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On Approval of Criteria for Determining Institutions Established to Ensure the Execution of Tasks of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine, which are Significant for the National Economy Sector during a Special Period

The order establishes criteria for identifying State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine (SCES) institutions that are critical to the national economy during a special period. The document is part of the mobilization preparation system and determines which SCES institutions are subject to special status during mobilization. The order consists of a main part and an appendix with criteria. It replaces the previous order dated April 12, 2023. The document establishes four main criteria for determining the importance of institutions and the procedure for confirming compliance with these criteria.

Key provisions include:
– To obtain the status, an institution must meet at least two of the four criteria
– Criteria cover: SCES task fulfillment, medical support, probation activities, procurement, and construction
– To confirm compliance, the institution submits founding documents and an extract from the Unified State Register
– Special attention is paid to institutions ensuring the functioning of prisoner of war camps

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