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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 01/01/2025

Changes in Legislation Regarding Radiation Protection

The procedure for recognizing the competence of radiation protection experts has been approved. 32 areas of competence have been established, with detailed requirements for knowledge and skills for each area. Mandatory qualification exams and requirements for regular professional development have been introduced.

Creation of a Minimum Oil Reserves System

A phased creation of minimum oil and petroleum product reserves is being introduced over 8 years – from 3% to 24%. Reserves will be stored on the territory of Ukraine and partially (up to 25%) in EU countries. A system of tickets-agreements between operators and a mechanism for releasing reserves in crisis situations have been introduced.

Support for Agricultural Producers

1.59 billion hryvnias have been allocated to support agricultural producers in areas where military operations are ongoing or temporarily occupied. Funds will be provided as non-refundable subsidies based on the area of cultivated land. Verification of recipients will be carried out through an information and analytical platform.

Consular Services through “Diia”

A two-year experimental project for providing consular services through the “Diia” portal and the “e-Consul” system has been launched. It will be possible to remotely process passports, register a child’s birth, obtain a driver’s license, and other services. Mandatory biometric identification at a consular office is provided.

Assistance to Persons with Gambling Addiction

Review of each of legal acts published today:

On the Accounting Price of Banking Metals

This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine establishing accounting prices for banking metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) as of 31.12.2024. The document sets accounting prices per troy ounce for each of the four banking metals: gold – 110,222.47 UAH, silver – 1,238.40 UAH, platinum – 38,809.98 UAH, palladium – 38,600.21 UAH. A key caveat is that the established prices are reference prices and do not create obligations for the NBU to buy or sell banking metals at these prices. These prices are used by banks for accounting of banking metal operations and normative calculations.

On the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia to Foreign Currencies

This is a daily notification by the National Bank of Ukraine establishing the official exchange rate of hryvnia to 35 foreign currencies as of 31.12.2024. The document contains a table with currency rates, where for each currency its digital and literal code, number of currency units, full name, and official rate relative to hryvnia are indicated. Key rates of major currencies: US dollar – 42.0390 UAH, euro – 43.9266 UAH, pound sterling – 52.9460 UAH. The rates are established for accounting purposes, for NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases defined by legislation, without NBU obligations to conduct buy-sell operations at these rates.

On Approval of the Regulation on Radiation Protection Expert

The Regulation establishes the procedure for recognizing the competence of radiation protection experts in Ukraine. Key provisions:

1. Defines qualification characteristics, requirements for knowledge, skills, and work experience of radiation protection experts, as well as the procedure for recognizing and terminating their competence.

2. Document structure includes:
– General provisions and terms
– Qualification characteristics of the expert
– Requirements for education, work experience, and knowledge
– Procedure for recognizing and extending competence
– Procedure for conducting qualification exams
– Procedure for terminating competence
– Requirements for training and professional development

3. Key innovations:
– Established 32 areas of competence for radiation protection experts
– Defined detailed requirements for knowledge and skills for each area
– Introduced qualification exams as a mandatory condition for recognizing competence
– Established requirements for regular professional development of experts

On Directing Special Fund Budget Funds in 2024

The order regulates the redistribution of budget funds amounting to 95 million hryvnias from the National Commission for Energy and Utilities Regulation to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

The document consists of two points: the first establishes the amount and grounds for fund redistribution, the second instructs the Ministry of Finance to make corresponding changes to the state budget schedule. Funds are directed to the intelligence activity program in the defense sphere.

Key provisions:
– Redistribution amount: 95 million UAH
– Funding source: unused contributions for regulation from economic entities in energy and utilities sectors
– Recipient: Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense under program 5961010
– Purpose: implementation of measures in the defense sphereTranslation of the documents:

Regarding the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 12, 2024 No. 331

The Order amends the previous act of the Cabinet of Ministers concerning the allocation of funds from the state budget reserve fund for measures to strengthen the state’s defense capability. The document increases the allocated funds by 150 million hryvnias – from 3.815 billion hryvnias to 3.965 billion hryvnias. Changes are also made to the order’s appendix, which contains details of the fund allocation. The key provision is the increase in financing of defense measures. This is the second amendment to the base order dated April 12, 2024 (the first was made in November 2024).

Regarding the Approval of Temporary Assignment of Duties of the General Director of the State Enterprise “Dobropilliavuhillia-Vydobutok” to Skrypnik V.V.

The Order concerns a personnel appointment in a coal industry state enterprise. The document approves the temporary assignment of the duties of the General Director of SE “Dobropilliavuhillia-Vydobutok” to Vasyl Volodymyrovych Skrypnik. The document’s structure is simple – consisting of one point in the operative part, which approves the proposal of the Ministry of Energy regarding the appointment. The key point is that the appointed person (Skrypnik V.V.) at the time of appointment held the position of acting director of the separate division ‘Shaft Management ‘Dobropilske” of the same enterprise.

Regarding the Approval of Temporary Assignment of Duties of the General Director of the State Enterprise “Lvivvuhillia” to Ovchinnikov P.V.

The Order concerns a personnel appointment in the state enterprise ‘Lvivvuhillia’. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the temporary assignment of the duties of the General Director of SE ‘Lvivvuhillia’ to Pavlo Vitaliiovych Ovchinnikov. The document has a simple structure and consists of one point, which approves the proposal of the Ministry of Energy regarding the appointment. P.V. Ovchinnikov previously held the position of director of the separate division ‘Shaft ‘Vidrodzhennia” of the same enterprise. The key point is that the appointment is temporary, and approval is carried out based on the proposal of the relevant ministry – the Ministry of Energy.

