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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 07/11/2024

Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Delegation for Negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This act establishes a delegation for negotiations on concluding a Financing Agreement for the “Support of Public Expenditures” Project. The Minister of Finance of Ukraine is authorized to sign this agreement. The delegation includes representatives from several ministries.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1260

The resolution amends previous resolutions regarding the limits of electricity consumption. The list of objects subject to a special consumption regime has been expanded, including security and defense facilities.

Changes to Risk Assessment Criteria in the Electricity Sector

The changes introduce new indicators for risk criteria for electricity consumers and grid owners. This will affect the frequency of scheduled state supervision measures.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1258

This resolution allows IT equipment expenses to exceed previously established limits funded under the “E-Government” program. It enables the acquisition of modern technologies for state IT systems.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1257

An Interdepartmental Working Group has been established to implement changes in the field of preventing money laundering, preparing Ukraine for joining SEPA. The main tasks include assessing the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1256

Changes have been made to the regulation of contributions by electronic platform operators for the development of the electronic trading system. An annual review of the system development fee is mandatory.

Resolution on Providing Financial Support for Generating Installations

The maximum capacity of installations has been increased to 300 kW, and the deadlines for actions have been extended to 180 days. This facilitates the installation of more powerful systems in households.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1254

The procedure for maintaining the national database of building energy characteristics has been defined. Free access to the database is provided to enhance building energy efficiency.

Experimental Project in the Field of Culture

A Register of Applications and Recipients of State Support in Culture has been created. The project automates the processes of submitting applications for state support of cultural projects.

Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Armenia

An agreement has been approved allowing family members of diplomatic missions to engage in paid activities. This improves the conditions for diplomats abroad.

Law of Ukraine on the Extension of Mobilization

A decision is approved to extend the general mobilization period to support the country’s defense capability. The law comes into effect on November 10, 2024.

Law of Ukraine on the Extension of Martial Law

A decree is approved to extend the martial law period by 90 days. This grants special powers to state authorities for management under martial law conditions.

Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Extension of Mobilization

The general mobilization period is extended by 90 days. This ensures a continuous influx of resources for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Extension of Martial Law

The martial law period is extended by 90 days. It is important to consider the restrictions on citizens’ rights and freedoms during this period.

Law of Ukraine on the Ratification of the Agreement with France

The ratification of the agreement with France provides for the activities of the French Development Agency in Ukraine. This opens opportunities for Ukraine’s economic and social development.

Changes to Legislation Regarding the NBU

The law expands the powers of the National Bank of Ukraine in regulating financial services markets, including electronic identification and payment services. It also ensures the accessibility of financial services for low-mobility groups.

Changes to Laws on the Judiciary and Anti-Corruption Court

The law clarifies the role of the Public Council of International Experts in the process of evaluating candidates for judicial positions. Mandatory video and audio recording of meetings is introduced.

Changes to Legislation in the Field of Land Relations

The law introduces administrative procedures in the field of land relations and new rules for appealing decisions. It also includes provisions for land and soil monitoring.

Changes to Laws on Safety and Labor

The law delineates the powers of central executive authorities in the fields of safety, labor protection, and explosive materials. The changes may affect vehicle registration procedures and safety compliance control.

Order of the Ministry of Culture on the Transfer of Students

Changes to the procedure for transferring students to the next academic year in art lyceums clarify the wording for greater accuracy. This is important for lyceum administrations and students.

Order of the Ministry of Economy on Patent Applications

This order amends the rules for drafting patent applications and utility models, including wording and fee refunds. Important changes include electronic submission of applications.

Order on the Investigation of Insurance Cases

The order establishes the procedure for investigating insurance cases and the justification for material support payments. This ensures transparency and efficiency in managing insurance cases.

Resolution on the Investigation of Unemployment Insurance Cases

The resolution defines procedures for investigating insurance cases and verifying information about unemployed persons. Detected discrepancies may lead to the termination of payments.

