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7 Draft Laws Registered:
12368 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Judiciary and Status of Judges" and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Legal Foundations for Establishing and Functioning of a Specialized Administrative Court
Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
12369 Draft Law on Amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine and Other…
Let me analyze these legal acts for you:
1. Three regulations deal with fisheries reopening/closure:
Spanish vessels can resume anchovy fishing in area 8 from October 25, 2024
Portuguese vessels can resume red seabream fishing in zone 9 from November 6, 2024
French vessels can resume Greenland halibut fishing in Norwegian waters from November 8, 2024
The Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) between the EU and Japan represents a comprehensive framework for enhanced cooperation and strategic coordination between these major global powers. This legally binding agreement covers various areas of cooperation, including security, trade, environmental protection, and cultural exchange. The Agreement consists of several sections addressing political dialogue, global challenges, economic cooperation,…
This Regulation establishes detailed rules for the operation of the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) registry - a standardized electronic database for managing CBAM certificates, declarations, and registrations. The registry will serve as the central platform for all CBAM-related operations between the EU authorities and economic operators.The act consists of 4 chapters and 24 articles,…
This Directive amends Directive (EU) 2015/413 to strengthen cross-border enforcement of road safety rules and facilitate information exchange between EU member states regarding traffic offenses.The key changes include:Expanding the scope of covered traffic offenses to include new violations like dangerous overtaking, wrong-way driving, failing to keep safe distance, and hit-and-run incidents Establishing detailed requirements for…
This Regulation establishes new implementing technical standards for public disclosures by financial institutions regarding prudential requirements, risk management, and other key metrics. It implements changes introduced by Basel III standards into EU legislation.The Regulation replaces the previous Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/637 and introduces comprehensive disclosure requirements in areas like capital adequacy, liquidity, credit risk, market…
This is a Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annexes I and II to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/594 regarding African swine fever control measures.The regulation updates the zoning and control measures for African swine fever in several EU member states, particularly modifying restricted zones I, II and III in response to changes in the epidemiological situation. The…
This Regulation establishes new rules on the use of bisphenol A (BPA) and other bisphenols in materials and articles intended for contact with food. It introduces a general prohibition on the use of BPA and its salts in food contact materials, with very limited exceptions.The Regulation's structure includes 14 articles and 3 annexes covering definitions,…
Changes in Defense and Security Sector:
- Import of components for production of drones, counter-technical intelligence systems, and demining equipment is exempted from import duty and VAT for the period of martial law.
- Deferments from military service mobilization, previously granted through the Ministry of Economy or "Diia", are extended for 1 month (but not later…
Order Establishing the Procedure for the National Agency for Identification, Search and Management of Assets (ARMA) to Access the Unified State Register of Civil Servants' Declarations
The order establishes the procedure for the National Agency for Identification, Search and Management of Assets (ARMA) to access the Unified State Register of Civil Servants' Declarations. This allows ARMA…
Law Amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Laws Regarding VAT Exemption for Defense-Related Goods Import and Regulation of Charitable Organizations' Taxation
The law introduces amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws, focusing on VAT exemption for defense-related goods import and regulating charitable organizations' taxation. Structurally, the law consists of two sections:…
Law Amending the Customs Code of Ukraine and the Law on Vehicle Importation, Aimed at Supporting the Defense Industry and Updating Environmental Requirements for Transport
Main Provisions:
• Exempted from import duty are components for production of:
- Unmanned systems
- Means of countering technical intelligence
- Demining machines
- Remote weapon control systems
(Exemption valid during martial law period)
• New EURO-6…
The decision concerns the constitutionality of two provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prosecution":
1. The provision on dismissing a prosecutor in the event of liquidation/reorganization of the prosecution body or reduction of the number of prosecutors (paragraph 9, part 1, Article 51) was declared unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) decided that this…
This decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine concerns the constitutionality of Article 51 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, which stipulates that normative legal acts regulating the activities of legal entities shall apply to entrepreneurial activities of individuals, unless otherwise established by law.
Structurally, the decision consists of an analysis of three main issues:
1. Whether…
Resolution amends the Procedure for Using Reserve Fund Budget Funds, expanding the possibilities of its use for measures related to strengthening the state's defense capability. Structurally, the document contains only one change - supplementing paragraph 31-1 of the Procedure for Using Reserve Fund Budget Funds with the words 'with strengthening the state's defense capability'. The…
By the Decree of the President of Ukraine, an honorary name has been awarded to the 65th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From now on, the full name of the unit is the 65th Separate Mechanized Brigade "Velykyi Luh" of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces…
Resolution regulates the issue of automatic extension of military service deferments during mobilization, which were previously granted to conscripts through the Ministry of Economy or the "Diia" portal. The document consists of two main points: the first establishes automatic extension of deferment periods for one month (but no later than February 28, 2025), the second…