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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 08/11/2024

On the Implementation of the Management and Control System for Interreg and Interreg NEXT Programs

This act regulates the functioning of the management and control system for cross-border and transnational cooperation programs Interreg and Interreg NEXT, implemented by Ukraine in cooperation with the EU. The resolution defines the distribution of functions between state bodies and program partners to ensure effective control and project implementation. It introduces an electronic monitoring system to track expenses, as well as procedures for expense verification and submission of project implementation reports.

Amendments to the List of Institutions of the National Academy of Educational Sciences

Resolution No. 1266 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the list of institutions subordinate to the National Academy of Educational Sciences. The main changes include the renaming of certain institutions, such as the “University of Educational Management,” and the exclusion of positions such as the “Educational and Scientific Center of Vocational Education.” Changes in the names of institutions may affect legal documents and official registrations.

Changes in the Provision of Subsidies to Local Budgets

This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the provision of subsidies from the state budget to local budgets in the field of education. In particular, it adjusts the conditions for providing subsidies to ensure quality education and revises grant amounts for creating safe conditions in schools. Important changes concern the remuneration of trainers and providers of professional support to educators, as well as the establishment of maximum subsidy amounts for different regions for 2024.

Resumption of Scheduled Inspections of Medicinal Product Quality

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amends the previously adopted decision to suspend state supervision under martial law conditions, excluding from this suspension the scheduled inspections of medicinal product quality and activities involving narcotic substances. These inspections will now be conducted to ensure compliance with quality standards and licensing conditions, which are critically important for the safety and health of the population.

Changes to the Requirements for Members of the State Bank’s Competition Commission

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the requirements for members of the competition commission for candidates for positions of independent members of the supervisory board of the state bank. The main change involves adjusting the number of years of experience from “three” to “two,” which may facilitate access to participation in the commission for a wider range of candidates.

Financial Directive of the National Agency

The directive allows the National Agency for the Detection, Search, and Management of Assets to purchase “Military Bonds” in the amount of 2 billion hryvnias. This decision underscores the agency’s role in financial operations related to the management of assets obtained from criminal activities and in supporting the country’s financial stability.

Changes to the Validity Period of Declarations for Business Entities

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extends the validity period of declarations for business entities engaged in waste processing until April 9, 2025. This provides additional time for the preparation and acquisition of necessary permits in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management.”

Changes to the Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Plan

This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the radio frequency spectrum allocation plan, clarifying the definitions of radio services and specifications for the use of certain radio frequencies. New editions of definitions for maritime, aeronautical, and land mobile radio services are included, as well as conditions for the use of frequencies for different services.

Agreement between Ukraine and France on the Activities of the AFD Group

The agreement establishes the legal and organizational framework for the activities of the AFD Group in Ukraine, including the provision of financial and technical assistance. The AFD Group receives a legal status that allows it to operate without additional licenses, as well as certain financial and tax benefits, including exemption from direct taxes.

Review of each of legal acts published today:Regarding the Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies

Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies as of 07.11.2024

The National Bank of Ukraine has published the official exchange rates of the hryvnia against foreign currencies as of November 7, 2024. These rates are used for accounting purposes, for NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and in other cases defined by Ukrainian legislation, but they are not binding for the purchase or sale of currencies at these rates.

Key Provisions of the Document:

– The document contains a list of currencies with their numeric and letter codes.
– It specifies the number of currency units and the corresponding exchange rate to the hryvnia.
– For some currencies, such as yen, won, rupee, forint, and tenge, the rate is indicated for 10 or more currency units.

This document is important for financial institutions, accountants, and economists involved in international settlements and currency transaction accounting.

Regarding the Accounting Price of Bank Metals

Description of the National Bank of Ukraine’s Announcement on the Accounting Price of Bank Metals

Essence of the Announcement: The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting prices for bank metals as of November 7, 2024, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

Structure and Key Provisions: The announcement contains a table with information on the numeric and letter code of the bank metal, the number of troy ounces, the name of the metal, and its accounting price. It is noted that these prices do not obligate the National Bank to buy or sell metals at the specified prices.

