accounting Price of Banking Metals

This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine establishing accounting prices for banking metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) as of 28.01.2025. The notification structure includes a table with metal codes (numeric and literal), measurement unit (troy ounce), and accounting price for each metal in hryvnias. It is important to note that these prices are reference and do not create obligations for the NBU to buy or sell metals at the specified prices.

Key accounting prices for the date:
– Gold (XAU): 115,860.52 UAH per ounce
– Silver (XAG): 1,280.87 UAH per ounce
– Platinum (XPT): 39,742.70 UAH per ounce
– Palladium (XPD): 40,978.90 UAH per ounce

Would you like me to continue with translations of the other documents?Translation of the first text:

Regarding the Transfer of Non-Residential Premises in Kyiv to the Sphere of Management of the State Service for Children

The order concerns the transfer of non-residential premises with an area of 526.6 square meters from the Pension Fund of Ukraine to the State Service for Children. The premises are located in a building at 3 V Sportyvna Square in Kyiv. The structure of the order is simple – it consists of one point that defines the object of transfer, its characteristics, and the institutions between which the property is being transferred. The key point is the change of the state property’s balance holder – the premises are transferred from one state institution (Pension Fund) to another (State Service for Children) to ensure its activities.

Would you like me to continue with the translations of the other texts?Translation of the provided Ukrainian legal texts:

[Regarding the Appointment of Kashuba A.V. as Deputy Minister of Community and Territorial Development]

This is a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on personnel appointment – appointing Andrii Viktorovych Kashuba to the position of Deputy Minister of Community and Territorial Development. The document is a typical individual act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on appointing a deputy minister. It consists of one point in the operative part. The main provision is the appointment of a specific person (Kashuba A.V.) to a specific position (Deputy Minister) in a specific ministry (Ministry of Community and Territorial Development). The resolution is signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

[Regarding the Dismissal of Kramarenko O.V. from the Position of First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine]

The resolution concerns a personnel matter – dismissal of a high-ranking official in the executive branch. The document dismisses Olena Volodymyrivna Kramarenko from the position of First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The grounds for dismissal are the official’s own desire. This is a typical personnel resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of civil service legislation and the Rules of Procedure of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Such decisions are made for positions whose appointment and dismissal fall within the Government’s competence.

[On Establishing the Cost of One Expert Hour in 2025]

The order establishes the cost of one expert hour for conducting forensic examinations in research institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2025. According to the document, the cost of one expert hour will be 424.08 hryvnias. The order’s structure is simple and includes 4 points: setting the expert hour rate, instructions for state registration, entry into force, and execution control. This order is an annual document that updates the expert hour cost taking into account the consumer price index for the previous year. The key provision for practical application is paragraph 1, which defines the specific expert hour rate. This rate is used to calculate the cost of forensic examinations conducted by state specialized forensic examination institutions of the Ministry of Justice throughout 2025.

[On Amending the Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine Board dated February 24, 2022, No. 18]

The NBU resolution amends the rules for the banking system’s operation during martial law, particularly regarding currency transactions for defense procurement. The main purpose is to regulate the mechanism for purchasing foreign currency and settlements for contracts on defense goods procurement from non-residents. Structurally, the document amends the NBU Resolution No. 18 from 24.02.2022, adding a new paragraph 6-2 and modifying existing paragraphs 12, 12-15, and 14. The key innovation is introducing a special mechanism for using escrow accounts for defense procurement.

Main innovations:
– The state customer service in the defense sphere receives the right to purchase foreign currency and transfer it to an escrow account for settlements with non-residents
– Such operations are not subject to general restrictions on the terms of purchased currency use
– The list of permitted currency operations for paying judicial and arbitration fees by state enterprises and companies with state ownership has been expanded
– A procedure for returning unused currency from the escrow account through distribution accounts has been established

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