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Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/127 of 27 January 2025 correcting certain language versions of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/808 on the performance of analytical methods for residues of pharmacologically active substances used in food-producing animals and on the interpretation of results as well as on the methods to be used for sampling

This Regulation corrects errors in various language versions of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/808, which deals with analytical methods for detecting residues of pharmacologically active substances in food-producing animals. The corrections are technical in nature and focus on specific definitions and calculations.The act addresses errors found in multiple language versions (Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, German, Irish, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, and Spanish) of the original regulation. The corrections primarily concern the definition of ‘decision limit for confirmation (CCα)’ and calculations related to CCα and detection capability for screening (CCβ).The main provisions requiring correction are:

  • Article 2, second paragraph, point (14) – definition of ‘decision limit for confirmation (CCα)’
  • Article 5(2) – provisions concerning CCα
  • Points 2.6 and 2.7 of Annex I – calculations related to CCα and CCβ

These corrections are crucial for ensuring accurate analytical methods and proper interpretation of results when testing for pharmacologically active substances in food-producing animals. The English language version remains unchanged, as it was not affected by these errors.

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