Important Provisions for Use: This announcement is important for financial analysts, traders, and investors working with bank metals, as it provides current market data for evaluation and decision-making. Accounting prices can influence market strategies and financial plans.

Regarding the Appointment of O. Alenin as Head of the Kremenchuk District State Administration of Poltava Region

This is a decree by the President of Ukraine appointing Oleksandr Hennadiyovych Alenin as the head of the Kremenchuk District State Administration of Poltava Region.

The structure of the document is simple: it consists of the appointment order, the signature of the President of Ukraine, and the date of issuance of the decree. This is a standard form for such documents concerning personnel appointments.

The main provision of this act is the official appointment of Oleksandr Alenin to the position, marking the beginning of his powers at the head of the district administration. This is important for organizing the management structure in the region.

Regarding the Introduction of a Management and Control System for the Implementation of Interreg and Interreg NEXT Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation Programs

This act regulates the functioning of the management and control system for the implementation of Interreg and Interreg NEXT cross-border and transnational cooperation programs, implemented by Ukraine in cooperation with the EU. The resolution defines the distribution of functions between state bodies and program partners to ensure effective control and project implementation.

Structure and Key Provisions

The resolution consists of the main text, which approves the order of functioning of the management and control system, and appendices detailing the implementation mechanisms. It defines the terms and functions of various participants: the national management authority, national controller, monitoring committee, and others. The main changes concern the clear distribution of responsibilities and standards for controlling program expenses.

Key Provisions

– Definition of roles and responsibilities of the national management authority, controllers, and project partners.
– Introduction of an electronic monitoring system for tracking expenses and project implementation.
– Procedures for expense verification and submission of project implementation reports.
– Ensuring the return of improperly spent funds and combating fraud.
– Mechanisms for cooperation with the European Union and other international partners.

This act is critical for ensuring transparency and efficiency in the use of international technical assistance within the framework of cross-border and transnational cooperation programs.

Regarding Amendments to the Appendix to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 4, 2013, No. 878

Essence of the Law: The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1266 of November 5, 2024, introduces changes to the list of institutions, organizations, and enterprises under the jurisdiction of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, approved by the resolution of December 4, 2013, No. 878.

Structure and Key Provisions: The resolution consists of the main text and an appendix indicating changes to the previously approved list. The main changes include the renaming of certain institutions, such as the “University of Educational Management” and the “Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools,” as well as the exclusion of certain positions, such as the “Educational and Scientific Center for Vocational Education” and the “Southern Scientific Center.”

Important Provisions for Use: Changes in the names of institutions may affect legal documents and official registrations, so it is important to consider the updated names in legal and administrative procedures. The exclusion of some institutions from the list may indicate a change in their status or subordination, which should also be considered in the context of management and cooperation with these organizations.

Regarding Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the Provision of Subventions from the State Budget to Local Budgets

Essence of the Resolution

This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the provision of subventions from the state budget to local budgets, particularly in the field of education. The changes concern the conditions and procedure for financing educational programs, as well as grant amounts for creating safe conditions in general secondary education institutions.

Structure and Key Provisions

The resolution consists of several key changes to previous resolutions regulating the provision of subventions. The main changes include:

– Adjustment of subvention conditions to ensure quality education within the framework of the “New Ukrainian School” program.
– Revision of grant amounts for creating safe conditions in schools for different regions of Ukraine.
– Exclusion of certain provisions regarding the provision of educational subventions in the 2023/24 academic year.

Important Provisions for Use

Significant are the changes concerning the payment of trainers and providers of professional support to teachers who are upgrading their qualifications. Also important is the establishment of maximum subvention amounts for different regions for 2024, which may affect the financing of educational projects in these areas.

