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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 05/11/2024

Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1242 dated November 1, 2024

This resolution amends paragraph 11 of the Procedure for concluding, amending, and terminating the contract for medical services to the population under the medical guarantees program. It specifies that the list of conditions for concluding the contract is approved by the Ministry of Health upon submission by the National Health Service of Ukraine. This promotes the centralization and transparency of the process of concluding medical service contracts.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1073-r dated November 1, 2024

This document establishes the procedure for evaluating the performance results of civil servants of category “A”. It sets deadlines for report submission and evaluation, which is important for ensuring transparency in the assessment of senior civil servants’ activities.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1072-r

The order amends the previous document by clarifying the name of the industrial park territory. The replacement of the word “Novopetrivska” with “Petrivska” is important for legal accuracy in documents related to the industrial park.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1071-r

This order provides for the redistribution of state budget expenditures for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. The redistribution is carried out by reducing the funding of one program and increasing another, which is important for the management of public debt and financial stability.

On Amendments to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Regarding the Investigation of Possible Violations in the Financing of Military Personnel Treatment

This resolution introduces changes by establishing a Temporary Investigative Commission to investigate possible violations in the financing of military personnel treatment. The commission is empowered to investigate drug pricing and monopolistic practices in the distribution market.

Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Pricing and Tariff Policy in the Energy and Utilities Sectors

The resolution establishes a Temporary Investigative Commission to investigate possible legislative violations in the formation of energy tariffs. The commission consists of 12 deputies and has a one-year term with a mandatory report in six months.

Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Temporary Special Commission on War Veterans and Military Personnel

This act establishes a Temporary Special Commission to analyze legislation regarding the legal status and social protection of war veterans. The commission consists of 15 deputies and is to operate for one year with a mandatory report after six months.

Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Regarding Part Four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine

The Constitutional Court declared part four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine unconstitutional. This decision changes the approach to determining the need for material assistance of one spouse, requiring a review of legislation to ensure social justice.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Attracting Financial Resources for Healthcare Transformation

The Cabinet of Ministers made a decision to attract USD 249 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and USD 200 million from the International Development Association for healthcare reform in Ukraine.

On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine

The resolution of the National Bank introduces changes to regulatory acts regarding the authorization of financial payment service providers. This includes new requirements for management and remuneration of managers, which is important for ensuring compliance with legislation.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the Relocation of Notarial Documentation

The order regulates the procedure for relocating notarial documentation under martial law conditions to prevent its destruction. It defines procedures and the creation of commissions to organize the relocation of documents.

On Amendments to Regulatory Acts Regarding Forensic Expert Activity

The order of the Ministry of Justice introduces changes to the acts regulating forensic expert activity, specifically improving the rules for conducting forensic examinations and conditions for experts to refuse their execution.

Decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission Regarding State Regulation of Capital Markets

This act approves amendments to regulatory acts to improve the regulation of capital markets and organized commodity markets. The changes include clarifications of terms and procedures in market transactions.

Decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on Property Management

This decision introduces changes to regulatory acts governing property management activities for construction financing and real estate operations, specifying decision-making procedures in this area.

Order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on Changes to the Procedure for Submitting Creative Reports

The order introduces changes to the procedure for submitting creative reports and monitoring projects, adapting terminology to current state policy requirements for affirming Ukrainian identity.

Resolution of the Pension Fund of Ukraine on the Cancellation of a Previous Resolution

The resolution cancels the previous resolution that regulated the procedure for investigating unemployment insurance cases. This affects the procedures for insurance cases and payments to the unemployed.

Order of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on the Cancellation of a Previous Order

The order invalidates the previous order that regulated the procedure for investigating unemployment insurance cases, affecting the relevant procedures and organizations dealing with employment issues.

Review of each of legal acts published today:On the Accounting Price of Bank Metals
The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting prices for bank metals as of November 4, 2024. The data includes prices for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, expressed in hryvnias per troy ounce. The structure of the message includes numeric and letter codes of metals, the number of ounces, the name of the metal, and its accounting price. For example, the accounting price of gold (code XAU) is 113,739.91 UAH per ounce. This message is for informational purposes only and does not oblige the National Bank of Ukraine to buy or sell metals at the specified prices. Such data can be useful for financial analysts, investors, and companies working with precious metals.

