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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 02/01/2025

Changes Regarding Clergy Reservation

Clergy members have been included in the list of persons who may receive exemption from mobilization. Reservation will be carried out through the Diia portal based on a submission from the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience. Religious organizations have been included in the list of critically important legal entities.

Changes Regarding Critical Metals

A draft Declaration of Intent on cooperation between Ukraine and France in the field of critical metals has been approved. The First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy is authorized to sign this document.

Changes Regarding State Property Fund Asset Transfer

A unified form of acceptance-transfer act has been established for documenting the transfer of stock packages to the State Property Fund. Amendments have been made to four Cabinet of Ministers’ orders regarding the procedure for transferring state-owned assets.

Changes Regarding Unified Social Contribution

A new procedure for voluntary payment of the Unified Social Contribution (USC) by persons in temporarily occupied territories has been approved. A mechanism for submitting applications, concluding contracts, and crediting funds has been defined. A 30-day term has been established for concluding a voluntary participation agreement after submitting an application.

Changes Regarding Barrier-Free Space

A Communication Strategy for creating a barrier-free space until 2030 has been approved. Unified requirements for communication design have been established, target audiences and communication channels have been defined. Ministries must submit semi-annual communication plans and quarterly reports.

Changes Regarding Mobilization

Review of each of legal acts published today:

Here is the translation of the first document:

On Appointing Neveselyi V.V. as Head of the State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries, and Food Programs

By the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Vladyslav Valeriiovych Neveselyi is appointed as the Head of the State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Land Reclamation, Fisheries, and Food Programs. The appointment is effective from the date of beginning actual performance of official duties. The term of appointment is limited – no more than 12 months from the date of termination or cancellation of martial law. Remuneration for the appointed head will be carried out in accordance with the legislation. This is a typical personnel order of the government regarding the appointment of a head of a central executive body during martial law.

Would you like me to continue with the translations of the other documents?Changes to the Composition of the National Mine Action Body Established by the CMU Resolution No. 1207 of 10.11.2021

The document structurally contains 5 points of changes related to replacing representatives of various ministries and agencies in the composition of the National Body.

Key changes:
– Removed the position of Deputy Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories;
– Changed representation of the Ministry of Education to the Deputy Minister for Digitalization;
– Updated the name of the representative of the Ministry of Regional Development;
– Changed the representative of the Ministry of Environment to the Deputy Minister for Digitalization;
– Increased the representation level of the State Emergency Service from deputy to first deputy chairman.

Regarding the Declaration of Intent on Cooperation between the Governments of Ukraine and the French Republic in the Sphere of Critical Metals

The order concerns approval of the draft Declaration of Intent on cooperation between Ukraine and France in the sphere of critical metals. The document has a simple structure and consists of two points: approval of the draft Declaration and authorization of the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko to sign it.

The key provision is granting powers to a specific official (Yu. Svyrydenko) to sign an international document on cooperation in the sphere of critical metals with the French Republic. This is a technical order necessary for the procedure of concluding international agreements.

Amendments to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolutions on State Property Management by the State Property Fund

The order makes technical amendments to several acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the procedure for transferring state-owned objects to the management of the State Property Fund. The document amends four CMU orders, supplementing them with uniform provisions on confirming the transfer of share packages.

The key innovation is that the transfer of share packages of legal entities must be confirmed by a transfer-acceptance act in the form established by the State Property Fund. This unifies the procedure for documenting the transfer of state corporate rights.

Transfer of Buildings to the Ownership of Brusyliv Settlement Territorial Community of Zhytomyr District, Zhytomyr Region

The order concerns the transfer of buildings to the communal ownership of the Brusyliv Settlement Territorial Community of Zhytomyr District, Zhytomyr Region. The document is a typical administrative act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on property transfer to a territorial community.

Buildings with registration number 2352242718209, located at Bazarna St., 14, Brusyliv settlement, are being transferred. The buildings are located on a land plot of 0.3131 hectares with cadastral number 1820955100:01:003:8148.

Transfer of Specific Individually Defined Property to the Ownership of Sharhorod City Territorial Community of Zhmerynka District, Vinnytsia Region

The order regulates the transfer of specific property (computer equipment, office equipment, climate equipment, furniture, and equipment) to the ownership of the Sharhorod City Territorial Community of Zhmerynka District, Vinnytsia Region.

The document structure is simple and consists of the main administrative point and an appendix containing a list of property with corresponding inventory numbers. The key point is that all property is clearly identified using inventory numbers, ensuring precise tracking.Transparency of Transfer and Subsequent Accounting. This is a typical order on property transfer between government authorities in the decentralization process.

[Translation of the documents follows]

Regarding Approval of Land Plot Sale in Kyiv

The order concerns approval of the sale of a municipal land plot to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine. The document is a one-time act granting consent to sell a specific land plot with an area of 0.1267 hectares in Kyiv, located at 24 Volunteer Battalions Street. The plot is intended for operation and maintenance of a residential building (embassy residence).

Key plot parameters:
– Cadastral number: 8000000000:82:296:0013
– Non-agricultural purpose
– Municipal ownership
– Intended use: for residential building operation

Matters of the Supervisory Board of the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”

The order relates to the formation of the supervisory board of the state enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” and approval of its members’ candidacies. The document approves 5 supervisory board members, of which 3 persons (Ilze Winkel, Janne Harjunpää, Dina Borysivna Nemyrovych) are appointed as independent members, and 2 persons (Yurii Anatoliiovych Dzhyhyr, Edem Bekirovych Adamanov) as state representatives.

This is a typical order regarding the formation of governing bodies of a state enterprise, which complies with legislation on state property management and ensures representation of both independent experts and state representatives on the supervisory board.

Certain Matters of the Joint Stock Company “National Joint Stock Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine””

The order defines an auditor for NAC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” for the next three years. Private Joint Stock Company “KPMG Audit” is appointed to conduct mandatory financial statement audit for Naftogaz for 2024-2026.

The document consists of two points: the first establishes a new auditor, the second amends the previous order No. 647 dated 25.07.2023, specifying the previous auditor’s period of action as only 2023.

The key point is that KPMG Audit receives a three-year mandate to conduct mandatory audit of Naftogaz, ensuring consistency and stability in auditing the largest state-owned oil and gas company.

On Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Provided to the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences for 2024

The order concerns redistribution of budget funds between programs of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine for 2024 within the general fund of the state budget.

The document provides for reducing consumption expenditures of the biosphere reserve “Askania-Nova” by 17,241.6 thousand hryvnias and simultaneously increasing development expenditures for scientific activity in the agro-industrial complex by the same amount.

Key provisions:
– Reduction includes cutting labor costs (11,101.9 thousand hryvnias) and utility services (1,558.6 thousand hryvnias) for the reserve
– Funds are directed to the scientific activity program in the agro-industrial complex
– The Ministry of Finance must make corresponding changes to the state budget schedule

On Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Provided to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy for 2024

The order concerns redistribution of budget funds between various programs of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy within the general fund of the state budget for 2024.

Structurally, the document consists of two points: the first defines specific reduction amounts

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