Regarding Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 13, 2022, No. 303

Essence of the Law

This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the previously adopted decision on the suspension of state supervision under martial law conditions. It provides for the exclusion from this suspension of planned control measures for the quality of medicinal products and activities related to narcotic substances.

Structure and Key Provisions

The resolution consists of two main points. The first point introduces a change to the resolution of March 13, 2022, No. 303, adding a new point 4-2. The second point establishes the effective date as January 1, 2025. The main innovation is the exclusion from the effect of point 1 of the previous resolution of planned control measures for compliance with legislation on the quality of medicinal products and licensing conditions for activities with narcotic substances.

Important Provisions for Use

The most important aspect is that now, during martial law, planned inspections regarding the quality of medicinal products and activities with narcotic substances will be conducted, which is critically important for ensuring the safety and health of the population. This allows controlling bodies to ensure compliance with quality standards and licensing conditions in these areas.

Regarding Amendments to Point 2 of the Requirements for Members of the Selection Committee for Determining Candidates for Positions of Independent Members of the Supervisory Board of a State Bank

Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 5, 2024, No. 1263

Essence of the Resolution: This act introduces changes to the requirements for members of the selection committee for determining candidates for positions of independent members of the supervisory board of a state bank.which determines candidates for the positions of independent members of the supervisory board of a state bank. The main change involves adjusting the number of years of experience or other specific requirements for commission members.
**Structure and Key Provisions:** The resolution consists of a single main point that amends the text of the previous version of the requirements. Specifically, in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the requirements, the word “three” is replaced with “two.” This may relate, for example, to the number of years of experience required for commission members.
**Important Provisions for Use:** Changing the number of years from “three” to “two” can significantly impact the composition of the selection commission, making it easier for a wider range of candidates to participate. This may promote greater flexibility in forming the commission and attracting specialists with less extensive but possibly more relevant experience.

**Presidential Decree of Ukraine**
This act authorizes the Vice Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine, Minister of Community and Territorial Development of Ukraine Oleksiy Kuleba to sign a document concerning amendments to the Financial Agreement with the European Investment Bank. The agreement is related to the project for improving the roads leading to Kyiv.
**Structure and Key Provisions:** The decree consists of a single main provision: authorizing a specific official to sign the Letter of Amendments to the international financial agreement. This act does not amend previous versions as it is a current directive for executing a specific task.
**Important Provisions for Use:** The most important aspect of this decree is the official consent to amend the international agreement, which may affect the financing and implementation of transport infrastructure development projects. This will allow Ukraine to continue cooperation with the European Investment Bank under the “European Roads of Ukraine II” project.

**Essence of the Decree**
The President of Ukraine authorized the Vice Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine Oleksiy Kuleba to sign the Letter of Waiver of certain conditions and amendments to the Financial Agreement with the European Investment Bank, concerning the “Urban Public Transport of Ukraine” project.
**Structure and Key Provisions of the Decree:** The decree contains one main part, which defines the authorization of Oleksiy Kuleba to sign the relevant document. This decision is aimed at amending the existing Financial Agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank.
**Key Provisions for Use:** This decree is important for the implementation of the “Urban Public Transport of Ukraine” project, as it allows for the official modification of the terms of cooperation with the European Investment Bank. This may affect the financing and implementation of projects related to the development of urban transport in Ukraine.

**Essence of the Decree**
This decree of the President of Ukraine authorizes the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Oksen Lisovyi to sign a letter of waiver of certain conditions of the financial agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank, concerning the “Higher Education of Ukraine” project.
**Structure and Key Provisions:** The document consists of a single main provision, which concerns the authorization of a specific official to sign an important document that changes the conditions of the financial agreement. This decree does not contain amendments to previous versions as it is a standalone act.
**Key Provisions for Use:** The most important provision of this decree is that the Minister of Education and Science receives the official right to represent Ukraine in negotiations with the European Investment Bank, which may have a significant impact on the financing of projects in the field of higher education.