On the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies
Essence of the Message: The National Bank of Ukraine has published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies as of November 4, 2024.
Structure of the Message: The document contains a table with currency codes, their names, the number of currency units, and the official exchange rate. The rate is for reference and is used for accounting, NBU operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and other cases defined by Ukrainian legislation.
Main Provisions: This rate does not oblige the National Bank of Ukraine to buy or sell the specified currencies at the indicated rates. The information is collected for the convenience of accounting and financial operations.

On Amendments to Paragraph 11 of the Procedure for Concluding, Amending, and Terminating Contracts for Medical Services for the Population Under the Medical Guarantees Program

Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1242 dated November 1, 2024

Essence of the Law: This resolution amends paragraph 11 of the Procedure for concluding, amending, and terminating contracts for medical services for the population under the medical guarantees program. The amendment concerns clarification that the list of conditions under which the contract is concluded is approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH) upon the submission of the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU).

Structure and Main Provisions: The resolution consists of one point that makes changes to the existing procedure. It replaces the wording in paragraph 11, changing the way the list of conditions for contract conclusion is determined. Previously, these conditions were specified in the announcement, and now they will be approved by the MOH upon the submission of the NHSU.

Main Provisions: The most important aspect of this change is the centralization and standardization of the process of determining the conditions for concluding contracts for medical services, which may contribute to greater transparency and consistency of this process. This may also affect the adaptability of the medical guarantees system to the needs of the population, considering the participation of the MOH and the NHSU.

On the Determination of the Results of the Performance of Tasks by Civil Servants Holding Positions of Public Service Category “A” in 2024, Appointment to the Position, and Dismissal from the Position by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Essence of the Order

The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1073-r dated November 1, 2024, establishes the procedure for evaluating the performance of tasks by civil servants of category “A” who hold managerial positions in central executive authorities.

Structure and Main Provisions

The document consists of four main points that determine the procedure for evaluating the activities of deputy heads of central executive authorities. The first point defines the subjects of evaluation, the second obliges them to submit activity reports. The third point instructs the Heads of the State Nuclear Regulation Inspectorate and the State Reserve Agency to conduct evaluations and prepare appropriate proposals. The fourth point instructs the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service to summarize these proposals and prepare a draft order for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Important Provisions

Important are the deadlines for submitting reports (by November 11, 2024) and evaluations (from November 11 to November 15, 2024). The order also identifies those responsible for conducting the evaluation and establishes the procedure for preparing proposals on evaluation results. This is important to ensure transparency and objectivity in evaluating the civil service activities of senior public officials.

On Amendments to Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 18, 2024, No. 662

Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1072-r

Essence of the Order: This order makes changes to the previous government document, clarifying the name of the territory where the industrial park is located.
Structure and Main Provisions: The document consists of one point that discusses the amendment to paragraph 2 of the resolution dated July 18, 2024, No. 662. The change involves replacing the word “Novopetrivska” with “Petrivska” in the fourth paragraph.
Important Points for Use: This change may be important for the legal accuracy and correctness of documents related to the registration and operation of the “GREEN INDUSTRIAL PARK”. For all those working with these documents, it is important to consider this change to avoid legal misunderstandings.

On the Reallocation of Certain State Budget Expenditures Provided to the Ministry of Finance for 2024

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1071-r

Essence of the Law: This order provides for the reallocation of state budget expenditures for 2024, which were planned for the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. The reallocation is carried out by reducing funding for one program and increasing another within the total budget allocations.
Structure and Main Provisions:

  • The order consists of two points. The first point defines the reduction of expenditures by 18,300 thousand hryvnias for the program “Leadership and Management in the Field of Public Debt Management Policy”, of which 15,000 thousand hryvnias is for the payment of wages.
  • The same 18,300 thousand hryvnias are added to the program “Leadership and Management in the Field of Finance”, of which 15,000 thousand hryvnias are also intended for wage payments.
  • The second point obliges the Ministry of Finance to make the appropriate changes to the state budget schedule.

Main Important Provisions:

  • The reallocation of expenditures does not change the total amount of budget allocations, but only redistributes them between different programs within the Ministry of Finance.
  • This decision may be important for the management and control of public debt, as well as for ensuring financial stability through proper management of budget funds.

On the Appointment of N.V. Leshchyk as the Education Ombudsman

Essence of the Order

This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the appointment of Nadya Vsevolodivna Leshchyk to the position of Education Ombudsman for a term of five years.

