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Decision No 1/2024 of the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee established by the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 21 October 2024 as regards an invitation to Georgia to accede to that Convention [2025/198]

This Decision concerns the invitation of Georgia to join the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods. The Convention aims to simplify procedures and formalities in trade between participating countries. The Decision was adopted by the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee in response to Georgia’s expressed wish to join the Convention. The Decision consists of two main articles. Article 1 formally invites Georgia to accede to the Convention starting from December 1, 2024. Article 2 establishes that the Decision becomes effective on the date of its adoption (October 21, 2024). The key provisions indicate that Georgia’s accession would facilitate trade relations between Georgia and other participating countries, including the European Union, Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. The simplification would affect various formalities related to the movement of goods between these countries. The Decision represents an expansion of the Convention’s geographical scope, adding Georgia to the existing framework of simplified trade procedures. This addition aims to create more streamlined and efficient trade processes between Georgia and other participating nations through unified formalities and procedures.

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