**Essence of the Decree:** The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine made amendments to the financial plan of the private joint-stock company “Ukrhydroenergo” for 2024, previously approved.
**Structure and Content:** The decree consists of a brief text that announces the amendment of the previously approved financial plan. The changes are presented in a new edition, which is added to the original. The decree is signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.
**Important Provisions:** The main significance of this decree lies in updating the financial plan of “Ukrhydroenergo,” which may affect the company’s financial activities in 2024. This may include changes in budgeting, resource allocation, and financial priorities of the company.

**Description of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024, No. 1088-r**
**Essence of the Decree:** This decree allows the National Agency, which deals with the detection, search, and management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes, to purchase internal government bonds called “Military Bonds” in the amount of 2 billion hryvnias.
**Structure and Key Provisions:** The document contains one main provision, which approves the volume of bond purchases using funds held in the agency’s accounts in the national currency. The decree does not amend previous versions but is a separate act regulating a specific financial transaction.
**Important Points for Use:** The main significance of this decree is the permission for the agency to use available funds to invest in government bonds, which may be important for maintaining the country’s financial stability in the context of military actions. It also emphasizes the agency’s role in financial operations related to managing assets obtained from criminal activities.

This act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the dismissal of an official, namely Volodymyr Mykhailovych Trofymenko, from the position of Deputy Head of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.
The decree has a fairly simple structure: it begins with the date and number, contains a brief summary of the decision, namely dismissal from the position due to downsizing, and ends with the signature of the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
The main provision of the decree is the official dismissal of the person from the position due to downsizing, which is important for the reorganization and optimization of the state service structure.

**Essence of the Decree**
This decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amends the previous decree, reducing the number of Deputy Heads of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine from five to four.
**Structure of the Decree:** The decree consists of a single point, which amends the text of the previous decree dated August 12, 2020, No. 995. The main change involves replacing the word “five” with “four” in the context of the number of deputies.
**Key Provisions:** The most important provision of this decree is the reduction in the number of Deputy Heads of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.of the organizational structure and management within the institution. This can be important for understanding organizational changes in government bodies and their impact on management efficiency.

On Amendments to the Composition of the Selection Committee for Determining Candidates for the Positions of Independent Members of the Supervisory Board of a State Bank

Description of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024, No. 1081-r

Essence of the Order: This order introduces changes to the composition of the selection committee that determines candidates for the positions of independent members of the supervisory board of a state bank. It details personal changes in the committee’s composition.
Structure and Main Provisions: The document consists of two points. The first point introduces specific changes to the composition of the selection committee, including the introduction of new members and changes in positions. The second point establishes the effective date of this order as November 6, 2024.
Main Provisions:

  • Introduced Iryna Romanivna Mudra to the selection committee as a representative of the President of Ukraine.
  • Removed Rostyslav Ihorovych Shurma from the committee.
  • Assigned a new position to committee member Oleksiy Dmytrovych Sobolev as the First Deputy Minister of Economy.
  • Changed the surname of committee member Iryna Valeriivna Allahverdiyeva to Kormyshkina.

This order is important for ensuring transparency and efficiency in the process of selecting independent members of the supervisory board of a state bank.

On the Appointment of T. Bakai as Head of the Brovary District State Administration of Kyiv Region

Analysis of the Order of the President of Ukraine

Essence of the Order

This order of the President of Ukraine concerns the appointment of a new person to the position of Head of the Brovary District State Administration of Kyiv Region.

Structure of the Order

The order consists of one point, which specifies the appointment of Taras Myroslavovych Bakai to the respective position. The document is signed by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and dated November 5, 2024.

Main Provisions

The main provision of this order is the official appointment of Taras Bakai to the position of Head of the Brovary District State Administration. This may be important for organizational changes in the region and for the coordination of local governance.

