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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 06/11/2024

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1251 dated November 1, 2024

The resolution introduces amendments to the resolutions from 2004 and 2022 regarding scientific objects that are national heritage. In particular, the names of organizations owning collections of strains and herbariums have been changed. This facilitates the updating of information about the respective institutions and ensures accuracy in documents regulating the protection of these objects.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1250 dated November 1, 2024

This act introduces changes to the staffing levels of central executive bodies. Specifically, the number of employees in the Ministry of Finance has been increased, and the number of employees in the State Customs Service has been reduced. The changes affect the personnel policy and organizational structure of these bodies.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024

The resolution provides for the redistribution of budget funds of the Ministry of Health to enhance the efficiency of medical care for military personnel at the “Feofaniya” hospital. Consumption expenditures have been reduced, and development expenditures have been increased by the same amount. Changes to the procedure for using funds include the purchase of medical equipment.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1248 dated November 1, 2024

The document regulates the redistribution of expenditures of the Ministry of Health and changes the list of healthcare institutions. The main changes include reducing funding for sanatoriums and increasing funds for specialized medical care. This may affect the allocation of resources in the medical sector.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The document introduces changes to the classification of waste, extending the validity of provisions until 2026. This provides more time for adaptation to new waste classification requirements. The change is important for organizations working with waste.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The resolution introduces changes to the Regulation on Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities. It clarifies the grounds and procedures for disbandment, notification of authorities, termination of contracts, and return of certificates. This improves the regulation of the activities of volunteer formations.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The act defines the procedure for implementing an experimental project to enhance security in schools during martial law. The project covers up to 3,000 schools and includes shelters, video surveillance, and other security measures. It is funded by local budgets and international aid.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Approved are the management plans for the river basins of the Black Sea, Azov Sea, and Crimea for 2025-2030. The plans are implemented after the de-occupation of the respective territories. This is important for the ecological management of water resources.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Approved are the management plans for the river basins of the Vistula, Dniester, and Southern Bug for 2025-2030. It is important to consider measures in planning and annual reporting by authorities. This contributes to improved management of water resources.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The document regulates the transfer of assets from the management of the State Property Fund to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Assets may be used for state purposes, such as security and drug control. An important aspect is the allocation of property to the National Police and the State Service for Medicines.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Approved is the draft Protocol on amendments to the Agreement with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. This underscores the international significance of cooperation with the UN in the field of human rights. The Protocol is signed by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office in Geneva.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The document provides for the redistribution of state budget expenditures for the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The changes involve reducing expenditures on statistics and increasing funding for management activities. This promotes more rational use of budget funds.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Approved is the attraction of the fourth grant for budget support from the IBRD and IDA amounting to USD 1.35 billion and EUR 10.77 million. The funding is aimed at supporting state governance and economic recovery in Ukraine. The grant will allow covering state expenditures and promoting stability.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to attract a loan from the International Development Association amounting to USD 4.8 billion. The funds will be used to support state expenditures and strengthen state governance. This decision is important for the stability of state institutions.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1244 dated November 1, 2024

The resolution introduces changes to regulatory acts regarding the activities of the Coordination Council on Forensic Examination Issues. The changes clarify the procedures for state registration of methodologies and the role of the Coordination Council. This is important for the proper regulation of forensic activities.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1243

The document approves a new list of goods not subject to exchange or return, including food products and medicines. Previous resolutions on this topic have been repealed. The resolution comes into force simultaneously with the new Law on Consumer Protection.

Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

It provides for amendments to the agenda of the twelfth session of the ninth convocation. Additional bills have been included, particularly regarding amendments to the Law “On Court Fees.” This is important for ensuring proper legal regulation in the field of court fees.

Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The document concerns the consideration of the draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025. Conclusions and proposals for the Cabinet of Ministers have been included for the preparation of the budget for the second reading. The changes affect financial allocations and social payments.

Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 129 dated October 29, 2024

Approved are changes to the Regulation on the Depository Activities of the NBU. The list of clients has been expanded, and the procedures for servicing nominal holders have been clarified. This is important for transparency and proper accounting of securities.

Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 123 dated October 10, 2024

Approved are the requirements for the management system of financial payment service providers, including corporate governance and risk management. A schedule for bringing the activities of providers in line with the new requirements has been established. This ensures control over compliance with legal norms.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 491 dated October 4, 2024

Changes have been made to the method of applying automatic risk indicators. The main changes concern editorial corrections and clarifications. This may affect the procedures for assessing and managing fiscal risks.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 476 dated September 27, 2024

A new methodology for determining automatic risk indicators for public procurement has been approved. The methodology establishes a mechanism for automatically identifying procurements that may contain signs of violations. This promotes transparency and efficiency in procurement management.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 473 dated September 27, 2024

The order introduces technical changes to previous documents of the Ministry of Finance, particularly clarifying formulations in texts. These changes are important for the correct completion of declarations on maximum retail prices for excisable goods. The order comes into force on the day of official publication.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 650 dated September 26, 2024

Changes have been made to the process of zoning territories considering the risks of emergencies. The documentation of management activities has been clarified, which may require additional attention to procedures. This may affect coordination with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES).

