This Regulation amends the EU rules regarding the control of high-risk organic and in-conversion products imported from third countries. It introduces more flexible control mechanisms for high-risk products by allowing different sampling percentages instead of mandatory 100% checks. The regulation modifies two previous regulations: (EU) 2021/1698 and (EU) 2021/2306, which deal with controls on operators in third countries and official controls at border control posts respectively.The structure of the act consists of three main articles. Article 1 amends Regulation 2021/1698 by introducing new provisions for listing high-risk products and their countries of origin, along with specific sampling requirements. Article 2 modifies Regulation 2021/2306 regarding border control procedures. Article 3 establishes the entry into force provisions.Key provisions of the act include:
– Introduction of variable sampling rates for high-risk products instead of mandatory 100% checks
– Allowing different sampling percentages for controls in third countries versus EU Member States
– Maintaining documentation checks while making physical checks and sampling more flexible
– Creating a system where high-risk products are listed together with their countries of origin and specific control requirements
– Aiming to reduce control costs while maintaining effective oversight of organic imports