On the Appointment of V. Zadyraka as Head of the Novovasylivka Settlement Military Administration of Melitopol District, Zaporizhzhia Region

This act is an order of the President of Ukraine regarding the appointment of Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zadyraka as Head of the Novovasylivka Settlement Military Administration in Melitopol District, Zaporizhzhia Region.

The structure of the act consists of a title, the main text containing the decision on the appointment, and the signature of the President of Ukraine. This order does not amend previous versions but is a new personnel appointment.

The main provision of this order is the appointment of a specific person to the position of head of the military administration, which is important for ensuring governance under martial law in this region.

On the Assignment of Ranks to Civil Servants

Description of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024, No. 1085-r

Essence of the Order: This order concerns the assignment of ranks to civil servants in accordance with Article 39 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service.”
Structure of the Order: The document contains a list of civil servants to whom the respective ranks are assigned. In this case, the second rank is assigned to Ihor Anatoliyovych Degnera, Head of the State Service of Ukraine on Labor Issues, and the third rank to Volodymyr Feodosiyovych Honcharuk, Deputy Head of the same service.
Main Provisions: The assignment of ranks to civil servants is an important element of their career, determining their status and official duties in the civil service. This order is part of the personnel management process in the civil service.

On the Appointment of S.I. Tereshchenko as Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine

This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024, No. 1084-r concerns an appointment to a position.
The essence of the order lies in the official appointment of Svitlana Ihorivna Tereshchenko to the position of Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine.
The document does not have a complex structure; it contains only one main action — the appointment of a person to a position, which is typical for such orders. Changes compared to previous versions are not applied, as this is a new appointment.
The main significance of this order lies in the official approval of a candidate for a key position in the Ministry of Justice, which may affect the ministry’s further activities.

On the Appointment of M.P. Kucheriavenko as First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine

Description of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Essence of the Order

This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the appointment of Mykola Petrovych Kucheriavenko to the position of First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine.

Structure and Main Provisions

The document has a standard structure for orders, including a title, date, number, place of issuance, content of the order, and the signature of the Prime Minister. In this case, the main provision is the appointment of a specific person to the designated position.

Main Provisions for Use

The main aspect of this order is the official appointment of M.P. Kucheriavenko as First Deputy Minister of Justice, which may be important for organizing the work of the Ministry of Justice and enhancing its efficiency.

On the Dismissal of Ye.M. Horovets from the Position of First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine

This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the dismissal of Yevhen Mykolayovych Horovets from the position of First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine. The reason for dismissal is stated as “at his own request.”
The structure of this order is standard for such documents: it contains the number, date, title, content of the decision, and the signature of the Prime Minister of Ukraine. This is a simple administrative act that records a personnel change in the Ministry of Justice.
The main significance of this act lies in the formal confirmation of the dismissal of an official, which is important for personnel accounting and subsequent appointments to this position.

On the Dismissal of Yu.A. Dzhyhir from the Position of Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine

The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 5, 2024, No. 1080-r concerns the dismissal of Yuriy Anatoliyovych Dzhyhir from the position of Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine at his own request. This personnel decision is made based on a personal resignation statement.
The structure of the order includes a title, date, document number, place of issuance (Kyiv), essence of the decision, and the signature of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal. The document is brief and clear, without additional explanations or justifications.
The main provision, which may be important for the use of this order, is that the dismissal occurred at the individual’s own request, which may have implications for further personnel decisions in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

On the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery”

This decree establishes the official celebration of the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery in Ukraine on December 4 each year. The purpose of the decree is to honor the courage and heroism of the missile forces and artillery soldiers, as well as to initiate new military traditions.

Structure and Main Provisions of the Decree:

  • The decree consists of three points.
  • The first point establishes the celebration of the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery on December 4 annually.
  • The second point recognizes as void the previous decree dated October 31, 1997, No. 1215/97.
  • The third point stipulates that the decree comes into force on the day of its publication.