Order on Patent Applications and Utility Models

The order establishes new rules for drafting patent applications and utility models, including electronic submission of applications. The examination for inventions includes several stages.

Order on the Transfer of Students in Art Lyceums

The order approves the conditions for transferring students in art lyceums, including grade requirements and procedures for appealing results. Special provisions for students abroad.

Law on Enhancing Food Safety

The law amends the regulation of the use of trans fatty acids and hydrogenated fats in food products. Restrictions on the content of trans fatty acids in products are introduced.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

On the Accounting Price of Bank Metals

This notification from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) contains information about the accounting prices of bank metals as of November 6, 2024. This is an important financial indicator reflecting the value of metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium in hryvnias per one troy ounce. The document structure includes a table containing the numeric and letter code of the metal, the quantity in troy ounces, the name of the metal, and the accounting price. For example, the accounting price for one ounce of gold is 113,450.07 UAH, for silver – 1,350.56 UAH, for platinum – 41,167.74 UAH, and for palladium – 44,762.45 UAH. The main provision is that the prices are set without any obligation for the NBU to buy or sell these metals at the specified accounting prices. This means that these prices are indicative for the market but are not mandatory for NBU operations with bank metals.

On the Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies

The National Bank of Ukraine has published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies as of November 6, 2024. This rate is used for accounting purposes, NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases defined by Ukrainian legislation. The structure of the notification includes the numeric and letter code of the currency, the number of currency units, the name of the currency, and the official rate. For example, the exchange rate for the US dollar is 41.4375 hryvnias per 1 dollar, and for the euro – 45.1503 hryvnias per 1 euro. The main provisions of this notification are important for financial institutions and enterprises conducting transactions in foreign currency, as they must use this rate for reflecting currency transactions in accounting.

On the Delegation of Ukraine for Negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Regarding the Conclusion of the Financing Agreement (Seventh Additional Financing for the Project “Support of Public Expenditures for Ensuring Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine”) between Ukraine and the International Development Association

Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Delegation for Negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This act establishes a delegation of Ukraine to participate in negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development regarding the conclusion of the Financing Agreement for the Seventh Additional Financing for the Project “Support of Public Expenditures for Ensuring Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine.” It also authorizes the Minister of Finance of Ukraine to sign this agreement.

Structure and Main Provisions

  • Formation of the Delegation: The composition of the delegation representing Ukraine in the negotiations is determined. It includes representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pension Fund, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Economy.
  • Powers of the Head of the Delegation: The head of the delegation is allowed to make changes to the composition of the delegation and involve additional advisors and experts in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Directives for the Delegation: Approved directives for the negotiations, which are documents for official use.
  • Authorization to Sign the Agreement: The Minister of Finance of Ukraine is authorized to sign the financing agreement.

Important Aspects for Use

  • This act is an important step in securing additional financing to support Ukraine’s public expenditures, which may contribute to sustainable state governance.
  • The involvement of high-ranking officials from various ministries in the delegation indicates a comprehensive approach to the negotiations and the importance of this project for Ukraine.
  • The authorization for the Minister of Finance to sign the agreement underscores Ukraine’s readiness and promptness in implementing the project.

On the Delegation of Ukraine for Negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Regarding the Conclusion of the Fourth Grant Agreement of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Sixth Additional Financing for the Project “Support of Public Expenditures for Ensuring Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine”) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (acting as administrator of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Co-financing the Project “Support of Public Expenditures for Ensuring Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine” and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Co-financing the Second Development Policy Loan Program for Economic Recovery in Ukraine)

Overview of the Decree of the President of Ukraine

This decree concerns the formation of a delegation of Ukraine to participate in negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development regarding the conclusion of the fourth Grant Agreement of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund. This grant is part of the project “Support of Public Expenditures for Ensuring Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine.”

Structure and Main Provisions

  • Formation of a delegation from representatives of various ministries and agencies for negotiations with international organizations.
  • Approval of directives for the delegation participating in the negotiations.
  • Authorization of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine to sign the agreement.