Structure and Main Provisions

The document consists of one main provision, which defines the appointment of a specific person to the position of Education Ombudsman. There are no additional conditions or changes compared to previous versions, as this order is a one-time appointment and does not provide for changes to existing legislation.

Important Provisions for Use

The main provision that may be important for use is that Nadya Vsevolodivna Leshchyk is officially appointed as the Education Ombudsman for a five-year term. This appointment may affect educational policy and the protection of rights in the educational sphere in Ukraine.

On the Appointment of M.M. Kravchuk as the First Deputy Head of the State Service of Maritime and Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine

Description of the Order

Essence of the Order

This order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the appointment of Mykola Mykolayovych Kravchuk as the First Deputy Head of the State Service of Maritime and Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine.

Structure and Main Provisions

The order consists of one main provision, which defines the appointment of M.M. Kravchuk to the specified position. The appointment is for a term not exceeding 12 months from the date of termination or cancellation of martial law, with a probationary period of three months.

Important Provisions

The key aspects of this order are that the appointment of M.M. Kravchuk is made with a defined probationary period and is linked to the duration of martial law, which may impact the stability of duty performance.**On the Appointment of Mishchenko O.P. as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine**

This resolution by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 1, 2024, No. 1067-r concerns an appointment to a position within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

**Essence of the Resolution:** The document officially appoints Oleksandr Pavlovych Mishchenko to the position of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

**Structure of the Document:** The resolution consists of a short text containing information about the appointment, the date, the document number, and the signature of the Prime Minister of Ukraine. No additional information or changes compared to previous versions are provided, as this is a one-time appointment act.

**Main Provisions:** The main provision is the official appointment of Oleksandr Pavlovych Mishchenko to the specified position, which may be important for the personnel policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and for the government’s work in general.

**On the Dismissal of Latysh N.S. from the Position of First Deputy Head of the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine**

This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the dismissal of Nataliya Serhiyivna Latysh from the position of First Deputy Head of the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine. The reason for the dismissal is her personal request.

The structure of this resolution is standard for such types of documents. It contains the issuance number and date, as well as a clear formulation of the decision on dismissal.

The main provision worth noting is that the dismissal occurred at the request of Latysh N.S., which may indicate the absence of conflicts or disciplinary issues. This is important for understanding the context of personnel changes in the state agency.

**On the Appointment of Krasnolutskyi O.V. as First Deputy Head of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine**

This act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerns the appointment of Oleksandr Vasylovych Krasnolutskyi to the position of First Deputy Head of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine.

The structure of the resolution is simple: it contains the decision to appoint the individual to the specified position with a term of service not exceeding 12 months from the day of the termination or cancellation of martial law.

The main provision that may be important for the use of this act is the term of appointment, which depends on the termination or cancellation of martial law, which is significant in the context of the current situation in the country.

**On Amending the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Certain Issues of Parliamentary Control over Investigating Possible Violations of Ukrainian Legislation on the Financing of Treatment and Rehabilitation of Servicemen in Medical Institutions”**

**Essence of the Law:** This resolution amends the previous resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, establishing a Temporary Investigative Commission to investigate possible violations of legislation in the financing of treatment and rehabilitation of servicemen, as well as the overpricing and quality of medicines.

**Structure and Main Provisions:** The resolution consists of several key amendments:
– Formation of a Temporary Investigative Commission with expanded tasks, including investigating potential violations, analyzing causes, monitoring prices of medicines, checking their quality, and investigating monopolistic positions in the distribution market.
– Inclusion of Serhiy Kuzminykh in the commission.
– Determination of the commission’s composition with 13 members of parliament, including the chair Yulia Tymoshenko and deputy head Mykola Zadorozhny.

**Main Provisions for Use:**
– The commission is empowered to investigate possible violations in the financing of servicemen’s treatment.
– An important task is monitoring and investigating the pricing policy for medicines supplied to servicemen and checking their quality.
– Investigating potential monopolistic practices in the distribution market of medicines could impact regulatory and competition policies in this field.

**On the Establishment of a Temporary Investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Investigating Possible Violations of Ukrainian Legislation in Formulating and Implementing Pricing and Tariff Policies in the Energy and Utility Sectors**

**Essence of the Resolution:** The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine provides for the establishment of a Temporary Investigative Commission to investigate possible violations of legislation in the formulation and implementation of pricing and tariff policies in the energy and utility sectors.

