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On Amendments to the Order of the Prosecutor General dated 17.03.2021 No. 69 “On the Organization of Prosecution Bodies’ Activities Regarding the Maintenance of the Unified Pre-Trial Investigation Register, Statistics, and Its Analysis”

Order amends the procedure for organizing the activities of prosecution bodies regarding the maintenance of the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations (URPI) and statistics in connection with the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP) acquiring the status of a public law legal entity. Structurally, the order contains 5 points of changes related to the inclusion of SAP in the list of bodies that maintain the URPI and statistical reporting. Amendments are made to the Order of the Prosecutor General No. 69 dated 17.03.2021. Key changes include: clarification of the wording regarding prosecution leadership; inclusion of SAP structural units in the URPI maintenance system; expansion of SAP powers regarding the formation and submission of statistical reporting. Additionally, paragraph 2.3 from the previous version of the order has been removed, and the numbering of subsequent paragraphs has been adjusted accordingly.

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