Key Provisions

The main provisions of this decree include the formation of a delegation that includes representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pension Fund, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Economy. Also important is the authorization of the Minister of Finance to sign the agreement. This is aimed at ensuring financial support for sustainable public governance in Ukraine.

On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated May 24, 2024, No. 600 and July 25, 2024, No. 856

Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated November 1, 2024, No. 1260

This resolution amends two previous resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the determination and application of the limit values of electricity consumption. In particular, the list of objects subject to a special electricity consumption regime has been expanded.

Structure and Main Provisions

  • Amendments to Resolution No. 600: Added paragraphs defining security and defense force objects, as well as technical means of electronic communications, as those subject to a special electricity consumption regime.
  • Amendments to Resolution No. 856: Changed the effective date of the resolution from November 1, 2024, to June 1, 2025.

Key Provisions

  • Including security and defense force objects in the list of objects with a special electricity consumption regime ensures their reliable operation under martial law conditions.
  • Expanding the list of electronic communication objects enhances the resilience of telecommunications networks in emergency situations.
  • Extending the resolution’s validity period to June 2025 allows for adapting measures to the prolonged martial law situation.

On Amendments to Appendix 3 to the Criteria for Assessing the Degree of Risk from Business Activities in the Fields of Electricity and Heat Supply and Determining the Frequency of Scheduled State Supervision (Control) Measures by the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate

Essence of the Law

This act amends the criteria for assessing the degree of risk from business activities in the fields of electricity and heat supply, which are used to determine the frequency of scheduled state supervision measures. The changes concern the addition of new risk criteria indicators for electricity consumers and owners of electrical networks.

Structure of the Law and Main Provisions

The resolution consists of the main part, which amends Appendix 3 of the risk criteria. The main changes include adding new subpoints to the points defining the criteria indicators and the number of points assigned to business entities depending on their use of different types of current receivers and networks.

Main Provisions of the Law
  • New subpoints have been added for assessing the risk of business entities using first-category current receivers and a special group of first-category reliability of electricity supply.
  • New criteria have been implemented for entities that are owners of electrical networks of various voltage levels, with point distribution ranging from 5 to 21 depending on the specifics of their operations.
  • Added criteria for active consumers who have installed generating units or energy storage systems, with a grading from 5 to 20 points depending on the capacity of the installations.
  • Clarified terminology by replacing “normative documents” with “regulatory legal acts, norms, and rules.”
  • Expanded the description of the subsection on networks to include generating units and energy storage systems.
  • Issues of Ensuring the Functioning of Certain Information and Communication Systems

    Essence of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1258

    This resolution establishes that expenses for the purchase of mobile phones, personal computers, and laptops used for information and communication systems are not subject to the previously approved expenditure limits.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Resolution

    The resolution consists of one main point, which stipulates that expenses for the purchase of IT equipment funded from the state budget under the “E-Government” program are not subject to the restrictions established by the resolution of April 4, 2001, No. 332. This concerns the purchase of mobile phones, personal computers, and laptops necessary for the functioning of information and communication systems.

    Main Provisions

    • Expenses for the purchase of IT equipment for state bodies and organizations funded from the state budget may exceed the previously established limits.
    • The changes apply only to expenses incurred under the “E-Government” budget program.
    • This allows for a more flexible approach to acquiring modern technologies for information and communication systems.

    These provisions are important for ensuring the effective functioning of state IT systems, which is critically important for e-government.

    On the Establishment of an Interdepartmental Working Group on the Implementation of Legislative Changes in the Field of Prevention and Counteraction to the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, Financing of Terrorism, and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction for Ukraine’s Accession to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

    Essence of the Resolution

    The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1257 establishes an Interdepartmental Working Group to implement changes to legislation in the field of prevention and counteraction to the legalization (laundering) of proceeds, financing of terrorism, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This is done to prepare Ukraine for accession to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The resolution consists of the main text, an appendix with the composition of the working group, and an approved regulation on its activities. The main provisions include the creation of the working group, approval of its composition, and determination of tasks such as assessing the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements, preparing legislative changes, and implementing EU legal acts.