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 465 dated September 25, 2024

Changes have been made to the regulatory act regarding the registration of VAT payers. The changes aim to clarify the provisions of payer registration. This is important for ensuring the accuracy of payer data in the Register.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 443 dated September 16, 2024

The procedure for customs formalities for authorized consignors and consignees within the framework of the TIR Convention has been approved. This allows enterprises to apply simplified customs procedures. The provisions are important for international transportation.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 433 dated September 9, 2024

Changes have been made to the form of the Declaration on maximum retail prices for excise goods.Prices for excisable goods. Terminology and requirements for information submission have been clarified. This is important for the correct declaration of excisable goods.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 611 dated September 6, 2024

The procedure for zoning territories based on the risks of emergencies has been approved. Zoning is taken into account during urban planning. The provisions are important for considering possible risks during the development of urban planning documentation.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 424 dated September 3, 2024

Amendments to the Regulation on the registration of VAT payers have been approved. Registration procedures and liability for tax payment have been clarified. This is important for VAT payers as it affects their tax reporting.

Review of each of legal acts published today:**On the Accounting Price of Bank Metals**

The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting prices for bank metals as of November 5, 2024. Prices are set for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. The structure of the announcement includes a numeric code, letter code, the number of troy ounces, the name of the bank metal, and the accounting price. For example, gold (code XAU) has an accounting price of 113,558.35 UAH per troy ounce. These prices are informational and do not create obligations for the National Bank of Ukraine to buy or sell metals at the specified accounting prices. This is important for understanding the economic situation and planning investments.

**On the Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies**

**Essence of the Announcement:** The National Bank of Ukraine has published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies as of November 5, 2024. This rate is used for accounting, NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases defined by law.
**Structure of the Announcement:** The announcement contains a table with the exchange rates of the hryvnia against various foreign currencies. The table includes the numeric and letter code of the currencies, the number of currency units, the name of the currency, and the official rate.
**Main Provisions:** The official rate does not obligate the NBU to buy or sell the specified currencies at the indicated rates. These rates are used for official accounting and internal operations of state bodies.

**On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated September 22, 2004, No. 1241 and November 4, 2022, No. 1243**

**Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated November 1, 2024, No. 1251**

**Essence of the Law:** The resolution amends previous resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 22, 2004, No. 1241, and November 4, 2022, No. 1243, concerning scientific objects defined as national heritage.

**Structure and Main Provisions:**
The resolution has two main changes. Firstly, in resolution No. 1241 of 2004, the name of the organization owning the collection of strains of pathogens of dangerous diseases is changed from the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to the state institution “Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.” Secondly, in resolution No. 1243 of 2022, the name of the organization owning the herbarium is changed from the state higher educational institution “National Forestry University of Ukraine” to the National Forestry University of Ukraine.

**Important Provisions for Use:**
These changes reflect the updating of information about institutions owning scientific objects defined as national heritage. This is important for ensuring accuracy in documentation regulating the protection and management of these objects, as well as for their proper recognition and support by the state.

**On Amendments to Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated April 5, 2014, No. 85**

**Essence of the Resolution**
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1250, amends Appendix 1 of the Resolution dated April 5, 2014, No. 85, concerning the maximum number of employees of the apparatus and territorial bodies of central executive authorities.
**Structure and Main Provisions**
This regulatory act consists of a preamble, the main text with the resolving part, and an appendix specifying the changes. The main changes concern increasing the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Finance from 852 to 867 people and adjusting the number of employees of the State Customs Service from 9961 to 9931 people.
**Main Provisions for Use**
These changes are important for the heads of the respective state bodies, as they establish new limits on the number of employees, affecting the organizational structure and personnel policy. The Ministry of Finance gains the opportunity to expand its staff, while the State Customs Service must adapt its number to the reduced figure.

**On the Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Allocated to the Ministry of Health for 2024 and Amendments to the Procedure for Using Funds Allocated in the State Budget for Medical Assistance and Social Rehabilitation of Servicemen in the Clinical Hospital “Feofaniya”**

**Essence of the Resolution**
This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine provides for the redistribution of state budget expenditures allocated to the Ministry of Health for 2024 to enhance the efficiency of medical assistance and social rehabilitation of servicemen in the Clinical Hospital “Feofaniya.”
**Structure and Main Provisions**
– Budget Redistribution: reduction of consumption expenditures by 416,591.85 thousand UAH and an increase in development expenditures by the same amount.
– Amendments to the procedure for using funds, providing for the purchase of high-cost medical equipment for the “Feofaniya” hospital.
– Ensuring amendments to the state budget schedule by the Ministry of Finance.
**Key Provisions**
– Purchase of high-cost medical equipment necessary for medical assistance to servicemen, provided there is an appropriate material and technical base and personnel.
– Prohibition on using the purchased medical equipment for providing paid services in the Clinical Hospital “Feofaniya.”
– Clarification of terminology regarding the purchase of medical equipment, replacing specifications with general terms.

