Resolution amends the experimental project on the relocation of military personnel at their own initiative, expanding its scope to include servicemembers of the National Guard of Ukraine. The project will be implemented for two years or until the end of martial law.
Structurally, the document consists of three parts: amendments to the main resolution, changes to the relocation procedure for Armed Forces servicemembers, and a new procedure for relocating National Guard servicemembers. The main changes involve the inclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard as project participants.
Key provisions:
• The Ministry of Defense is the project coordinator
• Relocation is carried out through the “Army+” portal
• Clear timelines for report review are established (72 hours for verification, 24 hours for order signing)
• An exhaustive list of grounds for relocation refusal has been defined
• A control mechanism for decision-making is provided through a random sampling of 1% of decisions