    Key Provisions
    • The Interdepartmental Working Group is a temporary advisory body.
    • Main tasks include assessing the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements, reviewing comments and recommendations from the European Commission, and preparing proposals for improving legislation.
    • The group has the right to receive necessary information from state bodies and involve independent experts.
    • Meetings are held monthly or more frequently if necessary, with the possibility of online participation.

    On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding Fees for the Development of the Electronic Trading System

    Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1256 dated November 1, 2024

    This resolution introduces amendments to a number of resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning fees for the development of the electronic trading system. The main goal of the changes is to regulate the contributions of electronic platform operators to the development of the system, which is intended to enhance the efficiency of electronic trading.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Resolution

    • Amendments are made to several resolutions regulating the sale of precious metals, state-owned objects, and the functioning of the electronic trading system.
    • The Ministry of Economy is required to annually review the fee amount for the development of the electronic trading system.
    • Electronic platform operators must contribute a fee for system development, amounting to 30% of their remuneration.
    • Terminological changes: replacing “state enterprise” with “joint-stock company” PROZORRO.SALES.

    Main Important Provisions for Use

    • Mandatory review of the fee amount for the development of the electronic trading system by March 1 each year.
    • Funding the development of the electronic system by withholding part of the operators’ remuneration, which encourages them to improve work efficiency.
    • Change in the corporate structure of PROZORRO.SALES, which may affect management and operational activities.

    On Amendments to the Procedure for Providing Financial State Support to Individuals Who Install Generating Units in Their Households That Produce Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources

    Essence of the Resolution

    This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces changes to the Procedure for providing financial state support to individuals who install generating units for electricity production from alternative sources in their households.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Resolution

    The resolution contains changes to the existing Procedure, previously approved. The main changes include:

    • Permission to install generating units independently or with the involvement of specialized organizations.
    • Increase in the maximum capacity of installations from 250 kW to 300 kW.
    • Extension of the deadline for performing certain actions from 90 to 180 calendar days.
    Important Provisions for Use

    The most important provisions for application are:

    • The ability to choose between independent installation of units and involving specialized organizations, which may affect the cost and quality of work.
    • Increasing the power limit allows for the installation of more powerful systems, which may be beneficial for large households.
    • Extending the deadline for actions provides more time for project implementation, which may reduce the risk of missing deadlines.

    Certain Issues of Ensuring the Functioning of the National Database of Energy and Operational Characteristics of Buildings

    Essence of the Law

    The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1254 dated November 1, 2024, defines the procedure for maintaining the national database of energy and operational characteristics of buildings. It provides for the collection, processing, and storage of information on the energy characteristics of buildings to improve their energy efficiency.

    Structure of the Law and Main Provisions

    The resolution consists of several key parts: establishing the procedure for maintaining the database, amending existing resolutions, and defining the responsibilities of state bodies. The main provisions include defining the technical administrator of the database, requirements for entities submitting information, and deadlines for submitting information. Compared to previous versions, the resolution supplements and clarifies existing energy management processes.

    Important Provisions for Use

    Key provisions include the obligation of state bodies and local administrations to ensure data entry into the database by specified deadlines. Important is the free access to the database through the electronic system portal, allowing users to view information on the energy characteristics of buildings. The importance of monitoring the accuracy and timeliness of data updates, carried out by the State Energy Efficiency Agency, is also emphasized.

    On the Implementation of an Experimental Project on the Introduction of a Register of Applications and Recipients of State Support in the Field of Culture

    Essence of the Resolution

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved an experimental project to create a Register of Applications and Recipients of State Support in the Field of Culture. This project will last for two years and aims to facilitate the process of providing state support to cultural projects through the automation and digitalization of procedures.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The resolution contains the main provisions…regulation, and ensuring the accessibility of financial services for persons with disabilities.