**Structure and Main Provisions of the Resolution:** The resolution consists of nine points defining the tasks, composition, leadership, and terms of the commission’s activities. The main tasks include investigating the economic justification of electricity prices, potential violations in calculating tariffs for gas, heat supply, water supply, as well as analyzing the financial and economic activities of strategic enterprises in the energy sector.

**Important Aspects of the Resolution:**
– The commission consists of 12 members of parliament, among whom the chair and deputy chair are appointed.
– The main goal of the commission is to investigate possible facts of legislation violations in tariff and pricing formulation for energy carriers.
– The commission has a one-year term of activity, with a mandatory report on the work done in six months.
– Material and technical support for the commission’s activities will be provided by the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

**On the Formation of a Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Legal Status, Medical Provision, Psychological Assistance, and Social Protection of War Veterans, Servicemen, and Their Families**

**Essence of the Resolution:** The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a Temporary Special Commission that will address issues of legal status, medical provision, psychological assistance, and social protection of war veterans, servicemen, and their families.

**Structure and Main Provisions:**
– A Temporary Special Commission of 15 members of parliament is created.
– The head of the commission is Yana Zinkevych, and the deputy is Tetiana Tsyba.
– The main tasks of the commission include preparing draft laws, analyzing the practice of legislative application, and proposing legislative development in the relevant areas.
– The commission is to operate for one year from the day of formation, with mandatory reporting on the work done in six months.
– Material and technical support for the commission’s activities is assigned to the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

**Important Provisions for Use:** This act is an important step in ensuring support for war veterans and servicemen, as the commission focuses on a comprehensive analysis and improvement of legislation in this area. Importantly, the commission has a clear mandate and timeframe for reporting, ensuring oversight of its activities.

**Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the Case of the Constitutional Submission by the Supreme Court on the Conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine (Constitutionality) of Part Four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine**

**Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Regarding Part Four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine**

**Essence of the Decision:** The Constitutional Court of Ukraine declared part four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine unconstitutional. This part concerned the conditions under which one of the spouses could be considered in need of financial assistance. The corresponding part of the article lost its validity upon the adoption of this decision.

**Structure of the Decision:**
– The essence of the constitutional submission made by the Supreme Court of Ukraine is described.
– The positions of various state bodies, including the President, Verkhovna Rada, and Cabinet of Ministers, are reviewed.
– The Constitutional Court examined the conformity of the disputed part of the article with the Constitution of Ukraine, particularly articles 3, 8, 46, 48, 51.
– Conclusion on the non-conformity of part four of Article 75 with the Constitution of Ukraine and its recognition as unconstitutional.

**Main Provisions and Changes:**
– The contested part of Article 75 established that one of the spouses is in need of financial assistance if they are…do the incomes not ensure the subsistence minimum.

  • The Constitutional Court noted that this provision does not fully account for the needs of incapacitated persons and limits the right to maintenance.
  • The declaration of unconstitutionality means that the legislator must review these provisions to align them with the principles of social justice and equality.
  • Importance of the decision: This decision affects the legal regulation of relationships between spouses, particularly in terms of maintenance, and establishes that legislative norms must ensure a real opportunity to receive financial assistance for those in need without unreasonable restrictions.

    Issues of Implementing the Joint Project with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association “Health Care Transformation through Reform and Investment in Efficiency”
    Essence of the Order: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to attract financial resources from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association for the implementation of a project aimed at transforming health care in Ukraine.
    Structure of the Order: The document consists of several main parts: an introductory part providing general information about the decision; the main part detailing the attraction of funds; and a concluding part with the signature of the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
    Main Provisions: The order provides for a loan amounting to USD 249 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a credit of USD 200 million from the International Development Association, and a grant of USD 5 million. These funds are intended for the implementation of a project focused on reforming and investing in the efficiency of Ukraine’s health care system.

    On Amending Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine

    On Amending Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine

    This resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine aims to amend existing regulatory acts governing the authorization procedures for providers of financial payment services. The main goal is to align these documents with the current requirements of Ukrainian legislation.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    • The resolution includes changes to the Regulation on the Authorization of Financial Payment Service Providers.
    • New approaches to the management and remuneration of key personnel of financial service providers have been defined, including fixed and variable compensation.
    • Requirements for the management system of providers, which must comply with the new provisions approved by the National Bank, have been specified.
    • Documents submitted before this resolution takes effect are considered without regard to the amendments made.
    • Institutions that have obtained a license must bring their activities into compliance with the new requirements within three months.

