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On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Article 201-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Liability for Illegal Use of Humanitarian Aid by State and Municipal Enterprises

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted draft law No. 12250 as a basis, which proposes amendments to Article 201-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding liability for illegal use of humanitarian aid by state and municipal enterprises. The resolution is structurally composed of two points: the first concerns the adoption of the draft law as a basis, and the second instructs the relevant Committee to finalize the draft law for the second reading, taking into account amendments and proposals.

The key point is that this draft law is aimed at improving criminal liability specifically for state and municipal enterprises in the sphere of humanitarian aid use. This is an important step in strengthening control over the use of humanitarian aid and preventing its illegal use.

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