On Approval of the Procedure for Creation, Management, and Functioning of the Minimum Oil and Petroleum Products Reserves System in Ukraine

The Procedure defines the mechanism for creating, managing, and functioning of the minimum oil and petroleum products reserves system in Ukraine.

Main provisions:
– Establishes the obligation for market entities to create minimum oil and petroleum products reserves gradually over 8 years, starting from 3% in the first year to 24% in the eighth year
– Defines the procedure for storing reserves – on the territory of Ukraine in special storage facilities and partially (up to 25%) abroad in EU countries
– Regulates the mechanism of financial provision for reserve creation through bank guarantees amounting to 25% of the market value of reserves
– Establishes the procedure for monitoring and controlling the creation and storage of reserves through an electronic reporting system

Key innovations:
– Introduces a system of ticket agreements between operators and market entities for delegating reserve creation obligations
– Defines a mechanism for releasing reserves in crisis situations by decision of the Cabinet of Ministers
– Establishes requirements for reserve quality and the procedure for their periodic renewalTranslation of the first document:

On Amending Item 1 of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 22, 2015 No. 389

The order amends the composition of the liquidation commission of the State Agricultural Inspection by appointing Denys Mykhailovych Tsehelnyk as its new chairman, who holds the position of Head of the Economic Activity Department of the State Consumer Service. The document is technical and concerns only the change in leadership of the liquidation commission, which was established in 2015 by Order No. 389 to liquidate the State Agricultural Inspection. The main provision is the appointment of a new chairman of the liquidation commission in place of the previous one, which reflects the continuation of the liquidation process of the State Agricultural Inspection.

Translation of the second document:

Some Issues of Allocating Funds from the State Budget Reserve Fund to Provide State Support to Agricultural Producers through Budget Subsidies Calculated per Unit of Cultivated Lands

The resolution regulates the allocation of funds from the state budget reserve fund to support agricultural producers operating in territories where military actions are taking place or which are temporarily occupied. The document provides for the allocation of 1.59 billion hryvnias for the payment of budget subsidies calculated per unit of cultivated lands. Structurally, the resolution consists of 6 main points and an appendix with changes to the procedure for using funds. The main part defines the sources of financing (reallocation from other budget programs), the mechanism for allocating funds, and the powers of authorities for implementing the resolution.

Key provisions:
– Established a non-refundable basis for providing subsidies
– Defined a mechanism for verifying subsidy recipients through an information and analytical platform
– Introduced restrictions on providing funds to debtors under state guarantees
– Provided for verification of land plot information by the State Tax Service
– Established a requirement to submit a report on the use of funds by December 30, 2024

Translation of the third document:

On Amending Item 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 12, 2024 No. 820

The resolution makes a technical amendment to the financing of an investment project for restoring energy supply during the winter period. The financing amount increases from 1,912,900,000 hryvnias to 1,927,024,100 hryvnias. Structurally, the document consists of one item amending the previous CMU Resolution No. 820 dated 12.07.2024. The change concerns solely the project financing amount.

The key point is the increase in financing by 14.1 million hryvnias for implementing the second part of the investment project for restoring energy supply and energy resources provision during the winter period.

Translation of the fourth document:

On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the Education Sphere

The resolution amends a number of regulatory acts in the education sphere, mainly concerning the State University “Kyiv Aviation Institute” and its structural units. Structurally, the resolution consists of 8 items, each introducing changes to various acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The main changes concern financial matters, organizational structure, and the status of educational institutions.

Key provisions:
– The Kyiv Aviation Institute is not subject to the resolution on paid services in educational institutions
– Amendments made regarding financing and use of budget funds for higher education institutions
– Updated list of educational institutions and their names
– Changed the procedure for granting cadet status
– Amendments introducedHere is the translation of the first two documents:

Resolution on Amendments to Some Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding Payment of Expenses for Improved Nutrition of Military Personnel

The resolution amends the procedure for paying expenses for improved nutrition of military personnel during treatment in healthcare facilities. The main change is the transition from a compensation mechanism to direct payment of nutrition expenses. Structurally, the document amends three CMU resolutions regulating military personnel nutrition: from 29.03.2002 No. 426, from 13.08.2024 No. 955, and from 15.11.2024 No. 1299. Terminology is changed (from ‘compensation’ to ‘payment’), the formula for calculating expenses is clarified, and new reporting deadlines are established.

Key provisions:
– Responsibility for organizing nutrition is placed on healthcare facilities
– A unified payment calculation formula is introduced: K = D m x V m (where K is the payment amount, V m is the payment rate per bed-day, D m is the number of bed-days)
– Healthcare facilities submit monthly reports by the 15th of each month
– Payment is made by the customer within 20 days of receiving the report
– Funds can be used exclusively for food procurement or catering

Resolution on Amendments to Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated June 13, 2023, No. 619 and September 10, 2024, No. 1060

The resolution amends two procedures for using budget funds for infrastructure development, restoration, and rapid recovery of Ukraine. The document approves new lists of construction, reconstruction, and repair objects of state-significance roads with detailed financing distribution by regions and objects.

Main provisions:
– Total financing volume for the first procedure is 12.4 billion UAH, for the second – 3.4 billion UAH
– Funds are directed to:
– New road and bridge construction
– Reconstruction of existing facilities
– Capital repair
– Current medium repair

– For each object, the following are determined:
– Financing volumes
– Commissioning indicators (road kilometers, linear meters of bridges)
– Work execution terms in 2023-2024

The largest financing volumes are provided for objects in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv regions, particularly for bridge crossing construction and reconstruction.

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