**On the Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Allocated to the Ministry of Health for 2024 and Amendments to the List of Healthcare Institutions and Programs in the Healthcare Sector Ensuring the Execution of Nationwide Functions, Expenditures for Which Are Made from the State Budget**

**Analysis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1248 Dated November 1, 2024**

**Essence of the Law**
This resolution regulates the redistribution of state budget expenditures allocated to the Ministry of Health for 2024 and amends the list of healthcare institutions and programs ensuring the execution of nationwide functions. The main goal is to optimize financial resources to enhance the efficiency of medical services.
**Structure and Main Provisions of the Law**
The resolution consists of three main points:
– **Point 1:** Describes the redistribution of expenditures within the budget allocations of the Ministry of Health, including reductions and increases in expenditures for specific programs.
– **Point 2:** Excludes a certain paragraph from the list of healthcare institutions receiving funding from the state budget.
– **Point 3:** Instructs the Ministry of Finance to make the appropriate changes to the state budget schedule.
**Main Provisions for Use**
Key changes include reducing expenditures on sanatorium-resort institutions and increasing funding for specialized medical assistance, especially in scientific institutions and higher education establishments. This may affect the distribution of resources in the medical sector, particularly for payroll and utility services. It is important for institutions providing specialized medical assistance, as they will receive additional funding for development.

**On Amending Point 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated October 20, 2023, No. 1102**

**Essence of the Law:** The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amends a previous resolution concerning the classification of waste and the National Waste List, extending the term to 2026.
**Structure and Main Provisions:** This act consists of one key provision, which changes the figure “2025” to “2026” in point 2 of the resolution dated October 20, 2023, No. 1102. This means that the term of validity or implementation of certain provisions related to waste classification has been extended by one year.
**Main Provisions for Use:** The most important provision of this act is the change in the term, providing more time for the implementation of measures provided in the context of waste classification. This may be important for organizations and institutions working with waste, giving them an additional year to adapt to new requirements.

**On Amendments to the Regulation on Voluntary Formations of Territorial Communities**

**Essence of the Law**
This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces amendments to the previous regulation concerning voluntary formations of territorial communities.The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces amendments to the Regulation on Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities, which regulate the grounds and procedure for the disbandment of such formations.

Structure of the Law and Key Provisions

The resolution consists of several key amendments to the existing Regulation on Volunteer Formations. In particular, it clarifies the grounds for disbanding formations, the procedure for notifying about such decisions, as well as procedures related to the termination of volunteer contracts and the return of material and technical means.

Key Provisions
  • Disbandment of Formations: The changes specify the specific grounds for disbanding volunteer formations, including decisions by the command, general meetings of members, and termination of membership.
  • Notification Procedure: The procedure is described by which commanders must notify the relevant authorities about the disbandment within specified timeframes.
  • Volunteer Contracts: It is clarified that volunteer contracts are automatically terminated from the moment the grounds for disbanding the formations arise.
  • Withdrawal of Certificates: The procedure for the withdrawal and transfer of volunteer certificates after the disbandment of formations is defined.

On the Implementation of an Experimental Project to Enhance the Security of the Educational Environment in General Secondary Education Institutions under Martial Law

Essence of the Law

This act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defines the procedure for implementing an experimental project to enhance security in general secondary education institutions during martial law. The project is to last for two years and is aimed at creating safe conditions for the educational process.

Structure and Key Provisions

The resolution consists of several main points that define the participants of the project, funding, and approve the procedure for implementing the project. The main participants include the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police, the State Emergency Service, and local administrations. The implementation procedure includes a set of measures to enhance security, such as the arrangement of shelters, ensuring fire safety, installing video surveillance systems, and other security measures.

Key Provisions
  • The experimental project involves the participation of up to 3,000 schools in the 2025/2026 academic year.
  • Funding is provided from local budgets, enterprises, international aid, and other legal sources.
  • Security measures include the creation of shelters, video surveillance, security, access control, provision of alternative power sources, and others.
  • The Ministry of Education and Science coordinates the project and is obliged to report on the results of its implementation.

This act is an important step to ensure the safety of participants in the educational process under martial law, particularly in conditions of armed aggression, and provides a comprehensive approach to safety in schools.

On the Approval of River Basin Management Plans for the Rivers of the Black Sea Region, the Sea of Azov, and Crimea for 2025-2030

Essence of the Order

The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, approves the river basin management plans for the rivers of the Black Sea region, the Sea of Azov, and Crimea for 2025-2030. The document establishes the procedure for implementing measures after the de-occupation of the respective territories and defines the obligations of state bodies regarding the publication and implementation of these plans.

