The order approves the distribution of additional budget subsidy from the state budget to local budgets for 2024 to exercise local self-government powers in deoccupied, temporarily occupied, and other territories of Ukraine affected by Russian aggression. The total subsidy amount is 796.909 million hryvnias.
The document consists of two parts: an administrative section containing instructions to…
Resolution amends the list of economic activities subject to licensing under martial law, particularly regarding activities in the nuclear energy sector. Structurally, the document consists of the main text of the resolution and the approved amendment to Annex 2 of the CMU Resolution No. 314 dated 18.03.2022. The amendment involves replacing one item related to…
31 Draft Laws Registered:
12206-1 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Judicial System and Status of Judges" and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Activities of the High Specialized Administrative Court
Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
12232 Draft Law on Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine Regarding Transactions with Contingent…
1. Livanjski sir Registration
The EU has registered 'Livanjski sir' from Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). Only cheese produced in the specified geographical area following registered specifications can use this name.
2. African Swine Fever Control
Updates to zoning restrictions for African swine fever in multiple EU member states. The regulation modifies…
National Research Foundation
The composition of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine has been expanded from 74 to 94 persons. New criteria of "practical significance" and "social impact" have been added when evaluating scientific projects. The Foundation will also be involved in selecting grants for the President of Ukraine and awards of the Verkhovna Rada…
No new courts opinions were published today
No new law bills were published today
No new decisions were published today
Case No. 160/6501/24 dated 20/11/2024
The cassation court established that the appellate court improperly refused to open appellate proceedings, as the tax authority acted in good faith - it filed the first appeal complaint in a timely manner, and after its return due to non-payment of court fees, promptly eliminated the deficiencies and filed a repeated…
The court was guided by the fact that the preferential old-age pension, assigned under Law No. 1788-XII, is not a separate type of pension provision, but only provides preferential conditions (reduction of retirement age) for the assignment of a regular old-age pension. Such a pension is assigned and paid in accordance with the procedure and…
No new legal acts were published today
No new legal acts were published today
Case No. 160/15303/22 dated 19/11/2024
The court, when rendering its decision, was guided by the following: 1) amendments to Article 119 of the Labor Code of Ukraine, which canceled the preservation of average earnings for servicemen at their workplace, are lawful and do not violate constitutional rights; 2) the state has the right to redistribute expenditures…
The court, in rendering its decision, was guided by the fact that preferential old-age pension is not a separate type of pension, but only provides preferential conditions (reduced retirement age) for the assignment of a regular old-age pension. Therefore, a person who is already receiving a preferential old-age pension cannot repeatedly claim assignment of the…
The court was guided by the fact that persons who acquired the right to a preferential pension under the Chornobyl Law before the amendments in 2017 retain the right to a 1% supplement for each year of overtime service under the old version of the law. The Supreme Court emphasized that extending new restrictive rules…
Subject of the dispute - transfer of criminal proceedings for consideration by the United Chamber of the Cassation Criminal Court due to the presence of a prosecutor's cassation appeal against the ruling of the Kyiv Court of Appeal. The court does not disclose detailed arguments in the operative part, but the transfer of the case…
The court was guided by the fact that the preferential old-age pension, assigned under Law No. 1788-XII, is not a separate type of pension, but only provides preferential conditions for pension assignment by reducing the retirement age. It is important that the Supreme Court departed from previous practice and formulated a new conclusion that persons…
The court was guided by the fact that the preferential old-age pension, assigned under Law No. 1788-XII, is not a separate type of pension provision, but only provides preferential conditions (reduction of retirement age) for the assignment of old-age pension. Since such a pension is assigned and paid in accordance with the procedure and conditions…
No new courts opinions were published today