    Key Important Provisions

    The changes require providers of financial payment services to organize their management systems in accordance with new standards, particularly in the areas of corporate governance, internal control, and risk management. This is important for ensuring effective functioning and compliance with legislative requirements. Clear requirements for remuneration policies have also been established, including material and non-material incentives for managers and key personnel.
    These changes are critical for financial service providers, as they must adapt their internal processes and documents to meet the new requirements, ensuring compliance with Ukrainian legislation and improving the quality of financial service management.

    On Approval of the Procedure for the Exchange of Procedural Documents and Other Data between the Information and Communication System “Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations” and the Central Database of the Court’s Automated Document Management System

    Essence of the Law

    This order approves the procedure for the exchange of procedural documents and other data between the “Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations” and the automated document management system of the court. It aims to ensure effective electronic interaction between the Office of the Prosecutor General and the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The order consists of several sections that define general provisions, the regulations for data formation and submission, the transfer of electronic copies of court decisions, the exchange of information on procedural decisions, as well as measures for information protection. Compared to previous versions, the order clarifies data exchange mechanisms and enhances the security of informational interaction.

    Main Provisions

    • The mechanism for electronic interaction for exchanging procedural documents between systems has been defined.
    • Responsibility for the accuracy and authenticity of transmitted data has been established.
    • Information protection is regulated using certified protection means.
    • Information exchange is carried out automatically and requires an electronic signature for confirmation.
    • The use of received data for analytical purposes and the exchange of statistical information is provided.

    On Approval of the Procedure for the Transfer of Notarial Recordkeeping and Archive Documents of the State Notarial Office under Martial Law Conditions

    Essence of the Order

    Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine No. 2994/5 of October 17, 2024, approves the procedure for the transfer of notarial recordkeeping and archive documents of the state notarial office under martial law conditions. This regulation is aimed at protecting documents in cases of threat of destruction or damage.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The order consists of a main part and appendices describing acts of acceptance and transfer of documents. The main provisions include:

    • The transfer of documents in case of a threat of destruction in areas of active hostilities.
    • Creation of commissions for organizing the transfer of documents.
    • Determination of the volumes of documents subject to transfer, such as notarial case files, seals, stamps, and others.
    • Procedures for preparing acts of acceptance and transfer of documents.

    Key Important Provisions

    Important aspects include that:

    • Documents are transferred to prevent their destruction, including unfinished inheritance cases and special forms.
    • The involvement of various organizations (military administrations, volunteers) for document transportation is possible with consent.
    • After the stabilization of the situation, documents are returned to the relevant notarial offices.

    This procedure ensures the preservation of important notarial documents under martial law conditions and their accessibility after the situation normalizes.

    On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts on Forensic Expert Activity

    Description of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated 26.09.2024 No. 2795/5

    Essence of the Law: This order introduces amendments to regulatory acts governing forensic expert activity in Ukraine, with the aim of updating and improving their provisions. In particular, it improves the rules for conducting forensic examinations and the conditions under which experts may refuse to carry them out.
    Structure and Main Provisions: The order consists of several points that introduce changes to two instructions: the Instruction on the Appointment and Conduct of Forensic Examinations and Expert Studies, and the Instruction on the Specifics of Carrying Out Forensic Expert Activity by Certified Forensic Experts. The main changes include clarifying the conditions under which an expert may refuse to conduct an examination, and adjusting the timelines for conducting examinations in accordance with legislative requirements. Another important change is the exclusion of references to the Customs Code of Ukraine.
    Important Provisions for Use: Experts are now allowed to refuse to conduct an examination due to insufficient materials, questions falling outside their specialization, temporary incapacity, leave, or mobilization. Additionally, the timelines for conducting examinations must be aligned with legislatively established deadlines, which may significantly affect the planning and execution of forensic expert tasks.

    On Approval of Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (regarding the improvement of state regulation)

    Essence of the Law

    The decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission approves amendments to regulatory acts to improve state regulation of capital markets and organizedcommodity markets. These changes are intended to align regulatory acts with the current legislation of Ukraine.

    Structure of the Law and Main Provisions

    The document consists of a series of amendments to existing regulations concerning depository agreements, securities account services, clearing activities, and other aspects of the securities market. The main changes include clarifying terms, procedures for transferring registers of securities owners, servicing corporate operations, and regulating the terms of service agreements for account maintenance.