Structure and Key Provisions of the Order

The order consists of several key points:

  1. Approval of management plans for the river basins of the Black Sea region, the Sea of Azov, and Crimea.
  2. Determination that the implementation of measures in the occupied territories will take place after their de-occupation, taking into account the inventory and analysis of data.
  3. Obligation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State Water Resources Agency to ensure the publication of plans on official websites.
  4. Instructions for central executive authorities, local administrations, and local self-government bodies to consider the plans in their documents and report on their implementation.
Most Important Provisions for Use

The most important provisions of the order are:

  • Approval of specific river basin management plans, which are important for the ecological management of water resources.
  • Requirement for state bodies and local administrations to consider these plans in their activities and report annually on their implementation.
  • Publication of plans to ensure transparency and inform the public.

On the Approval of River Basin Management Plans for the Vistula, Dniester, and Southern Bug for 2025-2030

On the Approval of River Basin Management Plans for the Vistula, Dniester, and Southern Bug for 2025-2030

Essence of the Law: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the river basin management plans for the Vistula, Dniester, and Southern Bug for the period from 2025 to 2030, in accordance with the Water Code of Ukraine. These plans are intended to improve the management of water resources in these basins.

Structure and Key Provisions: The law consists of several points that define the approval of management plans for each of the river basins, as well as the obligations of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and the State Water Resources Agency to publish these plans on official websites. In addition, the law provides that ministries, central executive authorities, local administrations, and local self-government bodies must consider these plans in their planning documents and submit annual reports on their implementation.

Key Provisions: Important aspects of this law include the mandatory consideration of measures provided by the plans in planning documents at various levels of government, as well as annual reporting on the implementation of these measures. This will ensure systematic control and coordination of actions between different state and local bodies in the field of water resource management.

On the Approval of River Basin Management Plans for the Dnipro and Don for 2025-2030

Essence of the Order

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the river basin management plans for the Dnipro and Don for the period 2025-2030. These plans are aimed at effective management and protection of water resources.

Structure and Key Provisions

The order consists of several key points:

  • Approval of management plans for the river basins of the Dnipro and Don.
  • Obligation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and the State Water Resources Agency to publish the approved plans on their official websites.
  • Instructions for ministries and other authorities to consider the measures from the plans in their documents and report annually on their implementation.
  • Recommendations for local self-government bodies to consider the plans in their programs and report on their implementation.
Key Provisions for Use

Key provisions of the order include the need to integrate water resource management measures into local and state development plans. Authorities are obliged to report annually on the progress in implementing these plans, starting from 2026, which will contribute to more effective control over the state of water resources.

Certain Issues of Transferring Assets Seized for State Revenue

Essence of the Law

The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1075-r regulates the transfer of assets seized for state revenue from the management of the State Property Fund to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. The document also provides for the further allocation of real estate for transfer to the National Police and the State Service for Medicines and Drug Control.

Structure and Key Provisions

The document consists of several points that define the procedure for transferring assets and their further management:

  • Transfer of assets from the management of the State Property Fund to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, according to court decisions.
  • The Ministry of Environmental Protection is given 6 months to allocate real estate from the Recreation and Health Center into separate objects.
  • The list of assets and real estate subject to transfer is provided in the annexes to the order.
Key Provisions for Use

The most important aspect is that assets seized for state revenue…The properties of the state are transferred to the management of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which may influence further decisions regarding their use. It is also important to allocate and transfer property to the National Police and the State Service of Medicines, indicating the possible use of these objects for state purposes, such as security and drug control.

**On the Signing of the Protocol between the Government of Ukraine and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Amendments to the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Deployment of a Short-term UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine**

**Essence of the Order**
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft Protocol on amendments to the existing Agreement with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights concerning the deployment of a short-term UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine. The Permanent Representative of Ukraine is authorized to sign this Protocol.

**Structure and Main Provisions**
The document consists of the approval of the draft Protocol and the authorization of a specific person to sign it. The main change involves amending the existing Agreement between Ukraine and the UN regarding the short-term human rights mission.

**Important Provisions for Use**
The key point is that Ukraine continues to cooperate with the UN in the field of human rights, which can significantly impact the monitoring and observance of human rights in the country. It is important that the signing of the Protocol is carried out at the level of the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office in Geneva, emphasizing the international significance of this document.

**On the Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Allocated to the Economic and Financial Department of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 2024**

**Essence of the Order**
This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the redistribution of state budget expenditures allocated to the Economic and Financial Department of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for 2024.

**Structure and Main Provisions**
The order consists of two main points. The first point describes the redistribution of expenditures within the total budget allocations, namely:
– Reduction of expenditures under the program “Leadership and Management in the Field of Statistics” by 64,215.6 thousand hryvnias, including labor costs.
– Increase in expenditures under the program “Servicing and Organizational, Information-Analytical, and Material-Technical Support of the Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine” by 64,066.1 thousand hryvnias.
– Increase in expenditures under the program “Leadership and Management in the Field of Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience” by 149.5 thousand hryvnias for the payment of utilities and energy carriers.

The second point instructs the Ministry of Finance to ensure the introduction of appropriate changes to the state budget schedule.