    **Key Provisions:**
    – The law enhances the National Bank’s authority in regulating payment services and electronic identification.
    – It aims to improve the accessibility of financial services for individuals with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity in the financial sector.
    – Amendments to the Land Code, the Law “On the National Bank of Ukraine,” the Law “On Banks and Banking,” and the Law “On the Deposit Guarantee System for Individuals” are included to support these objectives.

    This legislative change is intended to strengthen the regulatory framework of the financial services market, promoting transparency and accessibility.on September 9, 2024, No. 23301. The changes aim to streamline the application process and enhance the clarity of the requirements for submitting and examining applications for inventions and utility models.

    Structure and Key Provisions of the Order

    The order consists of several points that introduce specific amendments to the existing rules. The main changes include:

    • Clarification of the terminology used in the application process to ensure consistency with current legal standards.
    • Modification of the procedural steps for submitting applications to simplify the process for applicants.
    • Adjustment of the criteria for examining applications to align with international best practices.
    Important Provisions for Implementation

    This order is crucial for inventors and entities involved in the patent application process, as it affects the procedures for filing and reviewing applications. The changes are intended to improve the efficiency and transparency of the patent system, making it easier for applicants to understand and comply with the requirements. It is important for stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the new provisions to ensure compliance and optimize their application strategies.Ministry of Economy dated September 9, 2024.

    Structure and Main Provisions:

    • The order includes amendments to paragraphs and subparagraphs in various sections and chapters of the current rules, specifically in sections III, IV, VI, VII, IX, X.
    • The changes pertain to clarifications in wording, such as replacing the word “indicated” with “noted,” as well as correcting references to other regulatory acts.
    • A new subparagraph has been introduced in paragraph 4 of chapter 5 of section VI regarding the refund or re-crediting of fees.

    Key Important Provisions:

    • The changes in wording aim to clarify and harmonize the text of the rules, which may facilitate their practical application.
    • The introduction of a provision on fee refunds may have financial implications for applicants in the process of filing applications for inventions and utility models.
    • The order provides for its submission for state registration to the Ministry of Justice, which is a standard procedure for the enactment of regulatory acts.

    On Approval of the Procedure for Investigating Insurance Cases and Justification of Material Support Payments

    Essence of the Order

    The order concerns the approval of the Procedure for Investigating Insurance Cases and Justification of Material Support Payments, which provides a legal basis for the investigation and payment of insurance cases in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The order is issued jointly by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It consists of the main text, which approves the Investigation Procedure, and a procedural provision for submitting the order for state registration. The order comes into force upon official publication, and control over its implementation is entrusted to the deputy ministers. Compared to previous documents, this order clarifies and details the procedures for investigating insurance cases.

    Important Provisions for Use

    The main provisions that may be important for use include the definition of a clear procedure for investigating insurance cases, which helps prevent abuses and ensures the justification of payments. This is important for ensuring transparency and efficiency in managing insurance cases, as well as for protecting the rights of insured persons.

    On Approval of the Procedure for Investigating Insurance Cases and Justification of Material Support Payments

    Essence of the Law

    This resolution regulates the procedure for investigating insurance cases and the justification of material support payments in the event of unemployment in Ukraine. It defines mechanisms for verifying information about unemployed persons and their right to receive material assistance.

    Structure of the Law

    The resolution consists of a detailed description of the procedure for investigating insurance cases, which includes the definition of terms, responsible bodies, mechanisms for verification, and information exchange between state institutions. It also defines the procedure for actions in case of discrepancies in the status of the unemployed and the conditions for terminating payments or returning improperly received funds.

