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On Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the Unified Registry of Storage Locations

Procedure for Creating and Maintaining the Unified Registry of Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, and Electronic Cigarette Liquid Storage Locations

The Procedure defines the process of creating and maintaining the Unified Registry of Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, and Electronic Cigarette Liquid Storage Locations. The Registry is a component of the State Tax Service’s information system and contains a list of storage locations with details about their location and applicants.

Structurally, the Procedure consists of 28 points that regulate: the procedure for submitting applications for storage location registration, the list of information to be entered into the registry, the procedure for making changes and removing entries, the procedure for providing extracts, administration, and technical support issues.

Key provisions:
– Registration of storage locations is carried out by economic entities by submitting an application in electronic or paper form
– The Registry contains detailed information about the economic entity, storage locations, licenses, and technical characteristics of premises
– Application review period is 5 working days
– Registry access is free, performed through the State Tax Service web portal
– Integration with other state registries through the “Trembita” system is provided

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