Main Important Points:

  • Establishment of a new official military holiday in Ukraine.
  • Annulment of the previous decree regulating this issue, indicating an update of traditions and approaches in honoring the military.
  • The decree comes into force from the moment of its publication.

execution of sentences.

  • Established criteria for transferring prisoners of war between camps to prevent overcrowding.
  • Introduced additional appendices to regulate the transfer process.
  • These changes are significant for the management of correctional facilities, particularly concerning the treatment and transfer of prisoners of war, ensuring compliance with international standards and preventing overcrowding in detention facilities.their transfer between camps.

  • A new Section V has been introduced, which details the transfer of convicted prisoners of war.
  • It is established that the transfer is carried out based on an order prepared by the central commission of the Department.
  • Appendices 8 and 9 have been introduced, which define the forms of documents for the transfer of prisoners of war.
  • These changes are significant for the penal system as they provide clear procedures for managing convicted prisoners of war.

    On Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Legal Entities Engaged in the Sowing, Cultivation, and Processing of Hemp for Industrial Purposes

    Description of the Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine No. 2692

    Essence of the Law: The order approves the Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Legal Entities engaged in the sowing, cultivation, and processing of hemp for industrial purposes. This regulates the electronic registration of such legal entities, ensuring transparency and control over their activities.

    Structure of the Law:

    • General Provisions: defines the main terms and organizational principles for maintaining the Register.
    • Maintaining the Register: describes the process of registration, processing, and use of information.
    • Personal Electronic Cabinet: details about the functionality of the users’ personal cabinet in the Register.
    • Sequence of Entering Information: steps for registration and updating information by users.
    • Administration of the Register: measures for administration and protection of information.
    • Other Features of Maintaining the Register: additional provisions regarding open data.

    Main Provisions:

    • The Register ensures electronic interaction between legal entities and state bodies.
    • Legal entities engaged in hemp processing without cultivation are not subject to registration.
    • Electronic registration is carried out free of charge and confirmed by an electronic signature.
    • The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is the holder, administrator, and technical administrator of the Register.
    • The Register operates around the clock, except during technical work.
    • Maintaining the Register involves electronic interaction with other state registers through the “Trembita” system.

    Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the French Republic on the Establishment of the AFD Group Representation in Ukraine and the Activities of the French Development Agency, Proparco, and Expertise France in Ukraine

    Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the French Republic

    Essence of the Agreement: The agreement establishes the legal and organizational framework for the activities of the AFD Group in Ukraine, including the French Development Agency, PROPARCO, and Expertise France. It aims to expand economic and financial cooperation between Ukraine and France by providing financial and technical assistance.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Agreement:

    • Article 1: Defines the purpose of the Agreement, which is to regulate the activities of the AFD Group in Ukraine.
    • Article 2: Describes the legal status of the AFD Group, including the ability to enter into contracts and litigate.
    • Article 3: Details the authorized activities of the AFD Group, including providing financial support and technical assistance.
    • Article 4: States that the activities of the AFD Group are not subject to banking regulation in Ukraine.
    • Article 5: Regulates issues of currency convertibility and transfers during and after the martial law regime.
    • Article 6: Defines the tax status of the AFD Group, exempting it from direct taxes in Ukraine.
    • Article 7: Describes the status of local representations of the AFD Group and employees.
    • Article 8: Regulates the implementation of the agreement.
    • Article 9: Describes the procedure for entry into force, amendments, dispute resolution, and termination of the Agreement.

    Main Provisions for Use:

    • The AFD Group receives a legal status that allows it to operate without the need for additional licenses in Ukraine.
    • The Agreement provides the AFD Group with financial and tax benefits, including exemption from direct taxes.
    • Provisions on currency convertibility and transfers are important for ensuring financial stability and efficiency of the AFD Group’s activities in Ukraine.
    • The status of foreign personnel of the AFD Group is regulated, including immunities and privileges for employees.
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