    Main Provisions
    • Investigations are conducted by employment centers during the registration of the unemployed, their status as unemployed, and after the termination of registration.
    • Information exchange is provided between the State Employment Service, the Pension Fund, the State Border Service, and other bodies to verify the accuracy of data.
    • Identified discrepancies may lead to the termination of payments, as well as the recovery of previously paid funds through the court.
    • Decisions of the employment center can be appealed to the regional employment center or in court.

    On Approval of the Rules for Drafting, Submitting, and Conducting an Examination of an Application for an Invention and an Application for a Utility Model

    Essence of the Law

    Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine No. 23301 dated 09.09.2024 establishes new rules for the process of drafting, submitting, and examining applications for inventions and utility models, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models.” This document replaces the previous rules approved in 2001 and 2002 and introduces electronic submission of applications.

    Structure of the Law and Its Main Provisions

    The order contains sections covering general provisions, definitions of terms, conditions for granting legal protection, requirements for application documents, as well as procedures for submitting and examining applications. Important changes include the possibility of electronic submission through the UKRNOIVI system and detailed requirements for the formatting of applications.

    Main Provisions of the Law
    • Submission Procedure: Applications can be submitted in both paper and electronic form.
    • Examination: For inventions, it includes preliminary, formal, and qualification examinations, while for utility models, only preliminary and formal examinations are conducted.
    • Publication: Information about applications for inventions is published 18 months after submission.
    • Objections: Third parties may file objections against applications within six months after publication.

    These provisions are important for inventors as they provide clear procedures for the protection of intellectual property in Ukraine.

    On Approval of the Procedure for Transferring Students to the Next Year of Study in an Art Lyceum

    Essence of the Order

    Order of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine No. 642 dated 05.09.2024 approves the Procedure for Transferring Students to the Next Year of Study in an Art Lyceum. It defines the conditions and procedure for transferring students in state and municipal art lyceums, including conditions for assessment and certification.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Order

    The order consists of several points that define the conditions for transferring students to the next year of study. The main provisions include:

    • Transferring students based on the results of annual assessment and state final certification.
    • Requirements for grades: not lower than average or sufficient level.
    • Procedure for issuing certificates of achievement and certificates of basic secondary education with honors.
    • Possibility of re-assessment in case of disagreement with the results.
    • Special conditions for students who are abroad due to martial law.
    Important Provisions for Use

    One of the key aspects is the requirement for grades, which must be not lower than average (4 or more points) for general education subjects and sufficient (7 or more points) for specialized art subjects. Also important is the procedure for appealing assessment results, allowing parents to submit an application for a review of results. Special attention should be paid to the possibility of continuing education in the form of external studies for students who are abroad.

    On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of Safety and Quality of Food Products

    Law of Ukraine on Improving the Safety and Quality of Food Products

    This Law introduces amendments to the legislation of Ukraine with the aim of improving the safety and quality of food products, specifically regulating the use of trans fatty acids and hydrogenated vegetable fats in food products.

    Structure of the Law and Main Changes:

    • Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Milk and Dairy Products” regarding the content of vegetable fats and oils.
    • Refinement of the Law “On the Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products,” which includes the definition of trans fatty acids and prohibitions on the use of certain fats in food production.
    • Changes in legislation on state control over compliance with food legislation, clarifying procedures for documentary checks at the state border.
    • Regulation of consumer information regarding food products, especially in the context of labeling products containing vegetable fats and oils.

    Key Provisions of the Law:

    • Introduction of a limit on the content of trans fatty acids in food products intended for the final consumer to 2 grams per 100 grams of total fat content.
    • Prohibition on the use of hydrogenated vegetable fats in baby food and in cases of exceeding the content of trans fatty acids.
    • Restrictions on the use of the names “chocolate,” “white chocolate,” “milk chocolate” for products containing animal or inappropriate vegetable fats.
    • Mandatory indication of the origin of vegetable oils and fats in the labeling of food products.

    The law comes into force the day after its publication and is enacted one year after its publication, providing time for bringing relevant regulatory acts in line with the new requirements.

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