**Important Provisions for Use**
The redistribution of expenditures is important for ensuring the effective functioning of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, especially in terms of financing activities and management in various fields. This includes optimizing costs for labor and utilities, which can contribute to more rational use of budget funds.

**On the Attraction of a Grant for Budget Support from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (acting as administrator of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Co-financing the Project “Support for Public Expenditures to Ensure Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine” and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Co-financing the Second Development Policy Loan Program for Economic Recovery in Ukraine)**

**Brief Description of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1064-r dated November 1, 2024**

**Essence of the Order:**
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the attraction of the fourth grant for budget support from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association. The total amount of the grant is 1.35 billion US dollars and 10.77 million euros.

**Structure and Main Provisions of the Order:**
– The document approves the receipt of funds in the form of a grant to support public governance and economic recovery in Ukraine.
– It is noted that the financing is carried out within the framework of the sixth additional financing of the project “Support for Public Expenditures to Ensure Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine.”

**Main Provisions for Use:**
– The approval of the attraction of funds will allow Ukraine to receive financial support for further development and stabilization of public governance.
– These funds can be used to cover public expenditures, contributing to economic recovery and sustainable resource management.

**On the Attraction of a Loan from the International Development Association as the Seventh Additional Financing for the Implementation of the Project “Support for Public Expenditures to Ensure Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine”**

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to attract a loan from the International Development Association in the amount of 4.8 billion US dollars. These funds will be used as the seventh additional financing for the Project “Support for Public Expenditures to Ensure Sustainable Public Governance in Ukraine.”

This directive consists of a brief text containing the main decision on the feasibility of attracting the loan. The document specifies the amount of the loan, its source, and the purpose of using the funds, which is to support public expenditures to strengthen public governance.

The main provisions concern the financial support of Ukraine by international partners to ensure the stability of public governance. This decision is important for the further development and stability of state institutions.

**On Amendments to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 16, 1994, No. 778 and July 2, 2008, No. 595**

**Essence of the Law**
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1244 introduces changes to the regulatory acts governing the activities of the Coordination Council on Forensic Expertise Issues and the procedure for the certification of forensic examination methods. It updates the provisions on the activities of the council and clarifies the procedures for state registration of methods.

**Structure and Main Provisions**
The document consists of two main parts: changes to the provision on the Coordination Council and changes to the procedure for the certification of methods. The first section describes the new edition of the provision on the Coordination Council, defining its tasks, rights, duties, and formation procedure. The second section clarifies the process of state registration of methods, giving the Coordination Council a role in their consideration.

**Important Provisions for Use**
– The Coordination Council is an advisory body for addressing issues of forensic expert activity that have an interdepartmental nature.
– A new procedure for forming the composition of the Coordination Council is established, including criteria for selecting forensic experts.
– Changes in the procedure for the certification of methods focus on including the Coordination Council in the decision-making process regarding the state registration of methods.
– It is determined that the decisions of the Coordination Council are advisory in nature but are important for the Ministry of Justice’s final decisions.

**On the Approval of the List of Goods Not Subject to Exchange (Return)**

**Overview of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1243**

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1243 approves the list of goods not subject to exchange or return. The document also recognizes as invalid previous resolutions that regulated this issue.

**Structure and Main Provisions**

The resolution contains several key provisions:
– Approval of a new list of goods not subject to exchange or return, including: food products, medicines, personal hygiene products without protective packaging, goods cut to size.
– Cancellation of a number of previous resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers that previously regulated the issue of exchange and return of goods.
– The resolution comes into force simultaneously with the new Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Protection” dated June 10, 2023.

**Important Points for Use**

The main provisions that may be important for consumers and sellers include:
– Clear…List of goods that are not subject to exchange or return, simplifying the understanding of the rights and obligations of the parties.
– Updating legal regulation in accordance with the new consumer protection legislation.
– The need for sellers to be aware of the new rules to avoid legal conflicts with buyers.

**On Amendments to the Agenda of the Twelfth Session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation**

**Essence of the Resolution**
The Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine provides for amendments to the agenda of the twelfth session of the ninth convocation, including additional bills for consideration. It comes into force upon adoption.

**Structure and Main Provisions**
The document consists of two points. The first point specifies the inclusion of certain bills in the session’s agenda, previously approved. The second point establishes the moment this Resolution comes into force. The appendix to the Resolution contains a list of bills added to the agenda.

**Main Provisions**
– Inclusion in the agenda of bills concerning amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Court Fees.”
– The bills take into account the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated May 13, 2024, regarding the enforcement of court decisions.
– Among the bills are initiatives from both the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and members of parliament.
These changes are important for ensuring proper legal regulation in the field of court fees, considering constitutional decisions.

**On Conclusions and Proposals to the Draft Law of Ukraine on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025**

**Essence of the Law**
This resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerns the consideration of the Draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025. It contains conclusions and proposals that must be taken into account by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine when preparing the budget for the second reading.

