Subject of the dispute – appealing a court verdict regarding the conviction of a person for theft of goods from stores with a total value of approximately 1,700 hryvnias during martial law. When making the decision, the court was guided by the fact that after the issuance of the challenged decisions, a new law No. 3886-IX came into force, which decriminalized petty theft of property valued at less than 2,684 hryvnias (as of 2023). Since the value of the stolen items in each episode was significantly lower than this amount, the actions of the accused are no longer considered a criminal offense, but an administrative offense. The court also took into account that the convicted person consented to the closure of the criminal proceedings due to the decriminalization of the act.
The Supreme Court revoked the previous court decisions and closed the criminal proceedings in connection with the loss of force of the law that established criminal liability for the committed actions.