Procedure Regulating the Mechanism of Voluntary Payment of the Unified Social Contribution (USC) by Persons Located in Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
The document defines the procedure for implementing the right to pay USC for taxpayers who have their location or place of residence in occupied territories. Structurally, the Procedure consists of 9 points covering: scope of application, definition of terms, taxpayer obligations, fund allocation mechanism, specifics of voluntary participation in social insurance, and the procedure for concluding relevant agreements. This is a new regulatory act that details the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Collection and Accounting of the Unified Contribution for Mandatory State Social Insurance”.
Key Provisions of the Procedure:
• Taxpayers are obligated to timely accrue and pay USC to the tax authority at their primary registration location
• Paid amounts are credited in calendar sequence of obligation occurrence
• Voluntarily paid amounts are not subject to return, except for mistakenly paid amounts
• There is a provision for submitting an application for voluntary participation in social insurance both in paper and electronic form
• The voluntary participation agreement must be concluded within 30 days from the date of application submission