**Structure and Main Provisions**
The resolution consists of several key parts: approval of conclusions and proposals, instructing the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare an updated budget draft, and establishing the date of entry into force. The budget conclusions contain detailed changes to the bill, including editing articles, excluding certain provisions, and adjusting financial indicators.

**Main Provisions for Use**
– Changes to the articles of the bill affecting financial allocations, particularly changes in income and expenditure codes.
– Changes concerning infrastructure, demographic registry, rehabilitation of hydroelectric power plants, and other state projects.
– Establishment of new provisions, such as additional payments to pensioners living in resettlement zones and other social benefits.
– Adjustment of income and expenditure indicators of the state budget, including changes in special and general funds.

**On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on the Conduct of Depository Activities by the National Bank of Ukraine**

**Essence of the Law**
Resolution No. 129 dated October 29, 2024, approves amendments to the Regulation on the Conduct of Depository Activities by the National Bank of Ukraine. The main goal of these changes is to expand the list of clients served by the National Bank of Ukraine.

**Structure and Main Provisions of the Law**
The resolution consists of a series of amendments to the existing Regulation. The main changes concern the expansion of the concept of “nominal holder,” clarification of client service procedures, document requirements, and the addition of new provisions regarding account servicing and data reconciliation. The changes introduce new mechanisms for interaction with nominal holders and regulate the procedures for accounting securities.

**Main Provisions**
– Definition of the concept of “nominal holder” and expansion of its rights and obligations.
– Inclusion of new document requirements submitted by nominal holders for opening securities accounts.
– Establishment of procedures for reconciling securities balances on nominal holders’ accounts.
– Obligation of nominal holders to provide information about securities owners upon request of the depository institution.
– Detailing the conditions for servicing foreign financial institutions as nominal holders.
These provisions are important for regulating relations between the National Bank of Ukraine and its clients, ensuring transparency and proper accounting of securities.

**On Approval of the Regulation on Requirements for the Management System of Financial Payment Service Providers**

**Description of the Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 123 dated October 10, 2024**

**Essence of the Law:** The resolution approves the Regulation on Requirements for the Management System of Financial Payment Service Providers, establishing standards for corporate governance, internal control, and risk management for payment institutions. The document details the responsibilities and management structure of such institutions, including requirements for compliance control, risk management, and internal audit units.

**Structure and Main Provisions of the Law:**
– The resolution consists of several sections covering various aspects of managing financial payment services, including general provisions, corporate governance system, internal control system, compliance control functions, internal audit, and risk management.
– Detailed requirements for organizing the management system are introduced, including the structure of management bodies, responsibilities of managers, reporting procedures, compliance control, and management of various types of risks.
– A schedule for aligning the activities of providers with the new requirements is established, including several stages with specific deadlines.

**Main Provisions for Practical Use:**
– Financial payment service providers must establish risk management, compliance control, and internal audit units or appoint responsible persons to perform these functions.
– Requirements for the development of internal documents and policies regulating risk management, compliance, and internal control are established.
– Ensuring compliance with legal norms, particularly regarding the protection of consumer rights of financial services, and regular reporting to the National Bank of Ukraine is provided.

**On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 27, 2024, No. 476**

**Essence of the Order**
The Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated October 4, 2024, No. 491 introduces changes to the previous order No. 476 dated September 27, 2024, concerning the methodology and procedure for applying automatic risk indicators. The main changes involve editorial corrections and additions to existing provisions.

**Structure and Main Provisions of the Order**
The order contains six points covering amendments to three main documents: the Methodology for Determining Automatic Risk Indicators, the List of Automatic Risk Indicators, and the Procedure for Their Application. Changes include editorial corrections, such as replacing abbreviations with full words, and adding new phrases for more precise definition of procedures and requirements.

**Important Provisions for Use**
Key changes that may be important for use include clarifications in Section II of the Procedure for Applying Automatic Risk Indicators, where a requirement was added for the indicator to trigger “at least one,” as well as additions to point 11 regarding the procurement sphere. These changes may affect procedures for assessing and managing fiscal risks.

**Procedure for Applying Automatic Risk Indicators**

**Essence of the Law**
This Procedure establishes the mechanism for using automatic risk indicators to identify risky procurements, allowing the state financial control body to make objective decisions regarding the initiation of procurement monitoring. It applies to all procurements of goods, works, and services in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

**Structure of the Law and Main Provisions**
The Procedure consists of two main parts: general provisions and the procedure for applying indicators. The general provisions define terms and the scope of application, as well as compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement” and other regulatory acts. The second part describes the operation of the risk system, which calculates risk indicators in real-time, forms a list of risky procurements, and determines risk priorities and ranks.

**Main Provisions for Use**
Key provisions include the mechanism for automatically identifying risky procurements using risk indicators, allowing for prompt decision-making regarding the initiation of procurement monitoring.on monitoring. Priority is given to procurements with a high risk ranking. There is also provision for adjusting the algorithms for calculating indicators to improve monitoring accuracy. This ensures transparency and efficiency in the management of public procurements.

