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Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/36 of 9 January 2025 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain polyvinyl chloride originating in Egypt and the United States

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of suspension polyvinyl chloride (S-PVC) originating in Egypt and the United States. The duties aim to protect EU producers from dumped imports that were found to be causing material injury to the EU industry.The regulation establishes definitive anti-dumping duties ranging from 58% to 100.1% on imports of S-PVC from Egypt and the USA. The duties vary by company, with Egyptian companies facing duties of 74.2-100.1% and US companies facing duties of 58-77%. The duties will be applied to the CIF Union border price before customs duties.The key elements of the regulation include:

  • Detailed analysis confirming dumping margins of 58-109.5% for the investigated companies
  • Evidence of material injury to EU industry shown through declining market share, prices and profitability
  • Establishment of company-specific duty rates based on individual dumping margins
  • Requirements for valid commercial invoices to apply individual company rates
  • Provisions for definitive collection of provisional duties previously imposed

The regulation contains extensive analysis of market conditions, injury factors, causation and Union interest considerations to justify the measures. It addresses multiple arguments raised by interested parties regarding the calculations and methodology used to determine the duties.The measures aim to restore fair competition while maintaining adequate supply in the EU market. The regulation includes provisions to prevent circumvention and ensure proper enforcement of the duties.

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