    Main Provisions

    • Clarification of terminology in agreements between depository institutions and the central depository.
    • Removal of the word “nominal” from several provisions, reflecting changes in securities servicing.
    • Changes in the conditions for compiling and providing registers of securities owners.
    • Regulation of clearing activity conditions and disclosure of participants’ rights and obligations.
    • Establishment of new requirements for agreements on securities settlements.

    These changes aim to ensure more transparent and efficient functioning of capital markets in Ukraine, which is crucial for all securities market participants.

    On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission Regarding Asset Management Activities for Financing Construction Projects and/or Real Estate Transactions

    Essence of the Law

    The decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission introduces amendments to regulatory acts governing asset management activities for construction financing and real estate transactions. This decision is aimed at bringing the regulations in line with updated legislative requirements.

    Structure and Main Provisions

    The decision includes changes to two main provisions approved by previous Commission decisions in 2021. The changes involve replacing terminology (decision to resolution) and clarifying asset management decision-making procedures. They also provide for new provisions regarding the suspension and renewal of asset management permits.

    Main Provisions of the Law

    • Replacement of the term “decision” with “resolution” in relevant provisions, emphasizing the formalization of the decision-making process.
    • Definition of a new procedure for suspending and renewing permits, including the possibility of renewal upon the manager’s request.
    • It is provided that managers will be notified of the resolutions issued by the Commission within three business days.

    These changes are important for capital market participants as they clarify procedures and ensure greater transparency in asset management regulation.

    On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated June 12, 2014, No. 1919

    Essence of the Order

    The order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated September 13, 2024, No. 5708, introduces changes to the previously approved procedure concerning the submission of creative reports and monitoring project implementation. The main goal of the changes is to adapt terminology and procedures in accordance with modern state policy requirements for affirming Ukrainian national and civic identity.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Order

    The order consists of several key points:

    • Amendments to the preamble and text of the 2014 order, specifically changing terminology from “national-patriotic education” to “affirmation of Ukrainian national and civic identity.”
    • Approval of changes to the report submission procedure attached to the order.
    • Ensuring state registration of the order and its publication on the official website.
    • Assigning control over the order’s implementation to the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

    Important Provisions for Use

    This order is important for civil society institutions implementing projects with state support, as it clarifies the reporting and monitoring procedures. Changes in terminology also reflect the modern focus of state policy on identity issues, which may influence the formulation and implementation of projects. Subjects involved in youth policy should pay attention to the new reporting and monitoring requirements.

    On the Recognition of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine dated February 13, 2009, No. 7-1, as Invalid

    Description of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine No. 27-2 dated 10.09.2024

    Essence of the Law: The resolution invalidates the previous resolution dated February 13, 2009, No. 7-1, which regulated the investigation of insurance cases and the justification for paying material benefits to the unemployed.

    Structure and Main Provisions:
    This act consists of three points. The first point declares the previous resolution invalid. The second point instructs the Legal Department to submit the new resolution for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The third point establishes that the resolution takes effect on the day of its official publication.

    Main Provisions:
    – The invalidation of the 2009 resolution means that the order established by that resolution is no longer valid.
    – This may affect the regulation of insurance cases and material benefits for the unemployed, as the previous order no longer applies.
    – It is important to note that no new order or regulation is proposed in this resolution, only the previous act is canceled.

    On the Recognition as Invalid of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, the State Tax Administration of Ukraine dated February 13, 2009, No. 60/62

    Essence of the Order

    The order of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine recognizes as invalid the order from 2009, which regulated the investigation of insurance cases and the justification of payments to the unemployed.

    Structure and Main Provisions of the Order

    The order consists of several key provisions:

    • Recognition of the previous 2009 order as invalid, which approved the procedure for investigating insurance cases for the unemployed.
    • Mandate for the Employment Department to ensure the submission of the order for state registration.
    • Establishment of the effective date of the order from the moment of its official publication.
    • Entrusting control over the execution of the order to the deputy ministers according to their responsibilities.

    Main Provisions for Practical Use

    For practical use, the following points are important:

    • The cancellation of the previous regulatory act may affect the procedures for investigating insurance cases and payments to the unemployed, requiring adaptation of relevant processes.
    • Organizations involved in employment and social security issues should consider changes in their activities.
    • The necessity of submitting the order for state registration highlights the importance of complying with formal procedures for the enactment of new regulatory acts.
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