List of Automatic Risk Indicators

Essence of the Law: This act approves a list of automatic risk indicators that point to possible violations of legislation in the field of public procurement. It defines the parameters and prioritization of risks for effective control and monitoring of procurement processes.
Structure of the Law: The law consists of a list of risks, each with a description, parameters, indicator, and risk priority. Compared to previous versions, this act details specific signs of violations and adds new indicators and risk priorities, including high, medium, and low priority.
Main Provisions: The most important provisions are indicators that signal the rejection of tender proposals without justified reasons, unjustified application of mechanisms for eliminating discrepancies, conclusion of contracts without using the electronic procurement system, and non-compliance with the requirements of the appeal body. These provisions are important for ensuring transparency and legality in procurement processes.

On Approval of the Methodology for Determining Automatic Risk Indicators, Their List, and Application Procedure

Essence of the Law

The Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 27, 2024, No. 476 approves a new Methodology for determining automatic risk indicators, their list, and application procedure to improve control over public procurements. It replaces the previous order from 2020, introducing updates in accordance with current legislation.

Structure and Main Provisions

The order consists of several key parts: approval of the Methodology for determining automatic risk indicators, their list, and application procedure; recognition of the previous order as void; ensuring state registration and publication of the new order. The methodology is divided into general provisions and the procedure for calculating indicators using data from the electronic procurement system and other open sources.

Main Provisions for Use

The methodology establishes a mechanism for automatically identifying procurements that may contain signs of legislative violations. Indicators are calculated using a risk system that analyzes data from various sources, such as the electronic procurement system and state registers. An important aspect is the classification of risks by priorities (high, medium, low), which helps in making decisions about starting procurement monitoring.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 09, 2024, No. 433

Description of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 473 dated September 27, 2024

Essence of the Order: The order makes technical changes to previous regulatory documents of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, in particular, changes the wording in texts related to columns in documents.

Structure and Main Provisions:

  • The order consists of five points that amend previous orders of the Ministry of Finance dated September 09, 2024, No. 433, and March 25, 2015, No. 359.
  • The changes concern the replacement of terms in the texts of orders from “in the column” to “in the column header,” which is a clarification of the wording.
  • Provision is made for submitting the order for state registration and its official publication.
  • Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

Important Points for Use:

  • The order clarifies wording in documents, which may affect the correctness of filling out and submitting declarations on maximum retail prices for excisable goods.
  • These changes may be important for accountants and other persons involved in preparing and submitting relevant declarations.
  • The order comes into force on the day of its official publication, which is important to consider when planning the submission of documents.

On Considering the Remarks of the State Registration Body to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated September 06, 2024, No. 611

Essence of the Order

The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 650 dated September 26, 2024, introduces changes to the previous order No. 611, taking into account the remarks of the state registration body. The changes concern the process of zoning territories considering the risks of emergencies.

Structure and Main Provisions of the Order

The order contains several key provisions:

  • Amendments to point 12 of the Procedure for Zoning Territories, including additions regarding the documentation of management activities.
  • Ensuring the submission of the amended order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
  • The order comes into force on the day of its official publication.
Important Provisions for Use

Important provisions include clarifications regarding the documentation of management activities, which may affect the process of coordination with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES). This may require additional attention to procedures and documentation within the framework of territory zoning.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 03, 2024, No. 424

Essence of the Order

The Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 25, 2024, No. 465 introduces changes to the previous order No. 424, concerning the registration of VAT payers. The changes are aimed at clarifying and improving the provisions regarding the registration of VAT payers.

Structure and Main Provisions

The order consists of several points that amend the existing regulatory act governing the registration of VAT payers. The main changes include:

  • Replacement of the word “communications” with “communication” in the preamble.
  • Addition of the word “new” in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1.
  • Reformulation of paragraphs in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2 to clarify the responsibilities of controlling bodies regarding the accuracy of taxpayer data.
  • Combining paragraphs in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 3.
  • Changes in the wording of paragraphs in paragraph 7.
Important Provisions for Use

The most important provisions to pay attention to are the clarifications of the responsibilities of controlling bodies regarding ensuring the accuracy and protection of taxpayer data in the Register. It is also important to note changes in the numbering of provisions, which may affect the further application of regulatory acts related to VAT registration.

Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

This act introduces changes to several regulatory acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine concerning customs control and procedures for filling out customs declarations. The main goal of the changes is to clarify the statuses of authorized consignors and consignees, particularly in the context of using TIR (International Road Transport) books.

Structure and Main Provisions of the Act:

  • Changes to the Procedure for Creating Customs Control Zones: Clarified wording regarding the status of authorized consignors and consignees, added statuses related to TIR.
  • Changes to the Procedure for Filling Out Customs Declarations: Added new statuses of authorized consignors and consignees in the context of TIR in various sections of column 30 of the customs declaration.
  • Changes to the Features of Performing Customs Formalities: Updated wording regarding the statuses of authorized persons and added new requirements for indicating the series and number of the TIR book, as well as information about unforeseen circumstances during transportation.

