Registered 44 draft laws:
12177-1 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Satisfying Population Transportation Needs during Martial Law
Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
12216 Draft Resolution on Exercising Powers Provided by Part Two of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Regime of Martial Law" by Heads of Vasyliv City…
1. Directive 2024/2823 on Industrial Designs
A comprehensive framework modernizing EU design protection, including:
- Extended protection for digital and animated designs
- 25-year protection through renewable terms
- New provisions for spare parts protection
- Coverage of 3D printing rights
- Unified registration procedures across EU
- Enhanced customs enforcement measures
2. Directive 2024/2853 on Product Liability
Modernizes product liability rules…
Based on the provided materials, here are the key legislative changes:
1. 2025 Admission Campaign:
- Extension of special admission conditions to higher education institutions for 2025
- Mandatory subjects defined: Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine, and one elective
- Allowed use of entrance examination results from 2022-2025
2. Military Pensions:
- The Supreme Court will review as a model…
Garg Tube Export LLP et al v. United States / 1:21-cv-00169 (2024-11-15)
Essence of the Opinion
The United States Court of International Trade, presided by Judge Claire R. Kelly, issued an opinion sustaining the U.S. Department of Commerce's final remand redetermination concerning the antidumping duty order on welded carbon steel standard pipes and tubes from…
No new law bills were published today
No new decisions were published today
Case No. 756/10489/23 dated 07/11/2024
Subject of the dispute - a prosecutor's appeal against the appellate court's decision to release from serving a sentence with probation a person convicted of a fatal traffic accident. When making the decision, the court was guided by the fact that the convicted person committed a crime by negligence, sincerely repented,…
Here's a review of the significant legal acts:
Directive 2024/2823 on Industrial Designs
This directive modernizes EU design protection laws by including digital and animated designs. It provides 25-year protection through renewable terms and introduces specific provisions for spare parts protection. The directive covers new technologies, including 3D printing rights, and establishes unified registration procedures across…
This regulation amends Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on Community designs and repeals Commission Regulation (EC) No 2246/2002. The key aspects include:1. The regulation modernizes and updates the EU design protection system to make it more accessible and efficient, particularly for SMEs and individual designers. It adapts the system to new technologies and clarifies various…
This Commission Implementing Regulation establishes technical specifications for collecting data about Digital Platform Employment in the EU labor force in 2026. The regulation defines detailed variables and parameters for gathering statistics about workers engaged in platform-based employment across various sectors.The regulation consists of two articles and an extensive annex that details the technical format of…
The Directive 2024/2853 establishes a comprehensive framework for product liability in the EU, replacing the previous Directive 85/374/EEC. It sets rules for compensation of natural persons for damage caused by defective products and aims to ensure proper functioning of the internal market while providing high consumer protection.The Directive has a significantly expanded scope compared to…
The Directive 2024/2823 is a comprehensive legal framework that regulates the protection of industrial designs in the European Union, replacing the previous Directive 98/71/EC. It aims to harmonize design protection laws across EU member states and modernize the regulatory framework for new technologies.The Directive establishes unified rules for design registration, protection requirements, and enforcement procedures.…
No new legal acts were published today