Main Important Provisions:

  • Expansion and clarification of the statuses of authorized consignors and consignees, allowing for a more precise determination of their rights and obligations in the context of international transportation.
  • Introduction of new documentation requirements, particularly TIR books, ensuring better transparency and control over customs procedures.
  • Improvement of information on unforeseen circumstances during international transportation, contributing to increased safety and reliability of transportation.

On Approval of the Procedure for Performing Customs Formalities During the Application of Transit Simplifications “Status of Authorized TIR Consignor” and “Status of Authorized TIR Consignee” and Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts

Acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

Essence of the Law
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 443 dated September 16, 2024, approves the procedure for performing customs formalities when applying transit simplifications for authorized consignors and consignees within the framework of the TIR Convention. It also introduces amendments to certain regulatory acts of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

Structure and Main Provisions
The order consists of the main text and appendices, which define the procedure for performing customs formalities for enterprises with the status of authorized consignors and consignees under the TIR. The main provisions include definitions of terms, conditions, and procedures for performing customs formalities, as well as requirements for documents and the technical condition of vehicles. The law also establishes requirements for monitoring the movement of goods and defines the responsibility of customs authorities.

Important Provisions for Use
– Definition of the status of authorized consignor and consignee under the TIR, allowing enterprises to apply simplified customs procedures.
– Procedures for checking documents and the technical condition of vehicles before the commencement of transportation.
– Use of special stamps and seals for identifying goods and ensuring their safety during transportation.
– Requirements for the registration and documentation of customs procedures in relevant journals and systems.

These provisions are critically important for enterprises engaged in international transportation, as they ensure the efficiency and safety of the goods transportation process.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 25, 2015, No. 359

Essence of the Order
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 433 dated September 9, 2024, introduces changes to the form of the Declaration of Maximum Retail Prices for Excise Goods. These changes concern the clarification of wording and requirements for submitting information on excise goods.

Structure and Content of the Order
The order consists of several key points, including changes to the form of the Declaration and the Procedure for its preparation and submission. The main changes concern the clarification of terminology, particularly in the fields of the form, such as “Product Code,” “Product Description,” and “Unit of Measurement.” Additionally, the wording regarding the declaration of prices by manufacturers or importers of excise goods is changed.

Main Provisions
– Replacement of terms in the Declaration form for clearer information representation, for example, “Product Code (according to UKT ZED).”
– Clarification of requirements regarding the description of goods and units of measurement in declarations for excise goods.
– Declaration of maximum retail prices is now carried out by manufacturers or importers.
– Updating requirements for data submission on the official web portal of the Central Authority.

These changes are important for the correct declaration and taxation of excise goods, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and liquids for electronic cigarettes.

On Approval of the Procedure for Zoning Territories Based on the Results of Determining Risk Levels of Emergencies Related to the Presence of High-Risk Objects, as well as the Impact of Hazardous Geological, Hydrological, and Meteorological Phenomena and Processes

Essence of the Law
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 611 dated September 6, 2024, approves the procedure for zoning territories based on the risks of emergencies (ES) related to high-risk objects and hazardous natural phenomena. It defines the zoning mechanism for considering possible risks during urban planning.

Structure of the Law
The order consists of 15 main points that describe the mechanism for zoning territories, define data sources for analysis, the procedure for determining risk levels and their zoning, as well as requirements for reporting and reviewing zoning results. The procedure includes appendices with risk assessment criteria and a sample zoning report.

Main Provisions
– Zoning of territories is carried out to consider ES risks during the development of urban planning documentation.
– Data sources for analysis are defined, including departmental systems and registers of high-risk objects.
– Risks are assessed based on the criteria of the significance of consequences and the probability of ES occurrence.
– Zoning results must be reflected on topographic maps and considered in urban planning conditions.
– The procedure for reviewing zoning is provided every five years or as necessary.

On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on the Registration of Value Added Tax Payers

Essence of the Order
Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 424 dated September 3, 2024, approves amendments to the Regulation on the Registration of Value Added Tax Payers. These changes aim to improve the registration process of VAT payers, taking into account updated requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine.

Structure and Main Provisions
The order consists of several sections that introduce changes to various parts of the existing Regulation on the Registration of VAT Payers. The main changes concern the clarification of responsibility for tax accrual and payment, maintaining the register of payers, as well as procedures for registration and cancellation of registration of tax payers.

– Clarified responsibility of service recipients and postal operators regarding VAT payment.
– Supplemented the procedure for maintaining the register of VAT payers by the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
– Clarified procedures for voluntary registration as VAT payers.
– Changes made to the form of submitting requests and obtaining extracts in electronic form.

Important Provisions for Use
This order is important for VAT payers as it clarifies the procedures for registration and responsibility for tax payment, which may affect their tax reporting. An important aspect is the possibility of submitting requests and obtaining documents in electronic form, which simplifies interaction with tax authorities.

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